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Bug 72822 - gdict hangs when a word not in the dictionary was given for look up
gdict hangs when a word not in the dictionary was given for look up
Product: gnome-utils
Classification: Deprecated
Component: gdict
Other Solaris
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-utils Maintainers
John Fleck
: 74148 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-02-27 13:28 UTC by venkat
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description venkat 2002-02-27 13:28:40 UTC
I have downloaded the latest code gdict(version  1.99.2) from the 
  gnome -2.0 beta release.

Reproducibility : Always

Steps to reproduce :

1) Right click on the panel and select the option 'Add to the panel --> 
Utility --> dictionary'. gdict starts up successfully.
2) Specify the word that is not in the dictionary in the 'Word'
   text entry box and press the 'Enter' key.
3) Expected result should be it will display a message like
   it is not in the dictionary. But it is hanging.
Comment 1 Luis Villa 2002-03-02 03:06:36 UTC
Yeah, still duplicable in today's CVS. Still responsive, but no return.
Comment 2 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-03-08 03:37:50 UTC
Hmm, I don't get this. Does this still happen?
Comment 3 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-03-08 14:45:03 UTC
Well, lemme take that back. It hangs for me doing any lookup or search
Comment 4 John Fleck 2002-03-08 14:56:27 UTC
I can't test this in the panel (for reasons unrelated to
gnome-dictionary), but in the application it works fine for me.
Looking up a real word get a definition, and a non-word I get the "no
matches found" message and the "spell checker" dialogue.
Comment 5 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-03-10 15:10:44 UTC
*** Bug 74148 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-03-10 15:34:27 UTC
Okay, I just tracked this down for me. The port had somehow been
switched to 2 instead of 2628, which caused the infinited looping. I
put in a fix that prevents the hanging so at least the user can check
the server settings.

So, Venkat or Louie, can you test this fix. See if your port number is
incorrect as mine was. I would very much like to close this bug.
Comment 7 Luis Villa 2002-03-12 06:38:03 UTC
I'll test as soon as I get a build with the fix, Kevin; hopefully
tomorrow morning.
Comment 8 Luis Villa 2002-03-12 18:44:57 UTC
Kevin: still appears to happen here. Is there a useful way to debug this?
Comment 9 Kevin Vandersloot 2002-03-12 20:00:49 UTC
Louie, it is still infinite looping? Is an error dialog being popped 
up? Can you verify that your port and sever settings are correct?

Finally are you sure that you have the changes I made recently - they 
went in 3/10
Comment 10 Luis Villa 2002-03-12 20:46:46 UTC
Oh, weird... rebooted over lunch and now it appears to work. When I
restarted the panel after upgrading this morning, I guess it just
picked up the old dict somehow? Anyway, it works. Closing.
Comment 11 venkat 2002-08-27 06:08:48 UTC
Closing , as the problem is not present in the latest build