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Bug 91027 - [Solaris] Inconsistencies in options shown in help manual and actual app
[Solaris] Inconsistencies in options shown in help manual and actual app
Product: eog
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Solaris
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: EOG Maintainers
EOG Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-17 13:20 UTC by Mamatha
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description Mamatha 2002-08-17 13:20:47 UTC
Tested on Sun's Gnome 2.0 Beta 2 Build 3 version on a Solaris 9 Sparc 

Reviewed Eog Manual ver 2.0 and found the following mismatch between the 
explanation in the online help manual and the actual GUI.

1) Sec 3.1: To Open an Image
1. File->Open Image – No such Option. 

2) Sec 3.2: To Manipulate the View of an Image
 Instead of ‘View->Zoom to Default’, it is ‘View-> Zoom 1:1’

3) Sec 3.4 :To close an Image
Instead of File -> Exit, it is File->Quit

4)Sec 4 : Settings
Instead of ‘Settings->Preferences’, it is ‘Edit->Preferences...’

5) Sec 4.1: Display
The manual shows only three options, viz. 
1.Nearest neighbor
2. Bilinear
3. Hyperbolic 
The 'Tiles'option is missing in the help docs

6) Sec 4.1: Display - Transparency type 
Instead of Transparency type, it is ‘check type’

7) Sec 4.1: Display- Two-pass scrolling 
'Two-pass scrolling'-  No such option 

8) Sec 4.2.1: Image Windows
Viewers- Image windows -No such option

9)Sec 4.2.2: Full Screen
The manual shows the following options:
1. Use scrollbars (never, only if image does not fit)
2. Use 1:1 zoom factor 
3. Use same zoom factor as image window
4. Fit all images to screen
5. Fit standard-sized images to screen
6. Put a bevel around the edge of the screen

But the eog app shows only a single 'Full screen' option.

10) Link broken in 'Settings->Display’ (Sec 4.1) and also in 'Viewers-
>Image (sec 4.2.1) windows. (Click on 'previous' link it displays 
the 'About this document' page.)
Comment 1 irene.ryan 2002-08-21 08:39:11 UTC
I will review the comments against the latest version of the online
help and update the manual accordingly.
Comment 2 irene.ryan 2002-10-14 14:28:31 UTC
I've updated the EOG manual to correct all of the above problems
except for item 5. 

RE: item 5 - Federico indicated before that the "Tiles" option doesn't
make sense for EOG so it shouldn't be there. Is this option going to
be removed? If not, can someone provide me with a brief description of
the Tiles option? You can mail me separately.
Comment 3 Jens Finke 2002-10-14 14:57:54 UTC
For the record: In version 1.1.0 (was released yesterday and is
targetted for Gnome 2.2) the whole preference settings were reworked
and are completely different than in all previous versions. 

The comments above are only valid for the 1.0.x series.
Comment 4 irene.ryan 2002-10-15 21:06:40 UTC
I've updated the EOG manual to V2.3 and submitted it to CVS HEAD. The
manual reflects EOG V1.0.2 and will be revised at a later date to
reflect V1.1.x changes.

Item 10 of this bug report is a Yelp/gtk2html issue.  
Comment 5 Luis Villa 2002-10-21 19:55:53 UTC
I'm going to close this, then; Mamatha, please open a bug against
gtkhtml for the link problem if there is not one already. [I'm pretty
sure there is :) 

Irene: thanks as always.