GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 107026
no focus event for combo-box
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
Using gnome-2.0 stack from 3 Feb, java-access-bridge and at-spi, atk, gail from today's CVS (HEAD) and java 2 sdk 1.4.1_01 I receive no focus event for combo-box items. For instance, testing SwingSet2 application with simple-at application from at-spi/test, I don't receive focus events for items of combo-boxes like like Hair, Eyes & Nose etc, from the JComboBoxDemo section.(to reach this demo push the 4th button from the tool-bar).Selection-change events are missing, too, if I navigate through items whitin the list that belongs to the combo-box. Testing gnome-search-tool with simple-at proves a good behaviour for this application. I would expect the same behaviour from AT-SPI(in this particular case from java-access-bridge) as for GTK toolkit applications (thanks to atk/gail), meaning to receive a focus event for items within a combo-box.
Created attachment 14599 [details] simple-at inspecting events from gnome-search-tool and SwingSet2
Updating status_whiteboard field to reflect A11Y team's assessment of accessibility impact.
Woops, don't need to track this one with the status_whiteboard field.
Java bug 4856173 and Oo issue 13931 have been opened. Although some integration work may be required when these are fixed I am closing this as NOTGNOME.
I have reopened this bug as I do not believe that the Java and Oo bugs capture the essence of this bug.
Does this problem occur ony for ComboBox or is getting focus events a problem in java applications when list items ot menu items are selected?
It seems that we need to add code to JABG similar to the code in gail, in gail.c, which tracks when items are selected and deselected and when menus are deselected to that the focus tracking is reported correctly.
Adi, Can you help me on this?
Downgraded as discussed in triage meeting yesterday.
Padraig, the issues are: 1. when list with all items is opened and user navigates through items no "focus:" event for current focused item. 2. when list is not opened, but combo is focused and user press PgUp or PgDown no "object:selection-changed" event is fired.
Sun bugtraq 4881654 is logged for the first issue. I have just logged Sun bugtraq bug 4886269 for the second issue.
Apologies for spam... marking as GNOMEVER2.3 so it appears on the official GNOME bug list :)
removed gnome-2.3 keyword since this is in the java bridge, which isn't bundled with community gnome-2.4.
Both of the Java bugs mentioned above have been marked as duplicates of 4848220 which is fixed in Java 1.5.