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Bug 98869 - Mismatched new [] / delete.
Mismatched new [] / delete.
Product: libgnomeuimm
Classification: Other
Component: general
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtkmm-forge
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-11-18 13:43 UTC by Matthew Tuck
Modified: 2011-01-16 23:41 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Fix. (1.06 KB, patch)
2002-12-16 14:50 UTC, Matthew Tuck
none Details | Review

Description Matthew Tuck 2002-11-18 13:43:27 UTC
Valgrind reports the following error:

==17137== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
==17137==    at 0x40045A12: __builtin_delete
==17137==    by 0x40045A39: operator delete(void*)
==17137==    by 0x402BE47F: Gnome::UI::Items::Info_::~Info_()
==17137==    by 0x402BE531: Gnome::UI::Items::Info_::unref() (
==17137==    by 0x402BE7E1: Gnome::UI::Items::Info::~Info() (
==17137==    by 0x402AC0AA: Gnome::UI::App::~App() (
==17137==    by 0x4025E341: Bakery::App::~App() (
==17137==    by 0x40262060: Bakery::App_WithDoc::~App_WithDoc()
==17137==    by 0x8125EA0: MainWindow::~MainWindow() (
==17137==    by 0x4026642B:
==17137==    by 0x402669F8: ???
==17137==    by 0x40266A1C: ???
==17137==    by 0x4074D056:
Glib::SignalProxyNormal::slot0_void_callback(_GObject*, void*)
==17137==    by 0x40D1B786: g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID
==17137==    by 0x40D06E1B: g_closure_invoke
==17137==    by 0x40D1AF5C: signal_emit_unlocked_R
==17137==    by 0x40D191FA: g_signal_emit_valist
==17137==    by 0x40950FAF: gtk_signal_emit
==17137==    by 0x409CF38E: gtk_widget_hide
==17137==    by 0x4061E350: Gtk::Widget::hide() (
==17137==    by 0x40262935: Bakery::App_WithDoc::on_menu_File_Close()
==17137==    by 0x81260A9: MainWindow::on_menu_File_Close()
==17137==    by 0x4025EBB2: Bakery::App::on_delete_event(_GdkEventAny*)
==17137==    by 0x4061C480:
Gtk::Widget_Class::delete_event_callback(_GtkWidget*, _GdkEventAny*)
==17137==    by 0x4091BD72: _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED
==17137==    by 0x40D071F5: g_type_class_meta_marshal
==17137==    by 0x40D06E1B: g_closure_invoke
==17137==    by 0x40D1AD7A: signal_emit_unlocked_R
==17137==    by 0x40D19267: g_signal_emit_valist
==17137==    by 0x40950FAF: gtk_signal_emit
==17137==    by 0x409D13BD: gtk_widget_event_internal
==17137==    by 0x409D1020: gtk_widget_event
==17137==    by 0x4091AB49: gtk_main_do_event
==17137==    by 0x40A9A0DC: gdk_event_dispatch
==17137==    by 0x40D75B29: g_main_dispatch
==17137==    by 0x40D76947: g_main_context_dispatch
==17137==    by 0x40D76D23: g_main_context_iterate
==17137==    by 0x40D773FF: g_main_loop_run
==17137==    by 0x4091A33F: gtk_main
==17137==    by 0x405D26C2: Gtk::Main::run_impl() (
==17137==    by 0x405D24BD: Gtk::Main::run() (
==17137==    by 0x81540F4: main (
==17137==    by 0x40F509D3: __libc_start_main (in /lib/
==17137==    by 0x80DDB71: (within /home/matty/Projects/Visage-0.1/src/visage)

==17137==    Address 0x46707508 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 6 alloc'd

==17137==    at 0x400458A8: __builtin_vec_new
==17137==    by 0x400458F1: operator new[](unsigned)
==17137==    by 0x402BDFB6: Gnome::UI::Items::cpp_strdup(Glib::ustring
const&) (
==17137==    by 0x402BE25C: Gnome::UI::Items::Info_::Info_(Glib::ustring
const&, Glib::ustring const&) (
==17137==    by 0x402BEB45:
Gnome::UI::Items::Icon const&, Glib::ustring const&, SigC::Slot1<void,
Gtk::Widget*> const&, Glib::ustring const&) (
==17137==    by 0x40262589: Bakery::App_WithDoc::init_toolbars()
==17137==    by 0x4025E72D: Bakery::App::init() (
==17137==    by 0x402640A8: Bakery::App_WithDoc::init() (
==17137==    by 0x81263C7: MainWindow::init() (
==17137==    by 0x81540EC: main (
==17137==    by 0x40F509D3: __libc_start_main (in /lib/
==17137==    by 0x80DDB71: (within /home/matty/Projects/Visage-0.1/src/visage)

According to the Valgrind docs, if you allocate with new [] you must
deallocated with delete [], not delete.
Comment 1 Murray Cumming 2002-11-18 20:11:54 UTC
How can we reproduce this error? Does this happen on any of the
gnomemm examples, or only your own app?
Comment 2 Matthew Tuck 2002-11-19 04:00:35 UTC
I will see about getting a test case.  I couldn't replace it on
examples/menu, and examples/gnome-hello is broken.
Comment 3 Murray Cumming 2002-12-16 13:41:59 UTC
Any chance of that test case?
Comment 4 Matthew Tuck 2002-12-16 14:44:36 UTC
This is a pretty simple fix, Info_() uses cpp_strdup which uses new
[], whereas ~Info() uses delete.  I'm about to attach a patch for this.
Comment 5 Matthew Tuck 2002-12-16 14:50:41 UTC
Created attachment 13035 [details] [review]
Comment 6 Murray Cumming 2002-12-17 15:00:50 UTC
Excellent. Well done.