GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 768497
Tool Presets on Tool Options Dialog | Proposal
Last modified: 2018-05-24 16:33:31 UTC
Created attachment 330975 [details] Figures 1, 2 and 3 of the proposal request TOOL PRESETS AND ASSETS PRESET EDITOR | PROPOSAL === In 2014, I reported a bug on the presets - The Tool Presets are much used in digital painting, and many artists also use presets made by other artists. It's important to able to create and edit presets through the Tool Options Dialog, where the tool presets are most effectively built and modified. Currently various ways to edit/create/delete/restore the tools presets are present in several different dialogs: 1) Tool Options - via icon upper right side > Tool Options Menu; - via buttons bar via the bottom of this dialog. 2) Tool Presets dialog [list] - via icon upper right side > Tool Presets Menu; - via bottom buttons bar. Currently the first ways do work, though not very efficiently. The second ways are broken. How to simplify the process: * Have a single workflow to create/edit/save/save as/, that uses the Tool Options dialog on the Tool Presets menu (#1 above). * Use the Tool Presets dialog [list] (#2 above) only to filter (tags), to rename and to choose the presets. So, the options Edit, New, Restore should be eliminated from #2 [see attachment: tool-presets-dialog-essential_fig1.png]. * Synchronization of data Have two instances of synchronization of the Tool Options data: when you decide create (first) the preset and another when you click on 'Save' on the Tool Presets Editor (second). * Tool Preset Linked on Tool Options Create a new instance on the Tool Options where it is informed which is the current preset in usage. [see attachment: tool-options-with-tool-preset-linked_fig2.png] A) TOOL OPTIONS MODIFICATIONS | MENUS AND BUTTONS BAR A-1) MENUS + Tool Options Menu - Proposal (upper right button '<') Tool Options Menu > \_Commit New/Current Tool Preset... \_Commit a New Tool Preset: 'Untitled Preset' (Commit NEW Preset entry ... and opens Tool Preset Editor) \_Save the Current Tool Preset: 'Tool Preset 1' (loaded via lists to use or restored via Tool Options menu/button to EDIT) ---- \_Save-as a Tool Preset > (To overwrite SPECIFICALLY a tool preset...) \_Tool Preset 1 \_Tool Preset 2 \_Tool Preset n \_Restore a Tool Preset > (Choose one to use to EDIT, in this case after is used 'Save the Current Tool Preset: restored preset name') \_Tool Preset 1 \_Tool Preset 2 \_Tool Preset n \_Delete a Tool Preset > (Choose one to DELETE) \_Tool Preset 1 \_Tool Preset 2 \_Tool Preset n --- Reset Tool Options Reset all Tool Options ++ CREATE a Tool Preset > 1) Over 'Commit New/Current Tool Preset...'; 2) It opens two options, choose "Commit as New Tool Preset: 'New Tool Preset name'"; 3) Now is opened the Tool Preset Editor, click on 'save' button and finally the tool preset is saved. Between the steps 2) and 3) is possible to correct or rethink completely the preset, these changes are saved with the last synchronization, made during the save on Tool Preset Editor. ++ EDIT a Tool Preset > 1) Restore Tool Preset > Choose a Tool Preset; 2) Change the options and values on Tool Options; 3) Over 'Commit New/Current Tool Preset...'; 4) It opens two options, choose "Save the Current Tool Preset: 'Current Tool Preset name'"; 5) Now is opened the Tool Preset Editor, click on 'save' button and finally the tool preset is saved. A-2) BUTTONS BAR Buttons bar on the bottom of the dialog Have icons more near to tool presets concepts. [see attachment icon drafts: tool-options-with-tool-preset-linked_fig2.png] + Buttons Bar Modified tips ['Commit New/Save-as' Tool Preset...'] ['Restore/Edit Preset...'] ['Delete Preset'] ['Reset to default values'] The 'Commit New/Save-as' button voices menu has two different levels, when I click on the Commit New/Save-as button \_Commit a New Tool Preset: 'Untitled Tool Preset' (Commit NEW Preset entry ... and opens Tool Preset Editor) \_Save the Current Tool Preset: 'Tool Preset 1' (loaded via lists to use or restored via Tool Options menu/button to EDIT) --- Save-as Tool Preset... > (To overwrite SPECIFICALLY a tool preset...) \_ Tool Preset 1 \_ Tool Preset 2 \_ Tool Preset n ++ CREATE a NEW tool preset > 1) Click on the 'Commit New/Save-as a Tool Preset...' button choosing 'Commit Untitled Tool Preset...' -> opens the Tool Preset Editor; 2) Click in 'Save' button on Tool Preset Editor. ++ EDIT a tool preset already existent > 1) Click on the 'Restore/Edit Tool Preset...' button, choose a preset to edit; 2) Change the options and values on Tool Options; 3) Click 'Commit New/Save-as Tool Preset...' button, 4) Choose 'Save the Current Tool Preset: Tool Preset Restored in step 1); 5) It opens Tool Preset Editor, click on 'Save' button. ++ SAVE-AS Tool Preset... > 1) Change or to use the current options and values on Tool Options; 2) Click on 'Commit New/Save-as Tool Preset...' button and choose 'Save-as Tool Preset...' option. 3) It opens a secondary menu with all presets of the current tool > Choose a tool preset to proceed the save-as. 4) Now is opened the Tool Preset Editor, click on 'Save' button. B) ASSETS PRESET EDITOR PROPOSAL Proposal to modify the current editor to an effective assets editor of the tool presets. [See attachment: assets-preset-editor_fig3.png] + Instances of the new Assets Preset Editor 1) The possibility to see when a tool preset is changing its status -- 'in editing' (italic style) or 'saved' (normal style): 2) To show directly the assets of the Tool Preset: - icon button asset preview [access of specific dialogs to choose another asset]; - asset name; - apply or not the asset [change the asset status on the gtp archive]; - notes field.
Created attachment 330976 [details] Errata e corrige to figure 2. Also the Restore button is eliminated in Tool Presets Dialog [list]
Created attachment 330980 [details] Figure 1: Tool Prests editor changes
Created attachment 330981 [details] Figure 2: Tool options with tool preset
Created attachment 330982 [details] Figure 3: Assets Preset editor
I've attached the figures from the archive as individual files - you want those easily accessible to people who evaluate this enhancement request. This also makes it easier to obsolete them one by one in case of updates.
Created attachment 331614 [details] Figure 3a: Assets Preset Editor
Comment on attachment 331614 [details] Figure 3a: Assets Preset Editor Add the Pattern Asset on the Editor.
(In reply to Michael Schumacher from comment #4) > Created attachment 330982 [details] > Figure 3: Assets Preset editor This figure is obsolete... the new version is figure 3a.
Created attachment 331615 [details] Assets Preset Editor and Asset Dialogs Flows. The figure explains which dialog are opened from Assets Preset Editor.
Created attachment 337652 [details] Tool Options Menu > New and Save-as a Tool Preset | Modifyed and add some labels Menu of Tool Options Modified with new labels.
Created attachment 337653 [details] Save Tool Preset Button - Tool Options Dialog - New Tool Preset and Save-as more clear. Menu on 'Save Tool Preset' modified with labels more clear of the actions: 'New Tool Preset' and 'Save-as Tool Preset' (overwrite a tool preset).
TOOL PRESETS AND ASSETS PRESET EDITOR | PROPOSAL (REVISED AFTER FIXED BUG #731279) === TOOL OPTIONS AND CURRENT TOOL PRESET Create a new instance on the Tool Options where it is informed which is the current preset in usage. [see attachment 330981 [details] > tool-options-with-tool-preset-linked_fig2.png] A) TOOL OPTIONS MODIFICATIONS | MENUS AND BUTTONS BAR A-1) MENUS + Tool Options Menu - Proposal (upper right button '<') Is possible to do 2 actions: create a new preset and save-as, or overwrite a existent preset, I think that is opportune create the labels to show clearly these options. Tool Options Menu > (see attachment 337652 [details] | > menu-tool-options_new-and-save-as-tool-preset_fig4.png) \_New Tool Preset/Save-as Tool Preset... (Modify Label) \_ New Tool Preset: 'Untitled Preset' --- Save-as Tool Preset (Create a label to classify the action over the presets below of that) --- ... List of presets to choose which will be overwritten - save-as. \_Edit Tool Preset > OK \_Delete Tool Preset > OK --- Reset Tool Options Reset all Tool Options + 'Save Tool Preset ...' button menu and tip - Current Save button (see attachment 337653 [details] | > save-button_tool-options_new-and-save-as-tool-preset_fig5.png) Is opportune also modify the tip of this button, because it has 2 actions: Create a 'New Tool Preset' and 'Save-as Tool Preset' an existent preset. ['tip: New Tool Preset/Save-as' Tool Preset...'] Button (Changes on the current menu clicking on 'Save Tool Preset ...' button) New Tool Preset ... --- Save-as Tool Preset (Create a label to classify the action over the presets below of that) --- Tool Preset 1 Tool Preset 2 Tool Preset n B) ASSETS PRESET EDITOR | IMPROVEMENTS Proposal to modify the current editor to an effective assets editor of the tool presets [see attachment 331615 [details] | > Asset Preset Editor and Asset Dialogues Flows.]. The current editor could be improved to show all assets linked in each tool preset. In this manner is more clear what the user is changing/saving. Another good reason, is also, that each time the you edit a preset, this is the first dialog opened... in this sense this editor is also a big picture of the preset. [See attachment 331614 [details]: assets-preset-editor_fig3a.png] + Features of the new Assets Preset Editor 1) to have the possibility to see/show when a tool preset is changing its status -- for instance: 'in editing' (italic style) or 'saved' (normal style): 2) To show directly the assets of the Tool Preset: - icon button asset preview for each asset [to access of specific dialogs to choose another asset]; - asset name; - apply or not the asset [change the asset status on the gtp archive]; - notes author field.
Created attachment 349470 [details] Tool Options with Tool Preset linked and New buttons - Proposal Revised Proposal (revised) of the Tool Options Dialog with Tool Preset 'linked'. New buttons on bottom bar to the actions: new preset and save-as (overwrite an existent preset).
Created attachment 349471 [details] Tool Options Menu Revised with actions to create and overwrite separated.
Created attachment 349472 [details] Flow of the buttons to create and overwrite an existent preset (save-as).
I think that is useful organize better my ideas here... is a bit confuse sincerely ;-) REVISION --- 1) Tool Preset Linked and improvements on Tool Options Is important have on tool options the info of the preset active on this dialog, so the idea is create a new instance or a link of the preset on the Tool Options for this scope. See: Tool Options with Tool Preset linked. ( --- Basic Behavior The basic behavior can be defined by: # Choose a preset in one of the preset list dialogs; # The preset is loaded on Tool Options and it appears on the widget, and the name is with 'normal' style. # If the user change something on Tool Options, the preset name preset change to 'italic' style. # The user can save this new setting as a New Tool Preset or overwriting an existent preset with the option 'Save-as Tool Preset…' (menu, button) # The user can restore the preset, choosing again the same preset in one of list instances. # The user can change the icon. # The user can edit the assets set of preset clicking on the right-side button (sending directly to Tool Presets Editor) 2) Tools Options Modifications | Menus and Buttons Bar After that the tool presets were fixed by Natterer, it remains yet some parts where is possible improve the flow and comprehension of each action (new, save-as, edit, delete) , essentially, they are two: on Tool Options Menu and Buttons Bar. --- Menus Improvements In current version the flow, is not linear and could happens some mistakes between 'New Tool Preset...' and 'Save Tool Preset...', that is truly a Save-as Tool Preset...'. So, my proposal is divide the two actions in a way more evident and easy to understand that. See: Tool Options Menu Revised ( --- Buttons Bar Improvements In the current bar version we have a button to Save (tip: Save Tool Preset...) that has two functions: 'New Tool Preset...', on top, and overwriting some of the existent presets, when and if exists one saved. If doesn't exist any preset on the list the button sending directly to Tool Presets Editor. See: Flow of the buttons bar ( My proposal, as was used on Tool Options Menu (previous point), separate the two actions in two different buttons: 1) one button to 'Create a New Preset...' (sending directly to Tool Preset Editor as New Preset, always) 2) and another button to 'Save as' (sending to Tool Preset Editor with same name of preset chosen on the list) to overwriting a preset.
Created attachment 349479 [details] Schema Proposal Revised of the Menus and Buttons Bar The proposal of the changes on Tool Options Menu and Buttons Bar on the Tool Options dialog referred to Tool Presets instances, more specifically to Create and overwrite (save-as option) them.
(In reply to jose americo gobbo from comment #12) > B) ASSETS PRESET EDITOR | IMPROVEMENTS > Proposal to modify the current editor to an effective assets editor of the > tool presets [see attachment 331615 [details] | > > Asset Preset Editor > and Asset Dialogues Flows.]. > > The current editor could be improved to show all assets linked in each tool > preset. In this manner is more clear what the user is changing/saving. > Another good reason, is also, that each time the you edit a preset, this is > the first dialog opened... in this sense this editor is also a big picture > of the preset. > [See attachment 331614 [details]: assets-preset-editor_fig3a.png] > > + Features of the new Assets Preset Editor > 1) to have the possibility to see/show when a tool preset is changing its > status -- for instance: 'in editing' (italic style) or 'saved' (normal > style): > 2) To show directly the assets of the Tool Preset: > - icon button asset preview for each asset [to access of specific dialogs to > choose another asset]; > - asset name; > - apply or not the asset [change the asset status on the gtp archive]; > - notes author field. I have thought that is better doesn't mix proposal with improvements... so to discuss the current Tool Presets Editor I have created a new bug report tagged as 'enhancement' in
Comment on attachment 349470 [details] Tool Options with Tool Preset linked and New buttons - Proposal Revised Only to adequate with the last revision.
Comment on attachment 349471 [details] Tool Options Menu Revised with actions to create and overwrite separated. Only to adequate with last revision.
Comment on attachment 349472 [details] Flow of the buttons to create and overwrite an existent preset (save-as). Only to adequate with last revision.
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