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Bug 330609 - Some keyboard shortcuts do not work when gtk_key_theme is set to "Emacs"
Some keyboard shortcuts do not work when gtk_key_theme is set to "Emacs"
Product: gedit
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
Gedit maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-10 03:00 UTC by Mathieu Pillard
Modified: 2006-02-20 09:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.13/2.14

Description Mathieu Pillard 2006-02-10 03:00:44 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Using gtk_key_theme = "Emacs" some keyboard shortcuts stop working in gedit. For
instance, CTRL+A, CTRL+F, CTRL+E, CTRL+N, ALT+F... They seem to follow the emacs
behavior instead of executing what gedit set them to.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open gconf-editor, set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_key_theme to "Emacs"
2. Open gedit
3. Try to use any of the shortcuts mentionned (CTRL+A, CTRL+F, CTRL+E, CTRL+N,

Actual results:
Shortcut is interpreted as an emacs shortcut to navigate inside the text. So
CTRL+A goes to the beginning of line, CTRL+E to the end... But some, like
CTRL+F, seem to be doing nothing at all.

Expected results:
Shortcut should be executing the corresponding gedit action (CTRL+A should
select all text, CTRL+F bring the search dialog, etc)

Does this happen every time?
Using gedit 2.13.90, yes. As far as I remember it used to work fine with
previous versions of gedit, I'll test that as soon as I can.

Other information:
I can't reproduce it with any gtk/gnome app I've tested (nautilus, gconf-editor,
scite, leafpad...) so I reported this as a gedit problem, but I might be wrong.
It may be related to bug 327490, but since that bug didn't have many details I
opened a new one in case this is a totally different problem.

I'm using ubuntu dapper drake on x86, gedit 2.13.90, and all my plugins were
Comment 1 Paolo Borelli 2006-02-20 09:20:15 UTC
As we discussed on irc this is a side effect of actually fixing emacs mode :)

Apparently you liked the "mixed" mode deriving from the fact that some shortcuts obeyed the emacs theme while the menu accels didn't, but I am not sure we can do much about it...

I am closing this.