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Bug 105962 - Magnifier should track caret position using text-caret-moved events not text-changed events
Magnifier should track caret position using text-caret-moved events not text-...
Product: gnopernicus
Classification: Deprecated
Component: srcore
Other Linux
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: remus draica
remus draica
Depends on: 105963 110245
Reported: 2003-02-13 09:25 UTC by Darren Kenny
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.1/2.2

ScreenShot : simple-at inspecting events from SwingSet2 (148.56 KB, image/jpeg)
2003-04-23 13:24 UTC, Adi Dascal
test program (needs to be copied in at-spi/test to be compiled) (42.93 KB, patch)
2003-04-23 13:27 UTC, Adi Dascal
none Details | Review

Description Darren Kenny 2003-02-13 09:25:20 UTC
It was discovered that when using the magnifier with Java Applications on
GNOME (Eg. StylePad from JFC demos) the magnifier wasn't tracking the fact 
that the text caret had moved within the text area to a place that wasn't
visible in the magifier.

Originally, this was though to be a bug in the JABG, which it was, as 
regards text-changed events not having the "insert/delete/replace" detail
information (for which there is a fix in progress). On further investigation
it was decided that this shouldn't have been a problem since 
text-caret-moved events are still being generated correctly and that the
magnifier should be tracking these not the text-changed events.
Comment 1 remus draica 2003-02-17 11:35:04 UTC
I tried to reproduce this bug, but I don't know if I use the right
application. With SwingSet Java application, using JEditPane I cannot
reproduce it. But, with mozilla this bug appears because in case of
mozilla text object, function AccessibleText_getCharacterExtents
returns wrong values for position and dimension of specified character.

Please tell me where can I file a bug for mozilla, accessibility part.
Also tell me more exactly how can I reproduce it (what is the name of
the application and how can I get it).
Comment 2 bill.haneman 2003-02-17 11:43:15 UTC

The bug is with the way gnopernicus listens to events from text
widgets, you should not need to use a particular app to fix this bug.

gnopernicus should be listening to and responding to 'text caret'
events   rather than text-change events when it does magnifier/caret

It appears that gnopernicus is currently using text-changed events for
caret tracking, which is not correct; "object:text-caret-moved" events
are the events which you should be listening for when tracking the
caret with the magnifier.

Comment 3 remus draica 2003-02-17 11:50:29 UTC
Currently, gnopernicus is listening AND text-caret-moved too and
generates caret-moved event (this can be checked using a gtk
application where this feature works ok. So, in my opinion not this is
the problem.
Comment 4 bill.haneman 2003-02-17 11:56:09 UTC
thanks Remus, we will look further and see if we can determine more
about the situations where this problem occurs.
Comment 5 remus draica 2003-02-18 12:31:39 UTC
For mozilla bug 193818 is registered for this situation.
Comment 6 bill.haneman 2003-02-18 12:37:48 UTC
Remus: note that this bug was logged concerning general gnopernicus
behavior and behavior with StarOffice.

Can you test with StarOffice and see if the correct behavior is being
Comment 7 Darren Kenny 2003-02-18 13:12:10 UTC
Remus: I used the Java Demo StylePad to reproduce the bug. StylePad is
a Styled TextEditor. Simplest thing I did was to set the magnifier
to 4X, ensure that we start at the top of the application window, and
that the magnifier is not able to see the bottom of the textarea, and 
then start typing in StylePad, (pressing RETURN alot). 

Eventually, as you're typing the cursor moves past the end of the text
visible at the bottom of the magnifier, I'm still typing but
the magnifier isn't magnifying the area I'm typing.

NOTE that this is prior to a change I made to produce 
text-changed:(insert|delete) events around Feb 6, so try use a 
build of the JABG with this disabled, if you need one let me 
know and I can provide it. Once I enabled text-changed events
with the insert/delete qualifiers this went away, but the point
of this bug was that I shouldn't have had to do this for
gnopernicus to track the caret position using the magnifier.
Comment 8 bill.haneman 2003-02-18 13:18:28 UTC
Darren: does gnopernicus track the caret correctly when you only use
the keyboard to move the caret, rather than when entering text?

Comment 9 Darren Kenny 2003-02-18 14:44:54 UTC
Bill: Strictly speaking, I am only using the keyboard... But if you
mean only using the arrow keys, then I don't know since there's another
bug where gnopernicus is consuming the arrow keys in Java apps, so I
can't use them...

Comment 10 bill.haneman 2003-02-18 16:29:45 UTC
Darren, would you please bump up the priority of the 'captures arrow
keys' bug?

That one is serious!
Comment 11 ps 2003-02-19 08:06:27 UTC
Bill: Gnopernicus consuming the arrows keys is a side effect of
registering a callback for same keycombinations. This callback is
called NOT ONLY for registered keys. (See bug 105963 and 106081)
Comment 12 remus draica 2003-02-19 08:27:19 UTC

If I understood correctly, if text-changed events are emited this bug
is not anymore present.

It is present if text-changed events is not emited. This behaviour is
correct for gnopernicus. If a caret-moved event is processed by
gnopernicus, but the number of character for object who emitted it
differs from previous, then this event is omited. (gnopernicus assumes
that a text-changed event will came too). A workaround possibility
exists, but it will be toolkit specific and has a side effect:
gnopernicus will not be able to report the text inserted/deleted.
(this text is event specific(see bug 95921)). Also in case in which
both events (text-changed and caret-moved) will be emited, is
imposible for gnopernicus to skip the caret-moved event which a side
effect of text-changed event.

In my opinion emiting always text-changed event is the best solution.
Is any reason why Java apps doesn't do that?

Please tell what I have to do to get text-changed events on my computer..
Comment 13 ps 2003-02-19 08:42:33 UTC
Bill: Gnopernicus consuming the arrows keys is a side effect of
registering a callback for same keycombinations. This callback is
called NOT ONLY for registered keys. (See bug 105963 and 106081)
Comment 14 bill.haneman 2003-02-19 11:39:01 UTC
Hi Paul:

I still do not understand why you are using (exclusively) text-changed
events for magnifier tracking.  What, for instance, if the user is
only "reading" the text, or is moving around the text buffer using the
arrow keys or via control-key sequences?  In such cases the text caret
will move but of course there will be no change events - but the user
will still want the magnifier to track the text caret.  So I suggest
that tracking the text caret makes more sense that using text-changed
events for magnifier tracking (magnifier tracking is, after all, the
primary reason for our implementing caret-moved events).

As for the problem with the arrow keys for Java applications, are you
saying that this is a side-effect of the java bridge bug 106081? 
Which keys are you 'intending' to catch (as opposed to those you are
getting) ? (please reply to this last question in bug 106081

Comment 15 remus draica 2003-02-19 11:54:41 UTC
gnopernicus needs to do an event filtering. In case it doesn't do 
that, all at-spi listened events will be reported to the user.

In case user use keys to navigate, only caret-moved events are 
emitted, event which need to be reported to user (this event is 
reported to user for Java app too, but only if user made no changes 
in text. This proves that gnopernicus listen for this event, and, in 
some cases it works.
In case in which user make changes in text (insert or delete (with 
BACKSPACE)) gnopernicus get 2 events (text-changed and caret-moved). 
Reporting both events is not a good ideea. User intension was to 
change the text, not to move caret. So, ignore caet-moved event is a 
good ideea, user wants to get only text-changed event. If (from 
different reason) one event is missing, gnopernicus is not able 
anymore to filter events. This is the reason why most applications 
must emit SAME event. If gnopernicus get text-changed event, user 
will get a feedback of his action.
Comment 16 bill.haneman 2003-02-19 12:04:43 UTC

Are you saying that gnopernicus does event filtering based on
intercepted key events (i.e. Backspace) ?

That would be a very bad idea I believe.

I think you can do what you want by catching both events (text-changed
and caret-moved) and doing some comparisons between the caret position
and the offset(s) of the text change.  If you get the caret-move
first, you can pre-empt the caret move speech (by either calling
shutup or another means) when you get the text-changed event.  If you
get the text-change event first, you can compare the caret offset
(from the move event) with the text-changed offsets to determine
whether this caret move is significant (i.e. not associated with the
most recent text-change from the object) or redundant (resulting from
a text-change event to the same object).  

In this way it would not even be necessary for the events always to
come in the same order.  I am sure that with a bit of thought you can
improve on this suggestion while still being fully general (i.e. not
caring whether the user is "editing" text or just "viewing" it).

Realize for instance that text-change events can come from object that
the user isn't editing!  So you must be able to handle these cases
without trying to guess what the user is 'doing'.

Comment 17 remus draica 2003-02-19 13:40:58 UTC
I do NOT intercept key events. In my previous comments my intention 
was to show that caret-moved event is emitted in case of deleting 
text only if BACKSPACE is pressed. (if user pressed DELETE this 
event will not be emitted, caret will have same position).

Logic described by you previously is already implemented in 

The text-changed event I still belive that is neccesary. If user 
press DELETE key, then no event from Java app is emitted, which 
means NO feedback for user.

Also, in case user only view a text, using arrow key, he prefers to 
hear the character at caret (character after caret symbol on screen).
If he type, he want to hear the new text, not the text after caret.

Logic in gnopernicus is made to be insensible to order in which 
events are caming (text-changed then caret-moved or caret-moved then 

I dont think that this bug depends on bug 105963, so this dependency 
should be removed.

Comment 18 bill.haneman 2003-02-19 14:58:32 UTC
Hi Remus:  let me see if I understand your points:

#1) Java applications aren't emitting text-changed:delete events when
the user presses DELETE; I agree that would be a bug.

#2) in other cases the user wants to hear something different when
text-changed events (along with caret-moved) events are generated, as
compared to the case when only the caret is moving.

#3) you are always listening to caret-moved events, so you can speak
something appropriate as the user moved through a text document.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood one or more of these points.

Other than case #1 above, can you describe specific cases where you
think text-changed events are not happenning when they should?  Also,
I think Darren has made some changes to text-changed events from the
java-access-bridge recently (they now include the 'detail' string), so
do you still see these problems with recent versions of the bridge?


Comment 19 remus draica 2003-02-21 11:39:58 UTC
Bill: all 3 points are correct.

I want to notice here that all my remarks for this bug are based on
Darren words when he reported this bug. He said that this bug appears
BEFORE changes made in JAB for emitting "text-changed:inset/delete" event.

Gnopernicus assume that a text-changed event is emitted when text is
changed (this is the corect behaviour for any application). 
Darren: what I have to do to get text-changed events from Java apps.
I tried to get java-access-bridge from cvs, but no result. Do I have
to do somethings special.
Comment 20 Darren Kenny 2003-02-21 12:07:58 UTC
Remus: Shouldn't need anything special from CVS, simply

   cvs co java-access-bridge

works for me... Ensure CVSROOT is : 


As for text-changed events - I was dispatching text-changed events
before, just without the :insert (or alternatives) part, ie:


I still am of the opinion that in that case gnopernicus should still
have acted upon the text-caret-moved event...

Comment 21 remus draica 2003-02-21 13:52:42 UTC
I reinstalled some packages and now I get "text-changed" event.
If I understood correctly text-changed details (insert and delete) are
not iplemented in JAB yet, but them will be. Am I right?
Comment 22 bill.haneman 2003-02-21 14:10:41 UTC
text-changed events have included the 'detail' substring since about
Feb 6, according to Darren.
Comment 23 remus draica 2003-02-21 14:41:05 UTC
My question was in fact if I need to make changes in gnopernicus to
listen for "text-changed" (which is different that
"text-changed:insert/delete") to work with Java apps, or this event
detail will part of event name.

Also I observed that  AccessibleTextChangedEvent_getChangeString
returns always NULL for Java apps. 
Comment 24 Darren Kenny 2003-02-21 15:40:37 UTC
As for getChangedString - that's a known issue that I'm looking into...

No I don't think you need to listen on text-changed events, but
what I don't understand is why the magnifier isn't following the
cursor regardless of text-changed events, surely the caret-moved
events should be the one that influences where the magifier
is showing? 

In other words, where the caret is currently located should be
main point of interest when within a TextArea. Naturally if the
mouse moves, or focus changes then things change, but within the
TextArea it's the text-caret-moved that's vital. Of course if a
text-changed event occurs in a location other than where the caret
is, then that will be of interest, but only in that case...

Comment 25 bill.haneman 2003-02-21 18:30:08 UTC
text-changed events now include the detail string as Darren says.

Remus, I thought you told me earlier this week that gnopernicus _is_
listening to text-caret-moved events.  Darren seems to think that
either is not true, or it's not working properly.

The reason for thinking that is this:

gnopernicus is not responding when the user deletes text in such a way
that the text-changed event is not properly sent, we agree that a
missing or incorrect text-changed event would be a bug.  BUT java
applications *are* sending text-caret-moved events, so gnopernicus
should be doing _something_ in these cases even if it's not strictly
what the user expects.  The fact that gnopernicus is not responding to
text-caret-moved events in such cases indicates a gnopernicus bug of
some kind.

Does that make it clearer?
Comment 26 remus draica 2003-02-27 14:58:07 UTC
Currently, gnopernicus is listening some at-spi events. It processes
them (filtering, transforming, rejecting) and present to user only a
part of these events. In case in which "caret-moved" is not an event
generated as a user intension only to move the caret it will be
rejected. That's the reason why gnopernicus doesn't react to it.

Gnopernicus listens this event. If test are made with gtk application
a correct behaviour could be observed.
Comment 27 bill.haneman 2003-02-27 15:09:32 UTC
this still doesn't add up.  The initial bug report indicated that
gnopernicus was not speaking in a case where both text-changed:delete
and text-caret-moved events were expected.  It was determined that
only text-caret-moved events were being sent correctly... but in that
case gnopernicus should certainly have been responding to those events
which were intercepted!  I.e. if gnopernicus wasn't getting correct
text-changed events, then how could it have been correct in rejecting
the text-caret-moved events?
Comment 28 bill.haneman 2003-03-05 16:19:03 UTC
Darren: Remus reports that text-changed:insert events are not being
fired by StylePad when the user enters text.  Can you confirm/investigate?

Comment 29 Darren Kenny 2003-03-06 15:57:24 UTC
Bill, I've just found that I missed the fix for the qualified 
text-changed events - I put back half the fix not it all, so
that's why the event isn't received by Remus. I'm putting
the rest back now.

On that note, whether I'm generating these events should (as
you've said in your previous comment) not be relevant, the
problem is that somehow gnopernicus still isn't following the
caret-moved events as you'd expect.
Comment 30 bill.haneman 2003-04-02 17:51:30 UTC
Peter reports that gnopernicus' magnifier now appears to be correctly
following the text caret in StylePad, so the original test case may no
longer be reproducible.  Darren, are you aware of any remaining symptoms?
Comment 31 Darren Kenny 2003-04-03 07:07:21 UTC
I can verify that I'm now seeing tracking of the caret position
as I would have expected. Thanks Remus. 

I've not seen any other side effects, so I guess it's OK to mark
this bug as resolved.
Comment 32 remus draica 2003-04-07 09:04:53 UTC
Created a solution using toolkit name. Solution commited on CVS.
Comment 33 bill.haneman 2003-04-07 09:59:07 UTC

What do you mean about a solution "using toolkit name" ?

Darren reported that this bug was fixed and didn't need further work
)see previous comment).  Also, we really should NOT have any
toolkit-name-specific code in gnopernicus, so this fix should NOT have
gone into CVS!

Please respond. thank you.
Comment 34 remus draica 2003-04-07 11:55:02 UTC
"Using toolkit name" means that when gnopernicus receives a 
"caret-moved" event it looks at the toolkit name for that object. If 
the name is "J2SE-access-bridge" the event is always reported (the 
event is never rejected).

In order to have no toolkit-name-specific code in gnopernicus all 
toolkit should have same behaviour. That means to emmit same events 
for same user actions in same conditions. But, for now is no uniform 
behaviour for all toolkits.
Comment 35 bill.haneman 2003-04-07 12:02:10 UTC
Remus:  I understand the intent of the code you added, but I think it
should be removed.  Our goal is to achieve the same behavior between
toolkits wherever possible, and I do not think we have given up on
this for the current case.

PLEASE give us a specific reproducible test that explains what
different behavior you are seeing between the two toolkits, this is
still not clear.  Once we have this test case we will see what we can
do about making the behavior the same.
Comment 36 Darren Kenny 2003-04-07 12:31:36 UTC

As far as I can see the code that's somehow not able to handle Java
Apps is below? Is that correct?

    if (info2.text_selections_count == info.text_selections_count 
	&& info2.text_selections_count == 0
	&& info2.text_caret_offset != info.text_caret_offset
	&& info2.text_char_count == info.text_char_count)
	process = FALSE;	

If that's correct, I can't see how moving the cursor around using the
arrow keys is failing on this. Previously this might have been a 
problem because the keys were being consumed by gnopernicus (see
bug 106081), but that's not the case anymore (As far as I can see)
so this test should passing. In fact I commented it out rebuilt
the libsrlow and the magnifier was still following the caret

As I said before, I think this but can be marked as resolved.
Comment 37 remus draica 2003-04-07 12:52:17 UTC
Darren: if the text is already typed or you move to other paragraph
and you navigate using arrow keys everything is OK. But if you type a
new text and then you navigates using arrow keys magnifiers is not
working properly (in fact logic indicated by you will reject all
caret-moved events), so this bug is not resolved.

Bill: if you open a gtk application which has an entry and type a text
and look at emmited events using at-spi event-listener-test test
program and then repeat same scenarios for SO you will see the
Comment 38 bill.haneman 2003-04-16 14:58:28 UTC
Darren, have you carried out the test Remus posted?  What is the
status of this bug?
Comment 39 Adi Dascal 2003-04-23 13:23:05 UTC
I would like to conclude what is happening in this bug:

1. The initial scenario is NOT an issue anymore: the magnifier tracks
 caret position for StylePad application (and all other JavaToolkit

The bug was caused by the lack of text-changed:delete|insert.
Now these events and their details are provided with JABG so, for Java
applications too, and gnopernicus' logic deals with them like it does
with other applications (it is the same logic that treats text-chaged
and caret-move in GTK Toolkit applications and Java Toolkit
applications - warkarounds were removed in today's commit of gnopernicus)

TEST CASE (that I used):
- gnome-2.2 from 10th of April, java-access-bridge from today's CVS,
gnopernicus from today's CVS
- start StylePad 
- start gnopernicus with the magnifier service on
- start simple-at test program attached to this bug (this is optional)
- type text
- move with arrows in a line
- delete text with Delete
- delete text with Backspace

Events are fired corectly and gnopernicus-magnifer is tracking
corectly the caret:
- type text: text-changed:insert and caret-moved
- move with arrows: caret-moved
- delete text with Delete: text-changed:delete
- delete text with Backspace:text-changed:delete and caret-moved

(a) Screenshot attached : simple-at test program inspecting events of
SwingSet2 (other Java Toolkit application that I've tested)
(b) simple-at test program (modified and attached) proves that events
are comming as they should.

2. The bug remains valid for StarOffice, BUT it depends on bug #13677
from IssueZilla. In fact this is NOT a gnopernicus bug, but a
StarOffice bug.Please see:

3. Key problems (arrows or not) are not the object of this bug.

4. New bug needs to be opened for
AccessibleTextChangedEvent_getChangeString which is returnig always
NULL for Java Toolkit applications.
Comment 40 Adi Dascal 2003-04-23 13:24:36 UTC
Created attachment 15931 [details]
ScreenShot : simple-at inspecting events from SwingSet2
Comment 41 Adi Dascal 2003-04-23 13:27:25 UTC
Created attachment 15932 [details] [review]
test program (needs to be copied in at-spi/test to be compiled)