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Bug 79884 - broken shortcuts in German version
broken shortcuts in German version
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Internationalization (i18n)
Other other
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-04-25 17:35 UTC by Matthias Reis
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Matthias Reis 2002-04-25 17:34:55 UTC
Package: nautilus
Severity: normal
Version: 1.1.11
Synopsis: broken shortcuts in German version
Bugzilla-Product: nautilus
Bugzilla-Component: Internationalization (i18n)

Description of Problem:
can't press alt+d for "Datei" (file), etc. menu

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. run nautilus with "de" locale
2. try to press alt+d for "Datei" menu

Actual Results:
no "Datei" menu is shown

Expected Results:
"Datei" menu

How often does this happen?
happens always

Additional Information:

------- Bug moved to this database by 2002-04-25 13:34 -------

Unknown version 1.1.x in product nautilus. Setting version to the default, "unspecified".
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2002-06-07 05:53:04 UTC
I think this was file before the string freeze so it may have very
well be broken at the time.

Matthias can you try this a newer build that has updated translations.
Comment 2 Matthias Reis 2002-06-07 15:05:33 UTC
occurs also in 1.1.16
Comment 3 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2002-06-07 15:12:45 UTC

Can you please try 1.1.19. 

1.1.16 was release before the string freeze and updated translations
were commited

thanks you
Comment 4 Kjartan Maraas 2002-08-03 10:59:32 UTC
Fixed in 2.0.x?
Comment 5 Matthias Reis 2002-08-04 16:13:54 UTC
I'm using 2.0.0 now; same problem. Also some menu items have english
labels, eg. Edit|Preferences ("Bearbeiten|Preferences")...
Comment 6 Luis Villa 2002-08-05 21:12:05 UTC
Kjartan, Christian: is this a problem with Nautilus or just with
incomplete german translations?
Comment 7 Kjartan Maraas 2002-08-05 22:04:34 UTC
The translation is missing a mnemonic. And it's probably incomplete as
well. I don't think we need to keep this stuff in bugzilla unless we
move it to product i18n - component "de" or something.
Comment 8 Kjartan Maraas 2002-08-06 17:15:13 UTC
I fixed the mnemonic yesterday. And I don't think incomplete
translations should be filed as bugs against the module itself. I'll
be glad to add a "de" component in l10n if you want.
Comment 9 Luis Villa 2002-08-06 17:26:57 UTC
Yeah, the right thing to do would be to have a .de component in l10n
to match the others, assuming that this is 'purely' a translation bug.
Can you create one? And we'll need to get the .de translation person
to have a bugzilla account...
Comment 10 Christian Rose 2002-08-06 18:08:26 UTC
Actually, I believe the German translation of Nautilus is complete (at
least the status page says so). It was probably just that the
translation lacked access keys in some messages.
Comment 11 Manuel Borchers 2002-08-06 18:50:22 UTC
Problem was in de.po, fixed that in CVS.
Will add the de component soon.
