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Bug 128911 - gnome-panel auto-hide fails to hide in Gnome 2.4
gnome-panel auto-hide fails to hide in Gnome 2.4
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 122589
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: panel
Other other
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-12-09 17:09 UTC by rlange
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description rlange 2003-12-09 17:17:03 UTC
Distribution: Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow)
Package: gnome-panel
Severity: normal
Version: GNOME2.4.0 2.4.x
Gnome-Distributor: GNOME.Org
Synopsis: gnome-panel auto-hide fails to hide in Gnome 2.4
Bugzilla-Product: gnome-panel
Bugzilla-Component: Panel
Bugzilla-Version: 2.4.x
Description of Problem:
The gnome-panel's auto-hide capability does not seem to work properly in
Gnome 2.4. Sometimes the panel hides itself when the mouse is no longer
over it, other times it does not.

By experimentation I have determined that the panel only fails to hide
itself when I quickly move my mouse into the "hidden panel area"
(triggering the panel to unhide) then out of the area before the panel
actually unhides. The panel is now unhidden and will stay that way until
I move my mouse back into, then out of, the panel area.

I am guessing that the panel's auto-hide function is triggered by some
kind of on_mouse_over event. Further, I am guessing that because I move
the mouse out of the panel area before the panel unhides, the unhidden
panel never receives this event, and thus never hides itself.

The panel should be designed such that it receives whatever mouse event
triggers hiding, even when it is in the process of unhiding itself.

The panel hides itself properly in Gnome 2.2, so this is a regression.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Set a panel to auto-hide.
2. When the panel is hidden, quickly move your mouse into the hidden
panel area, then out again. You must do this quickly so that your mouse
is out of the panel area before the panel actually unhides. This causes
the panel to remain visible, even though your mouse is not over it.
3. To cause the panel to hide again, you must move your mouse back into,
then out of, the panel area.

Actual Results:
The panel remains visible even when the mouse is not over it.

Expected Results:
The panel should hide itself whenever the mouse is not over it.

How often does this happen?
Whenever I move the mouse into the panel area, then move it out of the
panel area before the panel actually unhides itself.

Additional Information:

------- Bug moved to this database by 2003-12-09 12:17 -------

The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Vincent Untz 2003-12-10 00:08:43 UTC
This is fixed in CVS and the next release will contain the fix.


*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 122589 ***