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Bug 68174 - GtkEntry focus/selection problem
GtkEntry focus/selection problem
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkEntry
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: Small API
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
: 304178 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-07 11:22 UTC by Gustavo Carneiro
Modified: 2014-12-06 04:35 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Gustavo Carneiro 2002-01-07 11:22:11 UTC
When I call gtk_widget_grab_focus on a GtkEntry, all text inside the
entry is automatically selected! This is very, very wrong! ;(
  Sure, I can unselect the text afterwards, but:
     1- Why should I have to?
     2- Even if I do, the text is still temporarily selected, and whatever
primary selection the user might have will be lost.
  Focus and selection are separate, this looks just a lame attempt to fix
broken Input Dialog code.
  BTW, GtkEntries could use another form of selection, one that doesn't
interfere with the pirmary X selection. Its sole purpose would be to let
the user replace existing text without having to delete it first. But the
primary selection should *never* be automatically selected by a program.
Comment 1 Havoc Pennington 2002-01-07 15:16:22 UTC
Agree that it might be nice to have a way to grab focus 
without selecting, but it is correct to select when the user
tabs in to the entry. There is no harm to taking the primary
selection, if the user wants to preserve data they copy to the clipboard.
Comment 2 Owen Taylor 2002-01-08 16:26:56 UTC
I think it's generally right (and windows does it) that if
the program grabs focus to an entry when it focuses a
dialog, that it comes up selected. There might indeed be
cases where this is not desirable, but it's hard for me
to imagine what reason an application would typically have
for doing this.

The reason why there is no "selected but not the selection
state" is because it's really confusing - the user should
be able to middle-button-paste the selected text always.
GTK+-1.2 used two different colors for selected-but-not-the-selection
and not-selected, but I don't think most people ever figured
that out

As Havoc says, users really need to retrain to use the CLIPBOARD
(cut/copy/paste) for moving data around -- middle button paste
is a nice fast shortcut for experts, but most X users -- even
experts, basically believe that there is something broken
about the X clipboard mechanism -- because apps try to make
the PRIMARY selection into something a bit like the CLIPBOARD.
Comment 3 Gustavo Carneiro 2002-01-08 17:01:20 UTC
Just because it is hard to imagine cases where focus->selection would
not be wanted, doesn't mean you should enforce this behaviour.  As a
matter of fact, I've come across one of such 'rare' cases. I have a
single/multi-line entry, where users can enter text both in a GtkEntry
(single line mode) or GtkTextView (multi line mode). So, I have to
give focus to either one of those widgets when the mode is switched,
but, when I switch to the GtkEntry, it automatically selects all text,
which is very annoying!
  Besides, Gtk doesn't have to copy everything windows does! And I
don't recall windows selecting text in entries when they receive focus.
  Can't you select text *only* when the GtkEntry is focused explicitly
by the user?
Comment 4 Owen Taylor 2002-01-30 02:34:19 UTC
Thinking about this some more, it would be a real pain to not select
since the ::grab-focus action signal needs to select the contents of
the target widget; so, it's almost impossible for the entry to
tell whether a call to ->grab_focus() comes from the user or programmer.

Considering that I think the right thing to do is virtually always to
select, and making gtk_widget_grab_focus() not select would be quite
hard to implement, I think it's pretty clear that we should leave
it the way it is for now.

Maybe in a future version, we can add some
Comment 5 Gustavo Carneiro 2002-01-30 10:44:16 UTC
  gtk_entry_focus_without_selecting() sounds fine to me.
  In the mean time, I can always blame gtk when users complain about
losing their selection. O:-)
Comment 6 Christian Reis (not reading bugmail) 2003-07-15 16:19:16 UTC
Doesn't Ctrl-Z or Escape replace the selected text, or is that up to
the application programmer? That's what Mozilla does, at least.
Comment 7 Gustavo Carneiro 2004-08-01 21:38:34 UTC
Version 2.0 of the HIG[1] fully supports my arguments.  Pay special attention to
what is in parenthesis:

«When the user gives focus to an entry field using the keyboard, place the text
cursor at the end of the existing text and highlight its contents (but don't
overwrite the existing PRIMARY clipboard selection). This makes it easy to
immediately overtype or append new text, the two most common operations
performed on entry fields.»

Comment 8 Matthias Clasen 2008-10-02 04:47:19 UTC
*** Bug 304178 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Christopher Yeleighton 2011-02-15 19:00:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> As Havoc says, users really need to retrain to use the CLIPBOARD
> (cut/copy/paste) for moving data around -- middle button paste
> is a nice fast shortcut for experts, but most X users -- even
> experts, basically believe that there is something broken
> about the X clipboard mechanism -- because apps try to make
> the PRIMARY selection into something a bit like the CLIPBOARD.

The first application for the X Window System was the X terminal.  It told the users to use the mouse to paste, and they did.  Most X users did, and I believe that they still do because it is the most convenient way to move data around.

Using the clipboard rather difficult and unobvious when the data live in a terminal window, as in the following scenario:

  1. Mark the error line number in the terminal window.
  2. Tell Geany to go to the offending line.
     * Geany shows the line dialog box with the current line selected.
     * When you delete the current line and paste from PRIMARY, 
       the current line returns!

The workaround is to use the X Clipboard manager, but it is both annoying and distracting when you have to do this many times.