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Bug 131794 - Make desktop context menu refer specifically to icons
Make desktop context menu refer specifically to icons
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Desktop
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
: 131789 151240 321128 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-01-17 19:18 UTC by Keith Lea
Modified: 2014-05-27 22:43 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.23/2.24

patch (699 bytes, patch)
2007-03-25 19:56 UTC, Jaap A. Haitsma
rejected Details | Review

Description Keith Lea 2004-01-17 19:18:20 UTC
"Clean Up By Name" doesn't make much sense. If your mother told you to
clean up your room by color, you could probably assume she meant you want
your room to be cleaned, and your things grouped by color, but this is not
a common or clear use of the word "by". I suggest "Clean Up Icons," or
"Organize Icons" (although Organize might imply that the user will be shown
a screen where he or she can organize his or her icons), or "Sort Icons."
Comment 1 Eunice Chang 2004-02-05 17:44:55 UTC
*** Bug 131789 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Vincent Noel 2004-09-29 14:56:12 UTC
*** Bug 151240 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Christian Neumair 2005-05-29 19:18:47 UTC
Bug 151240 suggests "Arrange icons by name", which sounds better IMHO. But don't
count on me, English is not my mother tongue.
Comment 4 Christian Neumair 2005-05-29 19:19:27 UTC
...on the other hand, "arrange" doesn't suggest that not only the icons' order,
but also their position will be changed.
Comment 5 Calum Benson 2005-11-30 19:51:37 UTC
*** Bug 321128 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Calum Benson 2005-11-30 19:57:47 UTC
Think we went around this when the label was originally chosen... I agree there might be something better 
("Auto arrange icons", "Fix icon layout" or something...?).  But on the other hand, "Clean Up" has served 
MacOS well enough for the past 20 years :)
Comment 7 Jaap A. Haitsma 2007-03-25 19:52:50 UTC
Can I suggest to go along with the "Arrange Icons by Name" as suggested in Bug 151240, because that is also consistent with the View menu in nautilus which says  "Arrange Items" (items because you can have a list or an icon view)
Comment 8 Jaap A. Haitsma 2007-03-25 19:56:53 UTC
Created attachment 85278 [details] [review]
Comment 9 Alexander Larsson 2007-04-12 14:31:30 UTC
I don't like "Arrange Icons by Name" at all, exactly because it is the string used in the view menu *for something completely different*.
WRT to that menu the desktop is always "Arrange Items Manually", and "clean up by name" does not change that.
Comment 10 António Fernandes 2014-05-27 22:43:16 UTC
The label has been "Organize Desktop by Name" for some years (see bug 530136), so I'm marking this report as obsolete.