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Bug 122737 - gok masked by 'log out' window
gok masked by 'log out' window
Product: gnome-session
Classification: Core
Component: gnome-session
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Session Maintainers
Metacity maintainers list
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-09-19 13:53 UTC by david.hawthorne
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch to make window no-decorations but not override-redirect; fixes gok issue (777 bytes, patch)
2003-11-14 18:00 UTC, bill.haneman
none Details | Review
better patch which avoids the regressions noted when bug reopened. (2.57 KB, patch)
2003-12-03 15:46 UTC, bill.haneman
none Details | Review

Description david.hawthorne 2003-09-19 13:53:36 UTC
using gnome-2.4 build from 18/09/03

-launch GOK 
-activate 'top panel','menus',actions','log out'

.if(often) the GOK window is centered on the screen, whenever 'log out' is
selected, it's window is focused on top of gok and gok's controls are
inaccessible, yielding log out inpossible.
Comment 1 bill.haneman 2003-09-19 14:21:13 UTC
If clicking on a mouse button doesn't cause GOK to pop to the top in
this case, then probably the Log Out button is doing a mouse button
grab, which it should NOT be doing.

Can you log out with GOK *if* you use XInput (not core pointer, and
input devices are not controlling the core pointer), as long as the
GOK window is visible on screen?

Comment 2 david.hawthorne 2003-09-19 14:44:18 UTC
I've just tried logging out using an xinput switch, and I can log out
fine, UI grabbing the 'OK' button if the GOK window is visible on
screen. When the logout window hides the GOK window, the xinput device
can still be used to log out in the same way, only it is unsighted and
needs guessing as to where the buttons are.

When using core pointer/direction selection, when the logout window
hides the gok window, there is no way to access GOK's controls.
Clicking the mouse as you say does not cause GOK to popup, and even if
the window is visible and not masked, logout appears to lock out all
windows - clicking on GOK's window does nothing...
Comment 3 bill.haneman 2003-09-19 16:43:27 UTC
I think that the first thing to do is make GOK pop to the front when
it gets non-corepointer input events (it already does this on receipt
of core-pointer events).  We need to do that anyhow for xscreensaver
compatibility, etc. etc.

I don't know if we'll be able to solve the Logout+corepointer issue
(until we have XEvIE support for GOK on all platforms), we may just
have to say that GOK can't be used to log out (except via the
terminal) unless XInput is used.
Comment 4 bill.haneman 2003-09-19 17:20:57 UTC
my suggested fix does not work; looks as though the logout dialog
can't be "popped over".

workaround is to run GOK in 'dock' mode, reducing severity on that basis.
Comment 5 David Bolter 2003-10-02 16:22:38 UTC
I wonder if gok should have a logout button, which would make sure gok
is docked before invoking a session logout.
Comment 6 Brian Cameron 2003-10-20 14:30:12 UTC
It is necessary for GOK to be placed in front of windows that are of
type override redirect.  This is managed by the window manager.
There is currently a discussion on the wm-spect-list trying to 
define a protocol to address this situation.

It was suggested that a new state be added to the wm-spec to 
indicate this, _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVEALL, although there was some
discussion that it would be better handled by a new WM_TYPE
rather than a new state.
Comment 7 Rob Adams 2003-11-08 04:52:34 UTC
there's simply no way for gok to be above override redirect windows;
metacity doesn't even ever find out these windows exist, much less
have any power to control their destiny.  The only solution would be
to change override redirect to some sort of pseudo-override redirect
type of window and then combine that with the aboveall state.  Overall
quite messy and not assured of working by any means.  The best place
to deal with this if most likely through an X extension accessiblity
framework to allow the installation of an onscreen keyboard; perhaps
it could simply claim part of the root window and put all other
applications into the remaining space.
Comment 8 bill.haneman 2003-11-10 14:12:48 UTC
tis a bug.

Rob, what you said about override redirect is at odds with my
understanding of how WMs and XRaiseWindow interact.  There have been
in the past bugs against WMs complaining that they (incorrectly)
allowed windows to pop over override-redirects.  I agree that WMs
don't manage override-redirect windows, but my understanding is that
it is possible for non-override-redirects to raise over them.

In any case this is a serious bug, not a 'notabug'; reopening.
Comment 9 Rob Adams 2003-11-12 21:32:05 UTC
Override redirect windows can call XRaiseWindow on themselves and
raise to the top of the window stack.  Metacity never recieves a
ConfigureRequest when such an action is performed (this is the
definition of override redirect), so metacity is not informed when
such a window is mapped or when such a window raises itself to the
top.  Metacity does not, therefore, have the ability to either 1)
prevent the override redirect window from raising itself or 2) respond
to the raise and move gok to the top when it does happen.

If you know of a way around this I'd of course be more than happy to
know it.

From the Xlib documentation:
"The XRaiseWindow function raises the specified window to the top of
the stack so that no sibling window obscures it. If the windows are
regarded as overlapping sheets of paper stacked on a desk, then
raising a window is analogous to moving the sheet to the top of the
stack but leaving its x and y location on the desk constant. Raising a
mapped window may generate Expose events for the window and any mapped
subwindows that were formerly obscured.

"If the override-redirect attribute of the window is False and some
other client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent, the
X server generates a ConfigureRequest event, and no processing is
performed. Otherwise, the window is raised. "
Comment 10 bill.haneman 2003-11-13 15:09:15 UTC
I agree with and understand this:
"Override redirect windows can call XRaiseWindow on themselves and
raise to the top of the window stack.  Metacity never recieves a
ConfigureRequest when such an action is performed (this is the
definition of override redirect), so metacity is not informed when
such a window is mapped or when such a window raises itself to the
top.  Metacity does not, therefore, have the ability to either 1)
prevent the override redirect window from raising itself or 2) respond
to the raise and move gok to the top when it does happen."

We aren't asking metacity to intercept the override-redirect Raises,
we're asking metacity not to prevent GOK raises when an
override-redirect is present (which metacity appears to do).

IOW, at the moment if GOK calls XRaiseWindow, the window doesn't
raise.  I believe this is because of metacity's intervention but am
not 100% sure (not sure what the second paragraph you quote from Xlib
about SubstructureRedirectMask means).

Can you clarify what is meant by 
other client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent" ?

Comment 11 Rob Adams 2003-11-13 16:42:25 UTC
Oh.  That's a possiblity.  We'll have to look into what's going on
there; I honestly don't know what metacity does in response to a raise
configure request.

The SubstructureRedirectMask client is the window manager; i.e. a
client that's told the server it wants to handle ConfigureRequests.
Comment 12 Havoc Pennington 2003-11-14 04:19:11 UTC
You need to move this bug to gnome-session. Override redirect windows
are on top of regular windows, there's no way to change that without
breaking tons of stuff. Your only solution is to make the logout
window not override redirect. It was probably only override redirect
because we used to grab the server, so if we no longer grab the server
you could probably just make the logout window state ABOVE and
Comment 13 bill.haneman 2003-11-14 12:39:13 UTC
I still think that we need to allow onscreen keyboards to raise above
override-redirects.  But since we don't have an appropriate WM_STATE
or WM_TYPE for onscreen-keyboards yet, I agree that the expedient
solution is to change the window type of gnome-session's logout window.

This problem will occur with any override-redirect window, however,
which required user interaction.
Comment 14 bill.haneman 2003-11-14 13:03:47 UTC
cleared the metacity-maint assignment and assigned to gnome-session-maint.
Comment 15 Mark McLoughlin 2003-11-14 13:18:51 UTC
we still grab the server
Comment 16 Havoc Pennington 2003-11-14 16:40:07 UTC
If gnome-session grabs the server then metacity can't make any X
requests to move GOK anywhere, there's no way to fix this bug in that

I'm not convinced there's a way to allow GOK to raise above override
redirect windows either, really, even without the server grab.
Comment 17 bill.haneman 2003-11-14 16:42:24 UTC
the server is _not_ grabbed if the accessibility gconf key is true.
The problem is that gnome-session sets the gtk-window-type for the
Comment 18 bill.haneman 2003-11-14 17:58:46 UTC
I attach a one-line patch that resolves the symptom.  The patch makes
the logout window a 'no decorations' window but doesn't make it

Since logout grabs mouse and pointer (and, if accessibility == false,
the whole server), I don't see much need to make the window override

If you (maintainers) prefer, I can rework the patch to retain
override-redirect if accessibility==false.
Comment 19 bill.haneman 2003-11-14 18:00:21 UTC
Created attachment 21464 [details] [review]
patch to make window no-decorations but not override-redirect; fixes gok issue
Comment 20 Mark McLoughlin 2003-11-17 14:32:16 UTC
Looks good, please go ahead
Comment 21 bill.haneman 2003-11-17 15:07:27 UTC
Fixed in CVS; thanks Mark!
Comment 22 Mark McLoughlin 2003-12-02 16:56:28 UTC
Okay, I'm seeing serious breakage with this patch. gnome-session is
getting a BadMatch when it does the XSetInputFocus in logout.c.

Looking at XFree86, the problem is more than likely that the window
isn't mapped before we do the SetInputFocus.

Bill, were you seeing this when you tested the patch ?
Comment 23 bill.haneman 2003-12-02 17:02:13 UTC
no, I definitely was not seeing this issue.
what makes you think the one-line patch is responsible?
Comment 24 Mark McLoughlin 2003-12-02 17:06:27 UTC
Mainly because reverting the patch fixes the problem.
Comment 25 Mark McLoughlin 2003-12-02 17:07:20 UTC
You probably tested it with a11y switched on. Please try turning it
off and let me know
Comment 26 bill.haneman 2003-12-02 17:12:35 UTC
if that patch causes this problem then I think it is exposing an
underlying bug elsewhere.
Comment 27 Mark McLoughlin 2003-12-02 17:16:44 UTC
Could you take a look at it ?
Comment 28 bill.haneman 2003-12-02 17:33:34 UTC
I am looking at it.  Could take some time.
Comment 29 Mark McLoughlin 2003-12-02 18:28:08 UTC
I've reverted this for now
Comment 30 bill.haneman 2003-12-03 11:21:24 UTC
a relatively straightforward solution for the BadMatch would be to
conditionally use override-redirect (only if the server is
grabbed/accessibility is off).  But I somehow feel solving the problem
of realize-while-server-grabbed for the general case would be cleaner
and better.

Is there a reason why the server (in the non-a11y case) must be
grabbed prior to the gtk+ calls which set up the dialog?  IOW, would
it be okay to either:
(1) defer the serverlock and screen fade until after the gtk+ window
is posted, or
(2) fade the screen, then unlock the server just long enough to post
the gtk+ window, then lock it again?

[I suspect doing #2 might introduce an undesired race condition, so #1
sounds safer to me personally]

Whay do you think Mark?
Comment 31 bill.haneman 2003-12-03 15:45:16 UTC
I attach a better patch.  It uses override-redirects if a11y is off
(i.e. current behavior).  It uses an undecorated GtkWindow if a11y is
on ( and thus the server isn't grabbed ).

Making the non-popup GtkWindow work right if the server is grabbed
appears to be, ah, nontrivial.  

Note also that the revised patch solves a problem with the pointer
grab in the non-override-redirect case; we have to wait for gtk idle
before moving our pointer grabs, otherwise the GtkButtons won't react
to the pointer when we run the dialog.  This 'sync' only occurs (and
only needs to occur) for the a11y-enabled, non-override case. 
Comment 32 bill.haneman 2003-12-03 15:46:26 UTC
Created attachment 22058 [details] [review]
better patch which avoids the regressions noted when bug reopened.
Comment 33 Mark McLoughlin 2004-01-14 10:39:47 UTC
Okay, so we can only used a managed window for the logout dialog if we
don't grab the server ... because we map the window after the server
is grabbed ..

So, I've made the window override_redirect only when a11y is disabled.

I've also made it not grab the pointer/keyboard which fixes the
pointer issues you were seeing.

2004-01-14  Mark McLoughlin  <>
        Fix logout freezing reported in bug #129402. Also, make
        the logout window WM managed if a11y is enabled, see
        bug #122737.
        * logout.c:
        (force_pango_cache_init): kill, we're not using the
        pangox backend anymore.
        (display_gui): Don't grab the keyboard or mouse if
        a11y is enabled. Also, only create a override_redirect
        window if a11y is disabled. Don't try and set the
        GtkWindow's "type" property after construction as gtk+
        2.3 doesn't allow this anymore. Delay grabbing the
        Xserver as long as possible. Don't leak the invisible
Comment 34 bill.haneman 2004-01-14 11:22:40 UTC
Thanks Mark!
Just as a final question, your applied patch was substantially similar
to the one I posted 12/03/03, wasn't it?  From the description above
it seems so.  regards...
Comment 35 Mark McLoughlin 2004-01-14 11:33:27 UTC
No, I didn't have your patch at hand when I was fixing this and now
that I look at your patch again:

  + You add an extra XUngrabServer for no reason
  + You continue to use GtkWindow's "type" property after construction
    which causes logout to freeze with glib 2.3.1
  + You add a really hacky looking "process all pending events" which
    I'm not sure is very reliable.
  + You don't remove the keyboard/pointer grabs when a11y is disabled,
    which I'm pretty sure would have cause problems if you had tried
    to use gok with the logout dialog.
Comment 36 bill.haneman 2004-01-14 12:17:10 UTC
Thanks Mark, particularly for finding the 'set type after
construction' issue.  For some reason I wasn't seeing that problem
though I think I was running 2.3.X.  The extra Ungrab was cruft I'm
sure.   I should have pulled the whole patch out and started over when
I realized that 'two codepaths' for creating the window would be

I was having problems if the grab took place before the window was
posted however.  Thus the mainloop iteration, IIRC.

I had no problems running GOK with my previous patch at logout
(provided a11y was on).  GOK can't work correctly with a11y off
anyhow, at least not at logout, for other reasons.
Comment 37 David Bolter 2004-01-14 13:59:02 UTC
Wow! Nice to log in this morning and see this fixed!  Thanks all.