GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 651519
Allow moving multiple pages
Last modified: 2018-07-16 10:12:59 UTC
If one attempt to move several pages by selecting them first and then dragging them, only the page being dragged gets repositioned. The program disregards the fact that multiple pages are selected. In fact, as soon as one holds the left mouse button over a selected page, all the other select pages become deselected. The other pages should become deselected only if the person clicks and then RELEASES the left mouse button. Expectations: If one selects several pages, and then tries dragging them, all pages should move, not only the single page being dragged.
[Please file enhancement requests with severity enhancement.]
Hello, I fully agree, this is the most important missing feature in PDF Mod, which is a very good, useful and easy-to-use program. If I select many pages, following or not, with mouse and Ctrl or Shift button, and then want to move all of them to another place with left mouse button, in the same order, only the alst one clicked remains selected and moves. Another solution would be to allow Cut & Paste, by right clic menu or keyboard, as suggested in bug 597760. Thanks !
There is a a workaround, if you press the shift key while you are selecting the pages (and while you are moving it too), then you can move many pages at the same time :) . I think that this bug should be closed, it's true that there is a bug... but it's not exactly about what's told in the title.
Hello, It's not totally possible. That's right, it works for some continuous pages and shift button pressed, I can move all these pages together. But in the case I want to move for example p. 2 ; 10 ; 12 ; 20 ; 26 etc... all together and put them in this order after p. 30, I can't in only one operation. Shift button can only select continuous pages. If I select p. 2 then press Shift and go to p. 10 with Shift always put on, it selects only the pages nearest p. 2 and 10 to make a rectangle, like this : I wanted p. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, I have only some of them ! If I change the size of PDF Mod windows or zoom, and have less pages / row, selection will be different... Even with Shift, I would expect that it takes p. 2 to 10, all the pages, that's not the behavior. In this case, with p. 2-3-4 and 8-9-10, that's right, if I continue with Shift pressed, I can move these 6 pages together, but I have to do 2 other operations, for p. 5-6 and for p. 7. So, first Shift behavior of selecting pages is wrong. Now with Ctrl if I want p. 2 ; 10 ; 12 ; 20 ; 26 After having selected the pages, if I have still Ctrl pressed and re-click to the last page selected (here 26) to move all of them, it just deselect p. 26 and keep others, no move. If I stop pressing Ctrl and click one of the pages selected, it de-selects all the others, and I can only move this one, same if I select it with Shift. So for me, impossible to easily select the right pages I want nor move them all together very quickly with mouse in this version of PDF Mod...
A second option would be to have, in complement to bug 655654, after selection with Ctrl or Shift, for a long document, a row in the right click context menu like : "Move selected pages after p. ", then enter the number of page in the window field opened, and PDF Mod would move all the selected page, in the same order after the page wanted...
> After having selected the pages, if I have still Ctrl pressed and re-click to the last page selected (here 26) to move all of them, it just deselect p. 26 and keep others, no move. If I stop pressing Ctrl and click one of the pages selected, it de-selects all the others, and I can only move this one, same if I select it with Shift. > > So for me, impossible to easily select the right pages I want nor move them all together very quickly with mouse in this version of PDF Mod... It is not impossible - for the last control-click just click and hold, instead of clicking and releasing. Then you can drag the pages where you want. AFAICS the only bug is that although you can shift-click a range of pages and then control-click to add to the selection, you can't do the reverse i.e. control-shift-click is unimplemented, so it cancels the previous selection
Hi Alister, Sorry for the long answer delay, thanks a lot for your advices here and on the other bug reports, with some good ideas / patches. You're right : if I continue holding the mouse button left, then only release the keyboard Ctrl or Shift button, it is possible to move the selected multiple pages. But it's not very intuitive, the reflex is to release mouse before keyboard - OK, after I just have to select again, it's not so long. Nevertheless, my description remains true for the selection of many continuous pages with the Shift button : It should select all the pages which number is between the first and last clicked, not only those vertically aligned - disposition which change if you just modify the PDF Mod window size ! New example in the further joined attachment when I want to select all pages from 1 to 59... But it seems program is unfortunately abandoned : no new version nor message from developers on ML or bug reports since 4 years - this is absolutely not a criticism, they did a very great job and it's open-source, whoever wants (and can) contributes... I hope a fork, because PDF Mod is very useful.
Created attachment 331635 [details] Screenshot of "multiple pages selection" example
> But it's not very intuitive, the reflex is to release mouse before keyboard I agree, and I suspect it wouldn't actually be very difficult to fix, but personally I'm unlikely to look at it in the near future as I am busy with a new baby and a new job, and if I do get a chance to look at pdfmod more I first want to try to fix the issue with bookmark handling and then get all the patches (from me and others) together on github (including the switch to pdfsharp 1.5 beta, which I think I haven't posted yet, because of the issues with bookmarks). Or is there a way to do a pull request or something in the gnome system? re the additional issues you raised - Sorry, when I posted I obviously didn't read carefully enough to address them. In the situation you describe I workaround it by simply resizing the window so there is only one page on each row. Otherwise I size it for two on each row, so I can take advantage of the rectangular selection on shift click to select only odd or even pages. I did have an idea that gtk had a way to set a "normal" selection mode, but a qick google suggests I imagined it, as it looks like other projects have written their own code to implement it (maybe you could find one in C#
Sorry, hit submit on my phone by mistake - to finish the last comment, append "to copy from".
pdfmod is not under active development anymore and had its last code changes in 2011. Its codebase has been archived: Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again.