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Bug 611278 - Several drag-and-drop usability issues
Several drag-and-drop usability issues
Product: alacarte
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 2.32
Assigned To: Alacarte Maintainer(s)
Alacarte Maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-02-27 12:33 UTC by Josselin Mouette
Modified: 2011-08-22 19:08 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch by Lars Kruse to fix drag-and-drop behavior (4.19 KB, patch)
2010-02-27 12:33 UTC, Josselin Mouette
none Details | Review
Fix several drag-and-drop usability issues (4.85 KB, patch)
2011-08-22 19:08 UTC, Olav Vitters
committed Details | Review

Description Josselin Mouette 2010-02-27 12:33:06 UTC
Created attachment 154826 [details] [review]
Patch by Lars Kruse to fix drag-and-drop behavior

Original report: by Lars Kruse
Note that item 3 is bug#608221.

naming conventions for the following description:
- "item pane": right half of the window
- "menu pane": left part of the window

various GUI actions of alacarte don't work as expected:

1) drag and drop of an item from the item pane "into" a menu item of the item

I expect the dragged item to be moved into the selected target menu, but the
item just gets moved to the position after the target.
The same operation works as expected, if the destination is on the "menu pane".

2) moving a separator item from the item pane "into" a menu item of the "menu

I expect, that this removes the dragged separator from the original menu and
creates a new separator in the destination. The GUI feedback also indicates
this: the separator disappears.
But the separator is not moved at all: clicking on the original menu (for
refresh) causes the separator to appear again. The destination menu does not
contain a new separator.

3) dragging an item from the item pane to another position in the item pane
(between two other items)

This works as expected, if the destination is _above_ the current position of
the dragged item. But if it is below, then the item gets moved one position
further down, than expected.
Comment 1 Olav Vitters 2011-08-22 19:08:18 UTC
The following fix has been pushed:
0f6a880 Fix several drag-and-drop usability issues
Comment 2 Olav Vitters 2011-08-22 19:08:26 UTC
Created attachment 194414 [details] [review]
Fix several drag-and-drop usability issues

1) drag and drop of an item from the item pane "into" a menu item of the
item pane

2) moving a separator item from the item pane "into" a menu item of the
"menu pane"

3) dragging an item from the item pane to another position in the item
pane (between two other items)