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Bug 91916 - Major memory leakage
Major memory leakage
Product: Pan
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: High major
: 0.13.1
Assigned To: Charles Kerr
Pan QA Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-28 21:32 UTC by Jon Portnoy
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jon Portnoy 2002-08-28 21:32:40 UTC
relevant hardware: p3 866mhz with 384M PC100 SDRAM
pan uses about 11mb of RAM at startup, which jumps to 16mb upon opening a
group, which jumps to ~20mb upon opening an article; this ram usage
continues to grow until pan uses all available ram and the kernel kills the
[avenj@cerberus avenj]$ grep pan /var/log/messages
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31903 (pan).
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31904 (pan).
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31906 (pan).
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31907 (pan).
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31908 (pan).
Aug 28 17:01:13 cerberus kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 31909 (pan).
Comment 1 Charles Kerr 2002-09-17 04:40:17 UTC

I can't reproduce any of this, but certainly would like to
know what's going on there.

Any chance you could run Pan inside of valgrind for me?

Typically "valgrind --logfile-fd=9 --num-callers=16 --leak-check=yes
--leak-resolution=high pan 9>logfile"

Comment 2 Jon Portnoy 2002-09-17 13:33:16 UTC
I would, but valgrind has never worked properly on my box and I'm not
entirely sure why:
[avenj@cerberus valgrind-1.0.1]$ valgrind --logfile-fd=9
--num-callers=16 --leak-check=yes --leak-resolution=high pan 9>logfile
valgrind's libc_internal_tsd_get: invalid key
valgrind's libc_internal_tsd_get: invalid key
..and then quits.

Is there any similar software?
Also, do you need any information on related libraries and the like?
Comment 3 Charles Kerr 2002-09-17 16:39:28 UTC
Hmm, frustrating, Does valgrind 1.0.2 fare any better?
Comment 4 Jon Portnoy 2002-09-18 14:02:50 UTC
Nope, same issue, although I note that it works with all applications
other than those using GTK. Perhaps I have broken GTK libs?

[avenj@cerberus avenj]$ rpm -q gtk+
[avenj@cerberus avenj]$ rpm -q gtk2

Comment 5 Charles Kerr 2002-09-19 19:01:19 UTC
Aha, I think I've fixed this!

Try updating to a CVS snapshot, or just give this patch a spin:
Comment 6 Jon Portnoy 2002-09-19 23:44:53 UTC
Yeah, that did fix the consistently leaking - although I note that for
every (completely plain text) message I open RAM usage jumps about
five megabytes higher...
But yes, no more extremely excessive leaks :-)
Comment 7 Charles Kerr 2002-09-21 07:25:45 UTC
Thanks for pointing it out.  I tracked that down and fixed it too... :)