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Bug 124348 - hotkeys should not be caught while in a textarea or text field
hotkeys should not be caught while in a textarea or text field
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 95494
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Backend:Mozilla
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Marco Pesenti Gritti
Marco Pesenti Gritti
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-10-11 06:24 UTC by Arcterex
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Arcterex 2003-10-11 06:24:46 UTC
Hitting ctrl-u/ctrl-a/etc (other readline keybindings) should not be caught
while in a text area or text field.  In other browsers based on mozilla
hitting ^u while typing in a text field will delete the line (or ^a for
start of line, ^e for end, etc.  In epiphany the browser catches the
keybindings and will do for example, view source for ctrl-u.  Other keys
such as ^k and ^z still work, but assigned keys don't.  

It would make more sense to only catch these keys if a non-text editing
action was in focus.  Normally this can be done by hitting tab before the
hotkey to move out of the text field.
Comment 1 Marco Pesenti Gritti 2003-10-11 07:09:12 UTC
Galeon has a work around for this. Personally I dont see why we should
override gtk behavior and break consistency with other apps.
There are advantages and disadvantages in both ways, I just think a
global decision should be taken and respected.
Prolly this should be reassigned to gtk. Dave/Christian ?
Comment 2 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2003-10-11 07:13:16 UTC
The only argument for this that i know is that it breaks emac
keybindings. Personally I'm willing to say screw emacs keybindings in
favor of not breaking accessibility (which disabling the menubar
keybinding will do).

FWIW i'm pretty sure the gtkdevs have made a decision on this and the
current behavior is as is intended.
Comment 3 Marco Pesenti Gritti 2003-10-11 07:16:01 UTC
What sucks is that we have support in interface for emacs keybindings
and then we dont respect them this way. Maybe they should be special
cased ...
Comment 4 Marco Pesenti Gritti 2003-10-11 07:17:16 UTC
Anyway what we need to do here is to find the gtk bug (I bet they
already closed at least one) or if there is no one just reassign.
Comment 5 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2003-10-11 07:19:47 UTC
Honestly I'm still trying to figure out what they were thinking when
adding a visible pref for keybindings. Anyway...
Comment 6 Christian Persch 2003-10-11 08:20:57 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 95494 ***