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Bug 104117 - pref to enable Emacs-style shortcuts not obvious
pref to enable Emacs-style shortcuts not obvious
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Keybinding
Other Linux
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-01-22 04:11 UTC by now
Modified: 2007-05-31 13:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description now 2003-01-22 04:11:51 UTC
It seems it is possible to make Nautilus's keyboard shortcuts behave
substantially more like Emacs by changing the "Text editing shortcuts"
value in the GNOME "Preferences" -> "Keyboard Shortcuts" preference
dialog, yet there is nothing in this dialog to suggest this: all I see
at the top level is "Desktop" and "Window Management", and none of
these either mention Nautilus, text editing, or the expected keys to
achieve these actions.

I would expect to see something like:
(GNOME Default shortcuts mode)
Text Editing
  - Go to beginning of line          <Home>
  - Go to end of line                <End>
  - ...

(Emacs shortcuts mode)
Text Editing
  - Go to beginning of line          <Control>a
  - Go to end of line                <Control>e
  - ...

Sorry if this isn't strictly a Nautilus bug; it's where I found it,
and I couldn't find a more appropriate category.
Comment 1 John Fleck 2003-01-22 13:50:34 UTC
moving to control center
Comment 2 Andrew Sobala 2003-02-13 18:42:10 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 98176 ***
Comment 3 now 2003-02-13 22:25:14 UTC
How is this a dupe?  This bug is saying more information needs to appear in the keyboard 
shortcuts preferences dialog; the other bug is saying the C-a keybinding is broken. 
Comment 4 Andrew Sobala 2003-03-09 17:04:11 UTC
I didn't read it carefully :/

Usability-maint, any comments?
Comment 5 Seth Nickell 2003-03-09 22:03:42 UTC
Michael, isn't this what "Text editing shortcuts" is supposed to do?
Comment 6 now 2003-03-10 23:09:52 UTC
I don't have easy access to the dialog right now, but from memory: 
Yes, the text-editing shortcuts item changes the behavior, however it 
is not initially clear that it will do so, as there are no entries lower down 
to suggest that such commands as "go to beginning of line" are indeed 
There should be entries lower down for every action whose keybinding 
can be changed so that it is apparent that it can. 
Make sense? 
Comment 7 Seth Nickell 2003-03-19 00:05:28 UTC
Yes, I think I agree. We should really allow remmapping of all
(desktop global) shortcuts if we allow any... it is confusing to see
only some.
Comment 8 Calum Benson 2003-03-27 18:55:44 UTC
Even if it was non-editable, a list of all the keybdindings in the
selected keyboard 'theme' would be as a useful bit of
self-documentation.  If I select the Emacs theme, I have no idea which
Emacs keybindings are implemented and which aren't, and AFAIK the user
guide doesn't give a list.  (Perhaps it should?)
Comment 9 Eugene O'Connor 2003-03-27 22:49:58 UTC
The User Guide doesn't list GNOME default or Emacs-type keyboard
shortcuts. If we need a list of these shortcuts in the UG, I'd
probably put them in an Appendix.

I like Calum's suggestion that they be displayed in the Keyboard
Shortcuts preference tool, even if the individual shortcuts are
Comment 10 Bryan W Clark 2004-12-20 22:44:58 UTC
Not that this isn't a good idea, but the Emacs keybinding option has been removed.
Comment 11 Matt T. Proud 2004-12-21 21:53:58 UTC
Out of curiousity, why has the preferences option for Emacs-style bindings been
Comment 12 Matt T. Proud 2004-12-21 21:55:07 UTC
Out of curiousity, why has the preferences option for Emacs-style bindings been
Comment 13 Sebastien Bacher 2005-01-02 18:17:30 UTC
is that a documentation issue ? need to be reassigned to gnome-user-guide ?
Comment 14 jlquinn 2006-07-23 01:05:08 UTC
No, the bug is requesting that the emacs keybinding theme selection be restored, right?  I certainly want to see it restored.

Looking at the gnome on-line docs, the HIG refers to the keybinding preferences to enable the emacs theme.
Comment 15 Bastien Nocera 2007-05-31 13:54:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> Out of curiousity, why has the preferences option for Emacs-style bindings been
> removed? 

Because practically no-one used it. See the discussion in bug 99529. You can still set the key theme using /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_key_theme