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Bug 164897 - Implement something like gtk_icon_view_set_rows()
Implement something like gtk_icon_view_set_rows()
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkIconView
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: Medium feature
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
: 310551 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-22 12:50 UTC by gbz
Modified: 2015-02-18 00:35 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description gbz 2005-01-22 12:50:29 UTC
In respect to gtk_icon_view_set_columns(), it could be just as useful to be able
to set the maximum number of rows, like "gtk_icon_view_set_rows".
Though obviously, both rows and columns couldn't be set at the same time, so
they would have to reset oneanother.
Comment 1 Matthias Clasen 2005-01-22 14:13:30 UTC
Maybe, but you probably would want the items to be organized in columns instead
of rows in that case, no ?
Comment 2 gbz 2005-01-22 15:47:49 UTC
You mean they should be drawn first top-to-bottom, then advancing left-to-right?
No actually I did'nt consider that, since I only wanted one row that should be
scrolled horizontally.
But I realize now that if more than one row is to be used, it either has to be
done as you describe it, or the total ammount of items has to be computed before
the iconview can be rendered correctly.
Comment 3 Bug flys 2005-08-12 12:37:37 UTC
I think this feature is important for things like file manager like app. But the
actually setting should be 'direction' instead of columns/rows. direction here
will mean that the direction the list will grown toward. Up and down toward
left, or left and right toward down. Don't know if bidi people also want right
to left and toward down; up and down toward right. Is it called gravity?

A iconview that has both horizon scrollbar and vertical scrollbar is kinda hard
to use. So there should be only one of the horizontal and the vertical scrollbars.
Comment 4 Claudio Saavedra 2006-04-07 13:56:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> No actually I did'nt consider that, since I only wanted one row that should be
> scrolled horizontally.

You can do that by setting the number of columns to G_MAXINT (although I don't know if it is best way to do it).

(In reply to comment #3)
> A iconview that has both horizon scrollbar and vertical scrollbar is kinda hard
> to use. So there should be only one of the horizontal and the vertical scrollbars.

AFAIK, You can put the icon view inside a scrolled window and define your own policy of scrollbars.
Comment 5 Matthias Clasen 2006-12-28 08:09:06 UTC
*** Bug 310551 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Murray Cumming 2007-01-16 15:19:10 UTC
> you probably would want the items to be organized in columns instead
of rows

I would like that, and I think it's orthogonal to the idea of a gtk_icon_view_set_rows() function.
Comment 7 Matthias Clasen 2015-02-18 00:35:08 UTC
this didn't happen