GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 627690
** (gnumeric:19078): WARNING **: dropping fill with missing image
Last modified: 2010-08-23 20:48:13 UTC
open samples/chart-tests.gnumeric save it again. The critical ** (gnumeric:19078): WARNING **: dropping fill with missing image appears. if you open the file again and resave, the WARNING occurs again.
Point 5 in the Fill page sample is said to have an image fill, but no image is selected.
Andreas, note that this is not a critical, just a warning. I don't know what to do there. Image filling without image is equivalent to no filling. Do we need a warning? Should we check the style and come back to GO_STYE_FILL_NONE when this occurs. Btw, centered image filling has been removed at some point, I ignore why (actually I don't remember). Should it be reimplemented? May be the issue was that the image does not always really fill the surface in that case, it might be not large enough.
Why did we write this fill-with-no-image to begin with? If such a thing was entered, then load should recreate it silently.
Jean, I am not sure what we are doing. But we shouldn't really have any warnings in the console. If teh warning is important it should be in the GUI. I would prefer of course if we could never get in the situation of seeing this warning. I am more concerned with the fact that the warning remains on future reload/resave cycles. If there is a problem with a missing file we should fix it on save, ie. the fill style in the saved file should be consistent, I think.
Created attachment 168568 [details] [review] Proposed patch At least, with the patch an image fill without mage would not survive serialization (both save and load). It also reintroduce centered image fill.
Review of attachment 168568 [details] [review]: looks good, please commit
This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Thank you for your bug report.