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Bug 424887 - Contextual menu items could be beter ordered.
Contextual menu items could be beter ordered.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 680985
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File and Folder Operations
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-03-31 15:02 UTC by julien tous
Modified: 2012-08-14 21:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.17/2.18

Description julien tous 2007-03-31 15:02:01 UTC
When one right-clic on a file, the contextual menu is to long. It might be good to split it by categories of actions.
I believe associating a kind of action (show, edit, manage) to a direction (left, right, down) would make searching thrue the contextual menu easier.

-On the left of the mouse could be applications usefull to look at the selected file (for example gThumb for a photo, totem for a video, evince for a pdf, run for an executable file, epiphany,...)
-On the right of the mouse applications usefull to edit (GIMP, abiword, Pitivi,  gedit... )
-And below the mousse, actions related to file management (copy, paste, move to trash, create an archive... )

Other information:
Comment 1 William Jon McCann 2012-08-14 21:40:40 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 680985 ***