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Bug 130147 - Permissions changed on file save
Permissions changed on file save
Product: gedit
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
gedit QA volunteers
Depends on:
Blocks: 130389
Reported: 2003-12-28 22:07 UTC by David Roberts
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description David Roberts 2003-12-28 22:07:40 UTC
Description of Problem:
saving a file as a normal user will always reset
its permissions to -rw-------

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Create file as non-root user
2. save file
3. permissions are reset

Actual Results:
permissions are reset

Expected Results:
permissions should be the same

How often does this happen? 
every time

Additional Information:
Other text editors do not do this, and there seems
to be no configuration to remedy this.  However,
you can manually change the permissions on a file
after saving from the command line
Comment 1 Paolo Maggi 2004-01-02 01:11:53 UTC
Which version of gedit are you using?
Comment 2 David Roberts 2004-01-02 01:34:40 UTC
Comment 3 Andreas Lundin 2004-01-15 22:52:02 UTC
I have tried this under both gedit 2.4.0 and 2.5.0, and I can't 
reproduce it. gedit seems to honor the file permissions in all cases.
Can you provide some more specific information on how to duplicate the 
Comment 4 Luis Villa 2004-03-25 17:28:05 UTC
This works fine for me in 2.6.0. David, can you provide more details?
Comment 5 Paolo Maggi 2004-07-19 15:18:13 UTC
no signs of life... closing.