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Bug 85628 - [ui-review] Background Preferences string changes
[ui-review] Background Preferences string changes
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Background
Other All
: Urgent normal
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
: 87239 87484 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 76081 83482
Reported: 2002-06-17 16:04 UTC by Calum Benson
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Calum Benson 2002-06-17 16:04:52 UTC
The following issues came out of the recent ui-review and are recommended
for fixing prior to GNOME 2.0.1:

- Add seperator bar above the action area
- Remove help text ("You can...")- it's in documentation
- s/Picture/Select picture:
- s/Color/Color:
- s/Border the Picture with a/Picture border:	
- Picture border should be disabled if you select 'No picture'
- Default button should be 'Close'
Comment 1 Luis Villa 2002-06-18 20:54:30 UTC
Adding keywords to all ui-review bugs in one mass change, sorry for the spam. It
would be very nice if the folks doing UI review stuff would be sure to add
'PATCH' to the bugs that have those. I'm (tentatively) not marking these 'high'
but the release team [having gotten approval from the docs and i18n people]
would like to see these in ASAP on the 2.0.1 branches, so that i18n folks can
start translating at their convenience.
Comment 2 Jody Goldberg 2002-06-19 00:08:39 UTC
- Lack of seperator was a bug.				- done
- s/_Picture/Select _picture:/				- done
- s/C_olor/C_olor:/
  s/_Left Color/_Left Color:/
  s/_Right Color/_Right Color:/
  s/_Top Color/_Top Color:/
  s/_Bottom Color/_Bottom Color:/			- done
- s/Bor_der the picture with a:/Picture Bor_der:/	- done
- default button -> close				- done

The desensitization of the picture options is a bug.  I'll fix.
The other elements will need to be discussed.
Comment 3 Jody Goldberg 2002-06-19 00:22:27 UTC
Seth has explained the background colour sensitization logic and the current
setup seems correct.  No picture uses the colours to select the solid
background.  The colours are only desensitized when the background image covers
the entire screen.
Comment 4 Luis Villa 2002-06-26 01:21:33 UTC
Adding a note about bug 83482, which should be at least looked at.
Comment 5 Luis Villa 2002-06-26 01:23:02 UTC
Also 76081.
Comment 6 Luis Villa 2002-06-28 16:53:05 UTC
Comment 7 Luis Villa 2002-07-02 15:14:35 UTC
[Search for 'luis spamming' to catch every instance of this email.]
In order to better track Sun's bugs for Sun and Ximian's internal use, I've
added a temporary keyword to some bugs. I apologize for the spam, and for the
use of an additional keyword, but this is the best way for Sun to track 'it's'
bugs without interfering with the community's own triage and bug behavior. If
you have any questions or objections, please drop me a note at
or email for more open discussion.
Comment 8 Calum Benson 2002-07-08 16:30:49 UTC
After some discussion with bex and Eugene, we think this might be better:
s/Picture Border:/Background Color:
s/Solid Color/Solid

Any objections/chance we could change it to this instead...?  The
problem with the current wording is that it's not really a "border" if
you're not using a picture. (And changing the label dynamically
depending on what picture option you had chosen would be kind of sucky
for usability/accessibility).
Comment 9 Calum Benson 2002-07-09 13:59:19 UTC
The debate continues... Bex proposes:

   Background style and color:
   [Solid        ]        Color:[]

Eugene proposes:

   +--Background Color----------------+
   |                                  |
   | Style:  Solid         Color: [=] |

I'm still trying to work out which I prefer :/
Comment 10 Calum Benson 2002-07-10 14:59:07 UTC
Best compromise I can think of at the moment would be something like:

Background _Style: [Solid Color]          _Color: [x]

or if one of the other options were selected:

Background _Style: [Horizontal gradient]  _Left Color:   [x]
                                          _Right Color:  [y]  

Background _Style: [Vertical gradient]    _Top Color:    [x]
                                          _Bottom Color: [y]  
Comment 11 Luis Villa 2002-07-10 19:49:43 UTC
*** Bug 87484 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Jody Goldberg 2002-07-12 16:48:55 UTC
My goodness we've achieved consensus !
Comment 13 Calum Benson 2002-07-23 11:52:01 UTC
As far as I can see, the string I thought we were going to change to
"Background Style" (according to the bug report) is still labelled
"Picture Border", despite the "consensus" we reached... guess it's too
late to re-open now though :/
Comment 14 Calum Benson 2002-07-23 11:53:48 UTC
Oops no, I take it back... was looking at the wrong revision in CVS. 
Comment 15 Eugene O'Connor 2002-08-06 11:54:14 UTC
Docs updated to reflect these changes.
Comment 16 Luis Villa 2002-08-06 17:25:10 UTC
*** Bug 87239 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***