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Bug 373757 - Document plugins
Document plugins
Product: xchat-gnome
Classification: Other
Component: docs
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: xchat-gnome maintainers
xchat-gnome maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 602311
Reported: 2006-11-11 10:33 UTC by Joachim Noreiko
Modified: 2010-01-13 19:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Joachim Noreiko 2006-11-11 10:33:22 UTC
There is no mention at all of what the plugins do in the user manual.
I will need information from developers to work on this.

Which plugins come as standard with xchat-gnome?
What do they do? Is there existing documentation I can move into the manual?
Comment 1 Guillaume Desmottes 2006-11-12 13:02:46 UTC
All the plugins you have with Edgy package are standards.

AFAIK there is no documentation for plugins except the little description in the plugin preferences page.
Comment 2 Joachim Noreiko 2006-11-12 13:30:31 UTC
Could the plugin developers explain what they do?
Comment 3 Guillaume Desmottes 2006-11-12 17:56:43 UTC
Network monitor: use the Network Manager to control connection state

Auto Away: mark you away when your screensaver is active

Sound notification: play a nice song when a word is highlited (including your nick) or you receive a private message

Notification: add a icon in the notification area informing you of events in xchat-gnome. The level of notification can be configured since HEAD version.

On-screen display: Display a notification box when you receive a private message (and maybe with highlighted word. To be checked).

Perl, TCL and Python interface: enable scripting in these languages

URL scrapper: display all the urls from your conversation in a ugly box :)
Comment 4 Ritesh Khadgaray ( irc:ritz) 2009-05-09 21:06:51 UTC
hi Joachim

  Would it be possible for you to provide a patch to fix this documentation issue.

 1. Setup a local repo using the command below

    $git clone git://

  2. Edit the documentation "help/C/xchat-gnome.xml" with

  3. Run "git diff ", and attach the o/p .

ps: I am not a native english speaker.
Comment 5 Ritesh Khadgaray ( irc:ritz) 2010-01-13 19:28:08 UTC
This problem has been fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. Thank you for your bug report.