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Bug 132297 - Tiff: jpeg compression does not allow random access
Tiff: jpeg compression does not allow random access
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: Plugins
git master
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Raphaël Quinet
Raphaël Quinet
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-01-23 13:22 UTC by Dave Neary
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Test file, Eliza Dushku. C original owner (240.32 KB, image/tiff)
2004-01-23 13:23 UTC, Dave Neary

Description Dave Neary 2004-01-23 13:22:20 UTC
On tiffs compressed using traditional jpeg compression, I get the following
"Tiff Message:\nCompression algorithm does not support random access"

It is usually repeated several hundred times (for one particular 1024x768
image, it's repeated here 719 times).

Adding the various TIFF experts to the CC (if any of you mind, just shout
and I'll stop).


Shouldn't we just detect the compression, and not try to seek in the ifd if
it's compressed?

Otherwise, the image opens fine, and apart from getting the message, I have
no problems.

Comment 1 Dave Neary 2004-01-23 13:23:30 UTC
Created attachment 23669 [details]
Test file, Eliza Dushku. C original owner
Comment 2 Andrey Kiselev 2004-01-24 18:57:33 UTC
Well, I shall try to come with more or less appropriate patch to
return a reasonable results under that circumstances. I'm maintainer
of the libtiff library and I can confirm that this problem will not be
fixed soon. I'm aware of that problem, but you shold not rely on the
upstream fix.

Comment 3 Raphaël Quinet 2004-01-30 14:06:04 UTC
I will work on bug #131975 and bug #132297.  As a workaround for 2.0,
I will modify the tiff_warning() function in the plug-in so that it
ignores a few messages from libtiff (unknown tag for tags > 32768, and
random access not supported).  A better solution for a future release
(2.2 or later) should allow the user to select which messages should
be ignored, but this will require an improved infrastructure for
passing messages from plug-ins and allowing multiple severity levels.
Comment 4 Raphaël Quinet 2004-01-31 22:48:24 UTC
Well, it turns out that the message about random access is reported by
libtiff as an error, not a warning.  So I added a workaround for this
bug in the tiff_error() handler.  See also bug #133093 for a better
way to solve similar problems in a future release.

2004-01-31  Raphaël Quinet  <>

  * plug-ins/common/tiff.c (tiff_warning, tiff_error): Do not
  display the warning message about unknown tags for unregistered
  private tags (>= 32768).  Fixes bug #131975.  Do not display the
  error message about random access not supported for images using
  JPEG compression.  Fixes bug #132297.  It would be better to allow
  the user to customize which messages should be displayed or not,
  but this can be done in a future release.

By the way, that was an interesting test image, Dave.  ;-)