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Bug 80585 - impossible to enter cyrillic
impossible to enter cyrillic
Product: gnome-applets
Classification: Other
Component: keyboard indicator (gswitchit)
Other other
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-applets Maintainers
gnome-applets Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-05-02 18:20 UTC by Alexander Kirillov
Modified: 2006-02-13 07:27 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

ru.xmm (3.42 KB, text/plain)
2002-05-13 16:58 UTC, Szabolcs Ban

Description Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-02 18:20:14 UTC
I've tried using gkb to switch the kbd to Cyrillic (Russian) and found it
to be almost impossible. gkb provides 3 Russian modes: Russian xkb, Russian
xmodmap and Russian Cyrillic (?). I tried all 3 - and in all 3 of them, I
am still getting English, not Russian: key "w" produces "w", not
"cyrillic_tse". I finally found a way to type Russian - by reading the file
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru and figuring from it what key acts as
mod_switch (I am not telling you which). But surely we can't expect all
users of GNOME 2 to do it this way. 

Also: "Russian xkb" and "Russian xmodmap" kbd files contain 
"Codepage: iso-8859-1"
which is clearly nonsense.
Comment 1 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-05-12 19:35:30 UTC
Shooby: any ideas on this one?
Comment 2 Szabolcs Ban 2002-05-13 07:34:02 UTC
I plan to support "variants". /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru
contains  4 variants. You can make a new layout with editing the
Russian xkb mode: write "setxkbmap ru [variant]" like "setxkbmap ru
phonetic" and try the new layout out.
You will find the variants by
"grep xkb_symbols /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru" command.
Variants is a new and interesting feature requirement, needs some
coding and new format for prep (layout descripting) files. That
feature will bring more than 100 new layout for GKB, so I'm going to
make this.
The codepage field is unused and informal, I will remove it because
pang-o can't use it the was as I wanted so.
Comment 3 Szabolcs Ban 2002-05-13 07:53:33 UTC
One other hint from Mantas K. <>:
grep name /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru
There is two "name group" in the file.
So you will have to set this combination by adding this line in
XF86Config keyboard section:
Option       "XkbOptions"    "grp:shift_toggle"

Or use the command:
setxkbmap -option grp:shift_toggle ru
in GKB.
Comment 4 Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-13 15:44:57 UTC
I do not know enough about variants, so I can't comment here.  But the
problem seems to be that "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru" contains
2 groups, Cyrillic and English - and it is the English one that is
used by default. So to get Cyrillic, you need to toggle groups *after*
 setxbdmap ru command. I know that - but my father (or almost any 
person without knowledge of internals of X11) wouldn't; he'd expect
that once you have selected "Russian" in GKB, you'll immediately get
Cyrillic.  And I think this is the way GKB should work - no grepping
symbols file to see the list of groups, no editing XF86Config. 

May I suggest a way to achieve this? Create our own symbol file, based
on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru, but which has Cyrillic as the
first (default) group, and modify the GKB command to be "setxbmap
/path/to/our/file". Do you think it will work? Creating the modified
file is trivial, but I do not know much about syntax of setxkbmap
command. Of course, the same can be done for all other non-iso8859-1
Comment 5 Szabolcs Ban 2002-05-13 16:58:05 UTC
Created attachment 8432 [details]
Comment 6 Szabolcs Ban 2002-05-13 16:59:52 UTC
I made an xmodmap file for you. See previous attachment.
xmodmap ru.xmm
(in GKB's command field :))))

&#1087;&#1088;&#1080;&#1074;&#1077;&#1090; &#1072;&#1083;&#1077;&#1082;&#1089;&#1072;&#1085;&#1076;&#1077;&#1088;!
Comment 7 Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-13 18:25:50 UTC
Thnaks - I'll test this. Will you include it in the next release? As I
said, I can solve my kbd problems, but I'd really like GKB to work
"out of the box" for other users - such as my father.
Comment 8 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-05-14 01:12:07 UTC
Shooby: So is there a fix to make this work out of the box?
Comment 9 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-05-14 17:59:09 UTC
Shooby put in a possible fix that is in cvs right now, but didn't
quite make it into the 1.102.0 release.

Alexander: Could you test with the latest cvs version?
Comment 10 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-05-14 22:05:16 UTC
Okay, there is a 1.102.1 relase avaiable that should be included with
beta4 to be released soon, and that has these changes.
Comment 11 Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-14 22:13:12 UTC
I have problems building from CVS - but I did test the ru.xmm file
(manually, by typing xmodmap /path/to/ru.xmm). 
 Works fine in GNOME2 - except that Shooby forgot to switch groups for
number keys, so Shift+6  gives "^" instead of ",".   And Caps Lock is
not working anymore - this, IIRC, is an old problem with using
xmodmap. But this I can live with. 

I think that other language users might also be interested in getting
kbd layouts that do not require them to hold down AltGr key - maybe
worth asking on i18n mailing list. But I do not really care. 

Comment 12 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-05-18 14:54:55 UTC
Shooby's fix is in the beta5 release. 

Alexander: can you test if gkb now works "out of the box" without
using the patch attached to this bug?
Comment 13 Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-21 18:20:32 UTC
Y¤s,  works out of th¤ box for m¤ now 
Still has som¤  probl¤ms: for ¤xampl¤, aft¤r switching to Plain
Russian K¤ymap and th¤n back to US ¤nglish, I can't typ¤ l¤tt¤r ¤,
cant typ¤ p¤riod, I g¤t backslash inst¤ad of dash, ¤tc  
Comment 14 Szabolcs Ban 2002-05-21 18:24:05 UTC
Could you make a proper cyrillic keymap? Please help me and send me
your corrected version if you can. Thank you.
Comment 15 Alexander Kirillov 2002-05-22 13:59:12 UTC
It seems that ru-rev.xmm file is mostly OK (it only needs swapping
groups for number keys - I'll send you the patch) - I have no problems
typing Cyrillic letters. The problems start when I try to switch back
to US English kbd - and I have no idea why. Maybe because "Plain
Russian Kbd" uses xmodmap and "English (US)" uses xkb? Just guessing...  

I'll ask people on gnome-cyr mailing list for help - there are people
there who know much more than I do. `
Comment 16 Mantas Kriaučiūnas 2002-08-03 17:01:25 UTC
The problem is that gkb applet doesn't have ability to switch beetween
xkb groups. There is another gnome applet, which can switch beetween
xkb groups - gswitchit (see
I think gkb and gswitchit should merge and xkb-related stuff should be
done with library from gswitchit -
Then will be no problems with gkb and xkb keymaps.
(xmodmap related stuff can stay as it is now)
Comment 17 Szabolcs Ban 2002-11-30 11:17:50 UTC
There is a problem with xkb extension. Sun X server does not support
it IMHO. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think there is a solution to build gkb with libxklavier platform
dephendently, but I need help (patches, etc) because I have to time
and hardware to test it.
Comment 18 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2002-12-01 00:32:41 UTC
Guys, I think the better idea (IMHO) would be not share but split
responsibility. gkb would be the help for xmodmap-oriented people (who
are unfortunate enough to miss XKB extension). And gswitchit already
handles xkb much better than gkb (sorry, not really humble but still
true) - so leave xkb to it.

Soon gswitchit is going to be moved into gnome cvs - so it would be
under the gnome umbrella...

Is all this bad idea ?
Comment 19 Nikolay Fiykov 2002-12-05 19:10:54 UTC
let me ask because I'm not quite sure I do follow properly the thread.
how this is this going to be fixed?
I got keyboard layout working nice after replacing the places
latin-cirillic in gkb_xmmap file. is that about the same issues?
-- fikin
Comment 20 sdiconov 2002-12-05 20:09:20 UTC
Yes and No. It is all about XKB Xfree extension that lets one have a
true international keyboard, allows setting XFree wide hotkeys for
switching keyboard layouts and stuff. GKB is almost unusable for the
languages that do not use Latin alphabet. Languages like Russian,
Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian etc. etc. require a separate
keyboard layout which has no room for latin letters (used for
inputting system commands, mathematical variables and such). Many
tasks make the user switch keyboards rather often, so there must be a
simple hotkey, an indikator in the panel and a complex configuration
backend. Gswitchit provides it all while gkb functionality is not
enough.  (This was an answer for the previous post)
Comment 21 Szabolcs Ban 2003-04-11 13:05:46 UTC
I plan to write a small utility what can switch between xkb layouts, 
variants and groups (like setxkbmap, but with group switching 
support). I need help, I have no time to learn how to use xkb (since 
I have to work hard for my salary :))
This can solve most of the problems. If you have time and want to 
help please contact me. ...---...
Comment 22 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-04-11 14:11:00 UTC
How different will it be from gswitchit? What extra functions do you
want to put in it? I could help you with xkb - and my libxklavier can
be of some help here.
Comment 23 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-04-11 14:13:10 UTC
So we can start discussions here - or just write me privately...
Comment 24 Szabolcs Ban 2003-04-20 12:41:02 UTC
This will be a command line utility (good for scripting and bug
squashing, emergency switching, too) I plan it as simple as it can be.
Gswitchit is just for xkb and there are lot of users who cannot use
xkb because they have unsupported layouts (unsupported by XFree86,
like indic project) or they have to hold down the key Alt to type
their specific characters and they dont want to do that. So they send
me their special keymap in xmodmap format and I include this in gkb.
XFree86 project is bigger and slower.
Comment 25 Yanko Kaneti 2003-04-20 14:23:03 UTC
   Maintaining/supporting/shipping different keymaps in different
places with different projects  as it is done now doesn't make any sense.
   XFree86 is very much opening nowdays with promises of more frequent
or even modular releases. There is a bugtracker Thereis an open development list. 
   This simply should be fixed in the right place.
Comment 26 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-04-20 23:12:17 UTC
Please - let's not duplicate the effort of XFree in layout making.
They probably are not the fastest - but they already got established
infrastructure. With latest xkb modifications (in xfree 4.3.0) - I
think the effort should be put to enlarging the xkb configuration
repository of xfree - but not forking/duplicating it. At least let's
discuss this serious matter at desktop mailing list (though I am not
even sure it is worth discussing - from my point of view, it would be
just very bad thing to do).

About the utility: what could be the scenarios of its invocation? Will
it be some kind of daemon - or just some quick execution (like
setxkbmap)? For xkb case - how is it going to deal with 4-group
limitation (if it just going to switch groups)?
Comment 27 Kjartan Maraas 2003-10-26 13:05:10 UTC
I think this report has strayed from it's original subject. Can we
close this and reopen bugs for specific areas that need work instead?
It's hard to track a bug that is as general as this.
Comment 28 Danielle Madeley 2004-08-17 03:27:04 UTC
Is there any action on this bug?
Comment 29 Szabolcs Ban 2004-08-17 08:10:51 UTC
Yes, this "bug" is final agony of GKB. I have rewritten GKB with every big version change of Gnome.  I 
still got lots of feature reguests (new and corrected keymaps) and fixes for official keyboards. Since 
Sergey is working to replace GKB I decided to not stop him, I decided to not rewrite GKB again.
Maybe this is the best for the community.
Tell me if I am wrong about this, I'm extremely since I saw my work is against others will.
Comment 30 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2004-08-28 00:45:15 UTC
Now, gswitchit is fully integrated. The only problem we have is X servers
without xkb extension. I would highly appreciate Szabolics' help and support in
this area. For now, x servers without xkb show good old gkb - so it would be
cute to give it some HIG love, de-flagize it etc.