GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 95260
gnome-theme-manager crashed on sawfish [gnome_window_manager_new]
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
Package: control-center Severity: normal Version: Synopsis: gnome-theme-properties crashed Bugzilla-Product: control-center Bugzilla-Component: theme-selector BugBuddy-GnomeVersion: 2.0 (2.1.0) Description: Description of Problem: gnome-theme-properties crashed cvs control-center 8 october 2002 Debugging Information: Backtrace was generated from '/usr/local/bin/gnome-theme-properties' [New Thread 1024 (LWP 29732)] 0x40afa299 in wait4 () from /lib/
+ Trace 28512
Thread 1 (Thread 1024 (LWP 29732))
------- Bug moved to this database by 2002-10-09 05:32 ------- Unknown version 1.0.x in product control-center. Setting version to the default, "unspecified". Reassigning to the default owner of the component,
an you give me more info on what you were doing when it crashed ? The backtrace is garbled but it looks like there may have been an image to scale ?
It crashes everytime i start gnome-theme-properties, gnome-window-properties also crashes on startup. Also with a: ...
+ Trace 28914
After setting gconf key /desktop/applications/window_manager/current to 'metacity' gnome-theme-properties starts up normal, setting it to <unknown> or sawfish crashes the program on startup.
Unique trace
*** Bug 97661 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
SPAM as discussed last night. Search for 'SPAM as discussed last night' to catch these all and delete them. :)
I can't reproduce this with the latest sources
Can you verify whether this crash still happens, please?
Crash is still happening here with gnome-control-center 2.1.3 and sawfish 1.2-gtk2.
I can't verify, but if this still happens it is a 2.2.0 blocker. pri=urgent to raise visibility.
See for a patch
*** Bug 102334 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
using gnome-2.1.5 snapshot: gnome-theme-manager still crashes when sawfish is running as windowmanager. after switching to metacity the theme manager starts. Since not all people will stick with the default metacity and go back to the good old (feature rich) sawfish this is a big issue that should be fixed before 2.2 IMHO
still happens with control-center 2.1.6 and sawfish
Is "gnome-theme-propertes" really part of GNOME 2.2? I tried running sawfish and the GNOME 2.2. "theme" control panel (gnome-theme-manager) and had no problems. Actually, I tried running the old RH8 gnome-theme-properties that's in /usr/bin and it didn't crash either. I'm using jhbuild.
Murray: this bug is really about gnome-theme-manager. It was reported before the rewrite, when it was called gnome-theme-properties, and apparently persisted into the new version.
I'm told that this can be fixed by installing metacity (something to do with its themes being installed) even if you don't use metacity. But I believe that gnome-theme-manager depends on metacity-private so it can't be built without it anyway. This confuses me.
Assuming this still happens in G2.2
After trying out sawfish from CVS I'm tempted to close all of the sawfish related bugs here with "FIXED METACITY". Sawfish behaves very badly in general and doesn't work at all with gnome-theme-manager.
We are not a one-WM-only Desktop.
Yeah, I know. But I don't see anyone rushing in and fixing up the theme manager to be WM agnostic, nor fixing up sawfish to actually work :-)
Did anyone ever look at the patch mentioned above?
Are we ever going to look at this problem?
I put in a dialog in to warn if you're running !metacity. I don't have sawfish installed now, so if someone could test it, that would be great.
*** Bug 103061 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Closing old bugs. If there are new sawfish/theme-manager bugs, open them separately. I have little interest in fixing them, though.