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Bug 320009 - renaming a file in list view
renaming a file in list view
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 309964
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Views: List View
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-10-27 20:03 UTC by Jean-François Fortin Tam
Modified: 2005-11-13 17:08 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description Jean-François Fortin Tam 2005-10-27 20:03:53 UTC
Please describe the problem:
You cannot see the text you are renaming.

Here is the window before the renaming attempt:

Here is what happens when you press F2:

Here is what we would "expect" to see when renaming (what does not currently

Steps to reproduce:
1. make nautilus work in "list view"
2. press F2 while a file/folder is selected, or use the right-click menu, or use
the top menu, to access the "rename" action
3. try to figure out what you are typing

Actual results:
The horizontal scrollbar is pushed to the right, and you only see the "blank
box" telling you you can type, but you cannot see the text you are replacing,
because it is hidden by the scrolling.

Expected results:
Do not scroll. Keep the window aligned to the extreme left.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
This bug was there for as long as I can remember (gnome 2.4 and lower)
Comment 1 Sebastien Bacher 2005-11-13 17:08:27 UTC
 Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into
our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 309964 ***