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Bug 131406 - g-s-d defeats XkbStickyKeysMask client-set if XkbAccess XKeysMask==0
g-s-d defeats XkbStickyKeysMask client-set if XkbAccess XKeysMask==0
Product: gnome-settings-daemon
Classification: Core
Component: a11y-keyboard
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-settings-daemon-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-01-14 05:11 UTC by Balamurali Viswanathan
Modified: 2013-01-28 14:45 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Balamurali Viswanathan 2004-01-14 05:11:07 UTC
When GOK started it sets the stickykeys on, which is a required feature for
GOK. GOK sets the sticky key either through gconf or via XKB. The gconf
code path works fine. But when GOK tries to set via XKB
(XkbChangeEnabledControls) stickykeys feature is not turned on. This
problem is a consequence of interaction between XKB and                  
gnome-settings-daemon  (i.e. g-s-d might be inappropriately turning off
StickyKeys if the 'enable' checkbox in our Keyboard Accessibility     
capplet is unset).

Refer bug 129078 and bug 131339.

When g-s-d is not running, GOK is able to set the stickykeys on.

Comment 1 Jody Goldberg 2004-01-14 05:52:24 UTC
The action is not inappropriate.

That was very deliberate.  It was explicitly requested and debated for
quite a while before being adopted.  Please use gconf.
Comment 2 bill.haneman 2004-01-14 11:18:24 UTC
Sorry Jody, but I must reopen this bug.

Please see bug 129078 and bug 131339.  I'll take a lot of the
responsibility for the misunderstandings here - I think basically
there was miscommunication early in the XKB/AccessX process
(involving, among other things, "compatibility requirements" with a
"port" from Sun's pre-xkb implementation of this feature).  Result was
my early misimpression that there was an Xkb control that turned 'all'
AccessX features on and off (as contrasted with the 'accessx keyboard
shortcuts' XKB control).  Somehow I never managed to shake that
notion, and I didn't review the capplet code carefully enough to catch
this problem until recently.

So - basically this behavior was specified due to a misunderstanding,
and probably I and Earl never really understood some of the
communication from you over "why do you want this checkbutton".  Maybe
the problem was in the transfer from the GUI prototype (glade) and the
implementation - at any rate, if we disabuse ourselves of the notion
that there is in XKB some master toggle for accessx, we can clear
HCI's obvections to the ugly checkbutton in GNOME, and generally
improve the capplet.  The current implementation, which uses gconf
keys to force ally features off if 'enabled'/ShortCuts isn't set, is
just wrong.  Worse - it actually blocks exposing desirable features,
such as the ability to allow AccessX features without enabling the
keyboard shortcuts, or allowing the user to turn off the audio
notifications when AccessX features change (now that we also have
visual feedback possible via the accessx status applet).

Sorry for the confusion here.  As I said, I am sure I was a part of
promulgating the heresy.
Comment 3 bill.haneman 2004-01-14 11:29:34 UTC
Jody: to clarify - GOK usually uses gconf to do this, as you suggest. 
But not all clients that wish to change AccessX settings will do so;
some will use XKB directly.  If we interfere with that action, we can
be accused of breaking accessibility with the g-s-d code
(letter-of-the-law) since one thing you explicitly cannot do is
"defeat/disable/interfere-with assistive technology".

One real-world example of another XKB accessx client (which isn't
gconf-aware) is the old CDE accessx dialog.  (We're supposed to
cohabit with it in theory).  Because the CDE applet does (IIRC!)
couple the shortcut keys with the functionality, we may be OK in this
case (as we tried to be at the outset); I suppose this needs testing
now that the bits are all in place.  But there are no doubt other XKB
clients out there that may try to set StickyKeys or SlowKeys.

I think the fix is not too hard, and I am willing to write the
necessary patch as penance :-)  But I'll need to make sure you're OK
with the idea of the changes, provided Calum agrees.  He seems to
think this will improve the overall HIG-iness of the capplet anyway,
and rationalize its behavior somewhat.
Comment 4 Bastien Nocera 2013-01-28 14:45:50 UTC
Nearly 10 years after, I'm willing to say that cohabitation with CDE's old AccessX dialogue isn't such a problem anymore. Feel free to reopen if you know a way around this.