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Bug 684586 - keyboard: Always create input sources from X layouts under GDM
keyboard: Always create input sources from X layouts under GDM
Product: gnome-settings-daemon
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-settings-daemon-maint
Depends on: 684582
Reported: 2012-09-21 21:06 UTC by Rui Matos
Modified: 2012-09-22 13:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

keyboard: Always create input sources from X layouts under GDM (1.72 KB, patch)
2012-09-21 21:06 UTC, Rui Matos
committed Details | Review

Description Rui Matos 2012-09-21 21:06:34 UTC
Patch attached.
Comment 1 Rui Matos 2012-09-21 21:06:36 UTC
Created attachment 224958 [details] [review]
keyboard: Always create input sources from X layouts under GDM

Since we don't yet have a way to export gsettings into a system wide
store g-c-c exports input sources as XKB layouts through the locald
DBus API which stores them in an xorg.conf.d file which the X server
uses to configure itself initially.

This means that, when running under GDM, we should consider the
current X server's layouts the canonical setting for input sources and
thus always use them instead of whatever we have in the GDM user's
Comment 2 Bastien Nocera 2012-09-21 22:56:43 UTC
Review of attachment 224958 [details] [review]:

Comment 3 Rui Matos 2012-09-22 13:54:35 UTC
Got freeze break approval:

Attachment 224958 [details] pushed as 62f0455 - keyboard: Always create input sources from X layouts under GDM