GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 82381
gtkmm should support GtkPixmap
Last modified: 2009-08-15 18:40:50 UTC
The widget is described as "deprecated", yet Gtk+ 2.0 still supports it, glade 1.1.0 supports it in the "deprecated" widget palette. The story should be consistent throughout; if it's deprecated, everyone continues to support it until it's discontinued. If it's really "discontinued", then Gtk+, Glade et al need to drop their support. Also, libglade's glade1-to-glade2 converter needs to deal with the conversion. But in the situation I'm bringing up, I'm speaking of a brand-new Glade-2 app: it can have GtkPixmaps
Is there anything Gtk::Pixmap could do that cannot be done using Gtk::Image or perhaps Gdk::Pixbuf? Could you show us an example?
Don't know. Don't care. Deprecated means "supported, but we're warning you, we'll remove support in a later version." If it's deprecated, you support it. If it's discontinued, then you need to make sure the adjunct toolkits/applications present a unified front. (According to the gtk+ docs, a 2.0 GtkImage has a notion of stock images, as well as animation. The 1.2 GtkImage is nowhere as capable)
GTK+ says it's deprecated. But this is gtkmm not GTK+, and we decided to discontinue *all* widgets that are deprecated in GTK+ 2.0. Because of limited ressources (time and developers), we just have to set priorities. Taking this fact into account, I think it's very good not having to concentrate on deprecated features. The transition from gtkmm-1.2 to gtkmm-2.0 will require more changes than the transition from GTK+-1.2 to GTK+-2.0, because we changed a lot of conventions. For instance, we now use signal accessor functions -- a major change which the vast majority of users agreed upon. Thus it seems just logical to get rid of deprecated widgets, especially if they're easily replaced.
Feel free to reopen the bug if you discover a feature of GtkPixmap that cannot be replaced easily.
I totally agree with Daniel. We've made it clear that we will only support deprecated APIs if there is a team of people who are willing to do that work.
Sent a patch to Glade-2 so it'll disallow deprecated widgets when asked to generate code in C++ mode.