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Bug 110245 - missing event details for "text-changed" events
missing event details for "text-changed" events
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 105969
Product: at-spi
Classification: Platform
Component: javabridge
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Darren Kenny
Darren Kenny
Depends on:
Blocks: 105962
Reported: 2003-04-08 08:53 UTC by remus draica
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Description remus draica 2003-04-08 08:53:32 UTC
When a text object changes it content (by adding or removing a part of it
content) it emits a "text-changed" event, but with no detail "insert" or
"delete". Desired behaviour is:
 - when a new text is added a "text-changed:insert" event should be fired
 - when a part of text is deleted a "tex-changed:delete" event should be fired.

This is the wanted behaviour, and it is implemented by gtk apps.

Steps to reproduce:
 -- for gtk apps:
       1. start gedit
       2. type "hello"
       3. events "text-changed:insert" and "text-caret-moved" are received
for 5 times
       4. press left arrow key for 2 times
       5. event "text-caret-moved" is received for 2 times
       6. press BACKSPACE for 3 times
       7. events "text-changed:delete" and "text-caret-moved" are received
for 3 times
       8. press DELETE for 1 time
       7. event "text-changed:delete" is received for 1 time
  -- for java apps:
       1. start staroffice
       2. type "hello"
       3. events "text-changed" and "text-caret-moved" are received for 5 times
       4. press left arrow key for 2 times
       5. event "text-caret-moved" is received for 2 times
       6. press BACKSPACE for 3 times
       7. events "text-changed" and "text-caret-moved" are received for 3 times
       8. press DELETE for 1 time
       7. event "text-changed" is received for 1 time

The difference between the above 2 toolkits is that "gail" toolkit (used by
gedit) emits events with details "insert" or "delete" for "text-changed"
events and "J2SE-access-bridge" hide these details.
Comment 1 bill.haneman 2003-04-16 16:43:39 UTC
Darren could you please confirm/investigate this?

Remus is not seeing the details.  Can you help him confirm which
version of the bridge he is using?
Comment 2 Darren Kenny 2003-04-22 12:27:35 UTC
Bill / Remus:

I've looked at this and there is one very important detain in
Remus's description :

- for java apps:
  1. start staroffice

This probably explains some of our confusion - StarOffice is not
a Java App - it's simulating a Java App. This is a very important

The problem described is not evident in a Java App like StylePad,
which generates (for the most part) the detail - but there is an 
existing bug to generate all the detail for this: 105969.

As for StarOffice - the fact that staroffice is not generating
the detail is down to the fact that the JABG has in place a 
specific piece of code to handle SO passing down a range of
values, which the JABG would translate into the detail required
in AT-SPI events. Unfortunately, at present SO is not generating
this detail - that's a bug logged in SO's internal bug system.


Comment 3 Darren Kenny 2003-04-28 15:01:35 UTC
This is all encapsulated in bug : 105969, closing as a duplicate.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 105969 ***