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Bug 78638 - Incorrect X clipboard handling in Gnumeric
Incorrect X clipboard handling in Gnumeric
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: GUI
git master
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-04-14 03:17 UTC by Nick Lamb
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Small patch (2.73 KB, patch)
2002-04-14 23:16 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
none Details | Review

Description Nick Lamb 2002-04-14 03:17:53 UTC
I wrote several emails to gnumeric-list about this without anyone even
saying "What are you talking about?", so I guess I had better file a bug.

Everyone (and I mean everyone, Emacs 21, GTK+ >= 1.0 and GNOME, Qt >= 3.0
and KDE, Motif 2, Mozilla, the list is endless...) has agreed to do what it
says in JWZ's wise description of X selections.

Gnumeric doesn't do this. It should. Because X clipboard selections are
copied and sent only on demand this does not increase the work done inside
Gnumeric significantly for selections OR for the cut/copy/paste operations.

You may elect not to assert PRIMARY when the user selects a single cell (or
perhaps even when they select multiple cells) because most users associate
the PRIMARY selection solely with text selections (although it is not
defined in that way). That's up for discussion. Changing cut/copy/paste to
use CLIPBOARD is vitally important for consistency between software, hence
the severity of this bug.
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-14 05:20:29 UTC
If you would explain what you are looking for, perhaps you would get a
better response.

To me it seems that you are asking for some further feature which you
claim gnumeric is missing. Whetehr or not you feel that it is very
important or not, that is an enhancement request.
Comment 2 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-14 05:25:07 UTC
on further reading I am wondering whetehr this should even be closed:

If I select text in gnumeric, switch to emacs and middle-click, the
text is pasted. That tells me that gnumeric handles primary selections.

If I copy a cell in gnumeric and then paste into emacs, the content of
the cell is being pasted, that seems to mean that gnumeric handles the

oh, since development of enhancements takes place in the the cvs head
branch, that's what I used to try it out.

Please let us know whether I understood your request correctly. 
Comment 3 Nick Lamb 2002-04-14 13:40:41 UTC
OK, once more, with feeling.

Gnumeric is an X application. X11 has these things called Selections.
For our purposes there are two of them, PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD.

Still with me?

Gnumeric uses some GTK+ widgets for text entry. These were written by
people who understand X11 and they use PRIMARY correctly to report
their current selection. Those are fine, leave them alone.

Gnumeric itself never sets the CLIPBOARD selection, even when the user
does an explicit Edit/Cut or Edit/Copy operation. This is wrong.
Instead it sets the PRIMARY selection, which probably should have been
set when the user actually made the selection.

Gnumeric doesn't look in the CLIPBOARD selection at all when the user
pastes something with Edit/Paste. Instead the current selection in
PRIMARY is used, which is wrong. That should only be used for the
"middle-click paste" or an analagous operation.

AFAIK Gnumeric is the only significant piece of X11 software which
still gets this wrong (the Qt 2.x bug is fixed in Qt 3.0)

So, pretty please with sugar on top, fix it. First of all go through
the clipboard code and replace references to the PRIMARY selection
with the CLIPBOARD, because I think that's 90% of the fix right there.

Once you have that feel free to open an RFE to add whatever icing
seems appropriate (e.g. middle click paste)

Hints for testing using only common X11 tools:

1. You can see the contents of CLIPBOARD in xclipboard, and change
them by just editing it directly in xclipboard.

2. You can set PRIMARY by making a selection in a (genuine) xterm
and of course middle-button-paste will paste PRIMARY into it.
Comment 4 Nick Lamb 2002-04-14 14:31:38 UTC
"The clipboard is broken" is a bug. "It would be nice if the clipboard
worked properly" is a polite bug. "I think Gnumeric should support
content-negotiation for clipboard paste operations" is an enhancement

Put another way, if *I* think Gnumeric shouldn't do something that's
an enhancement, but if the ICCCM, the Freedesktop group and all the
widget toolkit developers say Gnumeric mustn't do it then it's a bug.

This is a bug, it makes users think Gnumeric and/or their other
applications are broken, or worse it makes them think X11 itself is
broken. Severity = major.
Comment 5 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-14 23:16:10 UTC
Created attachment 7709 [details] [review]
Small patch
Comment 6 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-14 23:18:15 UTC
The attached patch to cvs head solves the above issue. The problem
with this patch is that it also disables copy/paste between older
version of gnumeric and patched versions, since the patch version does
not use PRIMARY.
Comment 7 Jody Goldberg 2002-04-15 02:58:12 UTC
1) We can't make that kind of switch until we have a better solution for
   inter-version gnumeric copy-n-paste.

2) We already support content negotiation, and intend to add more types of
   supported content.
Comment 8 Nick Lamb 2002-04-15 05:04:13 UTC
1) What might that better solution look like? This is a standards
compliance bug, it's completely orthogonal to any plans to change the
form of the selection contents because it concerns only compliance to
the ICCCM clipboard rules. It breaks interop because older Gnumeric
versions got the rules wrong. **

2) I know that Jody, it was just an example!

** As I wrote in private mail to Andreas, after the above patch is
applied you can mostly restore interop by doing some additional work
to handle PRIMARY selections as they were originally intended.
Comment 9 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-15 13:05:42 UTC

this seems to be one of those cases of "should we do A or B". It would
be very simple to make this depend on a configuration setting so that
users can choose their poison. It would also allow for more graduate move.
Comment 10 Jody Goldberg 2002-04-15 15:23:39 UTC
We need an answer to the inter version transfer.  I don't know what shape that
will take just now.  I'll consider it shortly.  1 possibility is to make this
change in 1.0.7.  We are within our rights to request that people use the latest
stable release.  By it is not a step taken lightly.
Comment 11 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-15 15:38:58 UTC
I think we shouldn't touch the 1.0.x series at all. In the 1.1.x and
later what I would like to see corresponds to what Nick indicated:
copy/paste  uses  CLIPBOARD  while
select/middle-button-click uses PRIMARY

that's why I propose that we make copy/paste for the moment
configurable in 1.1.x so that we can have people try it with other
apps and at the same time or shortly thereafter implement the
"select/middle-button-click uses PRIMARY".
Comment 12 Jody Goldberg 2002-04-15 16:37:42 UTC
Configurability at this level is likely to just confuse people.  I'm also
learly of using 1.0 vs 1.1 as the place to make such a split.  There will be
good reason to have 1.0 and 1.2 on some systems, killing interoperability seems
questionable.  Sadly using PRIMARY the same way a terminal does makes little
sense.  In a spreadsheet there is ALWAYS a selection, we'd end up irritating
the hell out of people.
Comment 13 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-15 17:18:10 UTC
I would love to be able to select and then just middle click to paste,

perhaps we are looking at this the wrong way. We have 2 things: copy
and paste.

For copy, we should copy to both primary and clipboard. Since copy
would require a selection anyways this probably fits with what other
applications do de-facto. This also has no compatibility issue with
older versions, but in the long term will help solve the compatibility
issue for paste too.

Then we only have to look at paste. For starters we could introduce a
Comment 14 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-04-24 06:29:27 UTC
A partial fix has been committed to cvs head:

"copy" sets both the primary and clipboard selection. (This behaviour
is similar to most X applications sinceeeeee setting the clipboard
selection normally is preceded by setting the primary selection.)

"paste" still only uses the PRIMARY selection.

This fix does not affect compatibility between differnet versions of
gnumeric since the clipboard selection is simply ignored, but may make
it pssible at  a later date to move to the requested clipboard handling.
Since the clipboard selection is set, data transfer from gnumeric to
any other X application should now work as expected.
Comment 15 Jody Goldberg 2002-09-10 04:10:38 UTC
After some consideration the result is as follows

1.0.x will paste from PRIMARY but will offer content on PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD
1.1.x will paste from CLIPBOARD but will offer content on PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD

not perfect since older versions of 1.0 will be unable to interoperate with 1.1
but we're within our rights to request an upgrade with 1.0.