GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 81422
Menu bar isn't shown correctly in latest gtkmm CVS
Last modified: 2011-01-16 23:33:36 UTC
The menu bar of my app isn't shown correctly using the lastest gtkmm source from cvs. Please have a look at
I forgot to mention that I'm using libglademm CVS.
So is this a problem with gtkmm or libglademm? Please check the gtkmm examples. If you think that it is a libglademm problem then please provide a simple compileable example and reassign this bug to gnomemm/libglademm.
I will close this bug unless I get a response.
The example attached is taken from libglade. Extract in the "libglademm/examples" directory. (I don't have CVS access at the moment so I can't create a patch.) It's got a menu. There are error messages on invocation and clicking on "File" or "Help" doesn't have an effect - I suppose that's a bug in libglademm.
Created attachment 8568 [details] The promised attachment...
Confirmed. But please make a simple-as-possible example for me to investigate.
I did it like this to show that the bug is not present when using the pure C APIs. I will provide a shorter example later this week.
Since my copy of libsigc++ is out of date and sourceforge is unreachable, I can't update gtkmm and gnomemm to the latest cvs version. Terefore I have to postpone this task again :-(
Have you made any progress?
No, sorry, I'm afraid I'll still be completely idle for the next two weeks because I'm writing exams. It should be very easy to create that example but my gtk-2.0 installation doesn't work at the moment - there are dependencies on XF86 4.2 which I don't have installed...
Created attachment 9940 [details] - menu only
Here is a simplified version of the glade file. (By the way, the original file was a .tar.gz file). It doesn't show the warnings or any other problem. Of course the menu items don't do anything because their signals have not been connected to any signal handlers. I'm not sure how we would do that with libglade(mm). So, it's up to you to give me an example that isolates the problem.
I will close this bug unless I get a sensible example.
Then I will reopen it next week, when my exams are finally over and I find the time to get my system working with the newest cvs sources...
Obviously the bug disappeared - whether it's due to changes in libglade or gtkmm I cannot say. I can't reproduce it in my app that I didn't touch the past weeks. To make completely sure, however, I want to try the example I previously attached to this bug before suggesting to close it. Question: How do I retrieve my first attachment? I accidently deleted my local copy and clicking on the attachment in bugzilla only delivers the names of the files in the tar archive...
I don't understand. Do you believe that bugzilla is expanding your tar.gz file?
I simply don't know what bugzilla is doing with tar.gz attachements. What I want to do is retrieve my first attachment from bugzilla but I don't manage to. Could you please retrieve the attachment for me and send it by mail if it is not possible to get it from bugzilla's html interface?
When I download I have to give it a something.tar.gz name if I expect it to be a tar.gz name. Please discuss usage of bugzilla on the mailing list if necessary.
Yes sorry, I was being stupid about the attachment ... and forgot about this bug (I thought you had already closed it). However, finally I can confirm that the bug indeed has vanished. The glade example that I attahed shows its menu as expected under glademm. Please close this bug.
Closing bugs is so satisfying.