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Bug 631472 - file-roller crashes when clicking Cancel in Add Files
file-roller crashes when clicking Cancel in Add Files
Product: file-roller
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Paolo Bacchilega
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-10-05 22:15 UTC by Brian Cameron
Modified: 2010-10-06 07:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch fixing issue (604 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2010-10-05 22:15 UTC, Brian Cameron

Description Brian Cameron 2010-10-05 22:15:01 UTC
Created attachment 171791 [details]
patch fixing issue

1) Create a directory $HOME/Desktop/Test that is empty.
2) Launch file-roller
3) Create a new tar archive by going to File->New, give it a name, say "test" and 
   click "Create".
3) Go to Edit->Add Files..."
4) In the "Add Files" dialog navigate to the empty $HOME/Desktop/Test folder and 
   then click on "Cancel" button

Then file-roller crashes with the following stack trace.

The attached ptach fixes this problem by simply avoiding the call to eel_gconf_set_string if the "uri" value is NULL.

Stack trace follows...

-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 fee53ac0 strlen   (81228d8, 0, 80465a8, fdfadfc6) + 30
 fdfae155 ORBit_marshal_value (81228d8, 80465e4, fdfe4fe8, fdfadfc6) + 19d
 fdfae26a ORBit_marshal_value (81228d8, 8046644, fe028fd8, feed49c6) + 2b2
 fdfa5759 orbit_small_marshal (812d340, 80e2020, 80466a0, 80466e0, fe027fe0,
8046798) + f9
 fdfa60ac ORBit_small_invoke_stub (812d340, fe027fe0, 0, 8046798, 0, 80467e0) +
 fdfa5f6c ORBit_small_invoke_stub_n (812d340, fe027e3c, 6, 0, 8046798, 0) + 40
 fdfb89cc ORBit_c_stub_invoke (812d340, fe027e3c, 6, 0, 8046798, 0) + 100
 fe01294d ConfigDatabase_set (812d340) + 51
 fe00a58c gconf_engine_set (8122ac8) + 19c
 fe00c5de error_checked_set (8122ac8, 80a6704, 82e4040, 804688c) + 2a
 fe00c6e7 gconf_engine_set_string (8122ac8, 80a6704, 0, 804688c) + 3b
 fe00edcb gconf_client_set_string (811ec50) + 5b
 0809deb0 eel_gconf_set_string (80a6704, 0) + 78
 0806dcd4 file_sel_response_cb (82b9b68, fffffffa, 8365cb8, fede832a) + 5c
 fede8399 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT (82c61a8, 0, 2, 82cf4f0, 8046a98, 0) +
 fedcfad2 g_closure_invoke (82c61a8, 0, 2, 82cf4f0, 8046a98, ffffffff) + d6
 fede6fbc signal_emit_unlocked_R (81118c0, 0, 82b9b68, 0, 82cf4f0, 82b9b68) +
 fede5f70 g_signal_emit_valist (82b9b68, 59, 0, 8046c7c) + 908
 fede6161 g_signal_emit (82b9b68, 59, 0, fffffffa) + 25
 fe90654e gtk_dialog_response (82b9b68, fffffffa, 8046cb8, fe905e58) + 3e
 fe905e79 action_widget_activated (82b7358, 82b9b68, 8046ce8, fede806a) + 2d
 fede80bb g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (82e7778, 0, 1, 81bdcc8, 8046e28, 0) +
 fedcfad2 g_closure_invoke (82e7778, 0, 1, 81bdcc8, 8046e28, 1) + d6
 fede6fbc signal_emit_unlocked_R (80f1958, 0, 82b7358, 0, 81bdcc8, 82b7358) +
 fede5f70 g_signal_emit_valist (82b7358, 65, 0, 804700c) + 908
 fede6161 g_signal_emit (82b7358, 65, 0, fe8d8134) + 25
 fe8d815a gtk_button_clicked (82b7358, 0, 0, fe8d9050) + 3e
 fe8d9080 gtk_real_button_released (82b7358, 810fa30, 0, fede806a) + 3c
 fede80bb g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (810e1e8, 0, 1, 8363450, 80471e8,
fe8d9044) + 5f
 fedcfdc2 g_type_class_meta_marshal (810e1e8, 0, 1, 8363450, 80471e8, 1a4) + 46
 fedcfad2 g_closure_invoke (810e1e8, 0, 1, 8363450, 80471e8, 82c6290) + d6
 fede6b87 signal_emit_unlocked_R (80f1928, 0, 82b7358, 0, 8363450, 82b7358) +
 fede5f70 g_signal_emit_valist (82b7358, 64, 0, 80473cc) + 908
 fede6161 g_signal_emit (82b7358, 64, 0, fe8d80bc) + 25
 fe8d80e2 gtk_button_released (82b7358, 0, 8047408, fe8d8e90) + 3e
 fe8d8eab gtk_button_button_release (82b7358, 82574f0) + 27
 fe983a22 _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED (80e6f30, 8047590, 2, 823cd18, 80475b8,
fe8d8e84) + 76
 fedcfdc2 g_type_class_meta_marshal (80e6f30, 8047590, 2, 823cd18, 80475b8, b4)
+ 46
 fedcfad2 g_closure_invoke (80e6f30, 8047590, 2, 823cd18, 80475b8, 82c6290) +
 fede77ac signal_emit_unlocked_R (80ebac0, 0, 82b7358, 80476f0, 823cd18, 14) +
 fede5d6a g_signal_emit_valist (82b7358, 22, 0, 804779c) + 702
 fede6161 g_signal_emit (82b7358, 22, 0, 82574f0, 80477bc, 8195ff0) + 25
 feaa99fc gtk_widget_event_internal (82b7358, 82574f0, 80477e8, feaa9596) + 250
 feaa962f gtk_widget_event (82b7358, 82574f0, 8047828, fe982459) + af
 fe982554 gtk_propagate_event (82b7358, 82574f0, 8047858, fe980f0a) + 118
 fe9812f2 gtk_main_do_event (82574f0, 0, 80478a8, fe7a42b2) + 3f6
 fe7a4302 gdk_event_dispatch (80e4f48, 0, 0, fecf97bc) + 5a
 fecf9982 g_main_context_dispatch (80e4f90, 0, 8122b90, b) + 262
 fecfa02d g_main_context_iterate (80e4f90, 1, 1, 80c88a8) + 47d
 fecfa659 g_main_loop_run (8125520, 8125520, 0, fe980b02) + 1dd
 fe980bab gtk_main (29, fef77c4c, 80a564f, 0, 8047a1c, feffb8ec) + b7
 080a3366 main     (1, 8047a60, 8047a68, 8047a1c) + 132
 0806ca1d _start   (1, 8047b7c, 0, 8047b88, 8047bac, 8047bbe) + 7d
-----------------  lwp# 9 / thread# 9  --------------------
 feedc4f9 __lwp_park (821f520, 8124158) + 19
 feed5afd cond_wait_queue (821f520, 8124158, f8f01e08, feed5d46) + 60
 feed5f23 cond_wait_common (821f520, 8124158, f8f01e08, feed6166) + 1eb
 feed61be __cond_timedwait (821f520, 8124158, f8f01e88, feed6250) + 66
 feed6261 cond_timedwait (821f520, 8124158, f8f01e88, feed6294) + 27
 feed62ac pthread_cond_timedwait (821f520, 8124158, f8f01e88, fe361975) + 24
 fe3619bf g_cond_timed_wait_posix_impl (821f520, 8124158, f8f01f38, fecd050a) +
 fecd058c g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (8124138, 0, f8f01f38, fecd09ba) +
 fecd0a10 g_async_queue_timed_pop (8124138, f8f01f38, 82c1bb8, fed2380e) + 64
 fed238ca g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_pool (fedb3a6c, fedb27c4, 4c79ebc5, 40fee,
fedb3a7c, 0) + ca
 fed23b1c g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (82bfba8, 8321fb8, 200, fed222e6) + 180
 fed2240b g_thread_create_proxy (8321fb8, fef6f000, f8f01fe8, feedc1be) + 133
 feedc213 _thrp_setup (fe212200) + 9b
 feedc4a0 _lwp_start (fe212200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Comment 1 Paolo Bacchilega 2010-10-06 07:30:26 UTC
Patch applied to gnome-2-32 and master branches, thank you.