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Bug 115851 - space character problem
space character problem
Status: VERIFIED DUPLICATE of bug 115457
Product: gtranslator
Classification: Other
Component: Autotranslation
Other other
: Normal normal
: 1.0
Assigned To: Ross Golder
Fatih Demir
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-06-24 13:31 UTC by Alessio Dessi
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Alessio Dessi 2003-06-24 13:32:05 UTC
Package: gtranslator
Severity: major
Version: 1.0
Synopsis: space character problem
Bugzilla-Product: gtranslator
Bugzilla-Component: Autotranslation

Description of Problem:
editing the string , inserting a space is done using the space character
instead of the dot that should be used, and consequently when you save
the file get in the saved file the dot where gtranslator show you a

another problem appear when merging string that have a null string as
first string maybe every time more " " are joined one extra space is

this is an example

the original one before gtranslator
msgstr ""
"Intervallo di porte UDP usate da GnomeMeeting per l'RTP (canali di
comunicazione audio e video). "
"Cambiare questo intervallo è utile se si utilizza l'IP Translation e
se si "
"è necessario avere diversi GnomeMeeting in funzione dietro il router
"necessario riavviare GnomeMeeting affinché i cambiamenti diventino

this one after gtranslator editing

msgstr " Intervallo di porte UDP usate da GnomeMeeting per l'RTP (canali
di comunicazione audio e video).  Cambiare questo intervallo è utile se
si utilizza l'IP Translation e se si  è·necessario·avere diversi
GnomeMeeting in funzione dietro il router NAT/PAT. Ã  necessario
riavviare GnomeMeeting affinché i cambiamenti diventino effettivi."

------- Bug moved to this database by 2003-06-24 09:31 -------

Unknown version unspecified in product gtranslator. Setting version to "0.38".
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Abel Cheung 2003-07-09 00:17:49 UTC
Alessio, can you please participate in #115457 and close this report?
I have reported the same problem.
Comment 2 Fatih Demir 2003-07-21 21:44:45 UTC
Marking the bug as a duplicate as it's really the same issue as stated
in the comments :-)

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 115457 ***