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Bug 107185 - GFTP forgets FTP proxy settings and tries to connect with HTTP when FTP specified in bookmark
GFTP forgets FTP proxy settings and tries to connect with HTTP when FTP speci...
Product: gftp
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Brian Masney
Brian Masney
Depends on:
Blocks: 113219
Reported: 2003-02-27 12:29 UTC by Aleksander Adamowski
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Aleksander Adamowski 2003-02-27 12:29:44 UTC
In gFTP 2.0.14, in a scenario, where I connect to a FTP server through a
HTTP proxy, only the first connect succeeds. When I try to connect again,
gFTP messes up protocols and proxy settings.

Example testcases:
1) Startup gFTP
2) Enter FTP->Options
3) On the FTP tab enter a working HTTP proxy (like Squid) hostname and port
4) Select Type->HTTP
5) Uncheck "passive file transfers" option (the HTTP proxy takes care of this)
6) Click Save
7) Connect to a FTP server through a bookmark, do some stuff, disconnect
and exit gFTP
8) Launch gFTP, connect to the same FTP server through a bookmark


gFTP tries to connect with HTTP protocol, not FTP (although bookmark
specifies FTP).

When I enter FTP->Options, I can see that FTP proxy type has been reset to
custom, with empty textarea below.

Setting proxy type to "HTTP" isn't persisted - every time I return to
FTP->Options, I always see "Custom" proxy type.

In my case the log for the second, broken connection, shows:

Looking up
Connected to
User-Agent: gFTP 2.0.14
Authorization: Basic xxxx
220-FTP server ready.220-You are user number 218 of 1500 allowed.220 Only
anonymous FTP is allowed here530 You aren't logged in500 ?500 ?500 ?500 ?
Comment 1 Telsa Gwynne 2003-05-15 18:01:29 UTC
Correcting version: there was no 2.0.14 listed in bugzilla until just now.
Comment 2 Brian Masney 2003-08-08 01:06:21 UTC
This is fixed in my latest CVS