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Bug 135472 - need a keycut for hiding the buddy list
need a keycut for hiding the buddy list
Product: gossip
Classification: Deprecated
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Gossip Maintainers
Gossip Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-02-26 10:56 UTC by Edd Dumbill
Modified: 2005-09-24 10:50 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Screenshot showing (48.90 KB, image/png)
2004-05-09 20:39 UTC, Mikael Hallendal

Description Edd Dumbill 2004-02-26 10:56:50 UTC
My favourite thing about Muine is that I can hit "Esc" and have the window
hidden.  I'd love this for Gossip.

Here's some IRC on this;

<edd> while we're on the feature wishlist, i'd love if if Esc was mapped to
"Hide Window" in Gossip. THat's almost my favourite Muine feature.
<ross> actually, that would close one of the few gossips bugs i've got
<HallskiZz> edd: bugzilla?
<ross> so i second it
<edd> HallskiZz: w00f
<seb128> it's a good idea, I second it too :)
Comment 1 Richard Hult 2004-03-15 10:11:06 UTC
A shortcut is good, but I'm not sure esc is the best one. Escape
should only be used for things that have a cancel button or can be
cancelled in some other sense.
Comment 2 Edd Dumbill 2004-03-15 10:14:44 UTC
I don't especially mind which key is used, as long as it's consistent
among GNOME apps.
Comment 3 Mikael Hallendal 2004-05-09 20:39:23 UTC
Created attachment 27515 [details]
Screenshot showing
Comment 4 Mikael Hallendal 2004-05-09 20:40:08 UTC
Argh, stupid bugzilla :)
Comment 5 Luke 'povman' Worth 2005-04-07 13:58:31 UTC
How about instead of escape, you make it hide when you press alt-f4 or click the
close button. (optionally)
sooo much easier than trying to aim at the tiny green circle in the tray.
Comment 6 Scott Robinson 2005-07-25 19:38:20 UTC
Alt-F4 and the close button are ways to actually exit the application.

In pretty much all other notification bar living applications (outside of GAIM,
which is only slightly different) the escape key hides the window back to the
bar. Closing the application actually exits the application.

Muine and GAIM both use escape, and it's odd for me to remember Control-W for
Gossip exclusively.
Comment 7 Martyn Russell 2005-07-26 16:53:00 UTC
Control-W is useful (for the Chat window) because it is consistent with other
apps that have tabs, like Firefox and xchat for example.  I am not sure how
consistent this is in Gnome though.

Escape is commonly used when you want to hide a dialog, now a Window.  The main
window in Gossip is a window.

I agree with Richard and since Gossip's main window is not a dialog, using
escape doesn't feel right IMO.
Comment 8 Mikael Hallendal 2005-08-29 06:38:27 UTC
It's not so much about window vs. dialog as it is about cancelling some operation.

Escape is currently being used by more and more applications to hide the main
window so I guess it would be OK to use even though it feels a bit weird to do.
Comment 9 Martyn Russell 2005-09-24 10:50:31 UTC