GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 110246
missing "caret-moved" event and details for "text-changed" event
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
For some text object event "caret-moved" is not fired even caret changes it position. Steps to reproduce: 1. start staroffice 2. open Insert/Object/Chart dialog 3. go to entry with visual label "Area" (the only text entry on this dialog) 4. type a text (eg "hello") 5. event "text-changed" will be emitted for 5 times, but no "caret-moved" even caret changes it position Expected results: One "caret-moved" event for every change of caret position. NOTE: Also for this object are missing details for "text-changed" events. For more info see bug 110245.
I want to say that this bug is valid in case of any spin button from StarOffice Format/paragraph/idents & spacing dialog.
I think this javabridge bug, but a StarOffice one.I'm stating this because the issue is not present in Java Toolkit applications (like SwingSet2), but only in StarOffice. The issue described in this report depends on IssuZilla's( bug 13677:
As Adi says this is not a JABG issue and is addressed in Issuezilla bug 13677. Closing as NOT GNOME.