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Bug 118384 - Saving unchanged EXIF information from original file can be security problem
Saving unchanged EXIF information from original file can be security problem
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: Plugins
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 2.0
Assigned To: Dave Neary
Dave Neary
Depends on:
Blocks: 56443
Reported: 2003-07-26 21:24 UTC by Tomas Mraz
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Finally added patch (2.73 KB, patch)
2003-09-23 08:58 UTC, Dave Neary
none Details | Review

Description Tomas Mraz 2003-07-26 21:24:11 UTC
In the report of the bug 118262 there was a nice example how the included
thumbnail in EXIF info can reveal potentially secret things :-).

But saving unchanged EXIF information from original file can be security
problem not only due to thumbnails - there can be other infos I don't want
to reveal to public.

Simple solution -> the user has to decide if he/she wants to leave the EXIF
info in the newly saved file or not (checkbox on the JPEG save dialog or
extra confirmation if the EXIF info was present in the original file).

Certainly the best solution would be to allow the user to edit the
information before saving.
Comment 1 Dave Neary 2003-07-27 17:06:11 UTC
We could look at this for 2.0. 

Comment 2 Raphaël Quinet 2003-08-11 14:39:32 UTC
Is it necessary to leave this open as a separate bug report?  Although
this was not mentioned as a security issue, the arguments for not doing
a blind copy of the EXIF data have already been mentioned in bug
#56443 (the EXIF bug).  So I would suggest to mark this as a duplicate.

By the way, for those who are too lazy to open the file attached to
bug #118262, here is a page that contains the relevant images:
Warning for minors: this link contains mild nudity.
Comment 3 Tomas Mraz 2003-08-11 18:16:04 UTC
I'd prefer to let it be separate bug, because it's only a part of EXIF
support but could be overlooked when resolving the bug 56443.

Adding it as a blocker of it.
Comment 4 Dave Neary 2003-08-15 17:18:46 UTC

There is an easy fix which should be put in place soon... all that is
needed is a GUI toggle for adding exif data if it's present. Something

#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
  GtkWidget *exif_toggle;


#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
  create the toggle with default value "TRUE", and label "Keep EXIF
data" if it is present (test on the existence of the jpeg_exif_data


#ifdef HAVE_EXIF

  if toggle is true,
    write exif data

Basically a trivial patch once you fill out the pseudo-code :) And
should suffice. You could even skip the test for the exif parasite,
and have the label be false by default, with label "Discard EXIF
data", which always makes sense, although it's in the negative.

Comment 5 Dave Neary 2003-09-23 08:29:39 UTC
Finally got around to this. Attaching patch for testing (I'm not at
home at the moment, and I haven't even run this, but I think it should

If someone could test this I'd appreciate it.

Comment 6 Dave Neary 2003-09-23 08:58:11 UTC
Created attachment 20205 [details] [review]
Finally added patch
Comment 7 Henrik Brix Andersen 2003-09-23 09:03:43 UTC
Added the PATCH keyword - for some reason this change doesn't show up
in the notification mails from mozilla...
Comment 8 Dave Neary 2003-09-23 09:28:29 UTC
Gah. I hate tables. This draws the "Save exif" toggle in the same
place as the "Optimize" toggle. And since this toggle is optional, it
should really not take up a row all to itself. 

I will fix this up this evening.

Comment 9 Dave Neary 2003-09-23 10:19:50 UTC
Adding it below Baseline, to the left of Subsample.

Comment 10 Dave Neary 2003-09-23 20:53:47 UTC
Fixed in CVS:

2003-09-23  Dave Neary  <>
        * plug-ins/common/jpeg.c: Allow discarding of exif data if
        HAVE_EXIF is enabled and the user doesn't want to keep it.
        Closes bug #118384.