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Bug 60701 - activation does not pass LANG, other locale-related variables.
activation does not pass LANG, other locale-related variables.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 164303
Product: bonobo
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Michael Meeks
Michael Meeks
: 81403 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-09-18 15:57 UTC by Vlad
Modified: 2005-02-03 09:22 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Bonobo-activation env (1.41 KB, text/plain)
2003-03-18 09:10 UTC, Sergey V. Udaltsov
applet env (2.30 KB, text/plain)
2003-03-18 09:11 UTC, Sergey V. Udaltsov
proof positive - at least for me. (13.81 KB, image/png)
2003-05-13 07:53 UTC, Michael Meeks
This is what I see in popup when insert applet in usual (bonobo-activation based) way (18.50 KB, image/png)
2003-05-13 08:16 UTC, Sergey V. Udaltsov
That's what I see when I run /usr/libexec/battstat-applet-2 from console (and then add it to the panel) - you see, it is localized (27.20 KB, image/png)
2003-05-13 08:19 UTC, Sergey V. Udaltsov

Description Vlad 2001-09-18 15:57:30 UTC
Real life-example: on my system, $LANG is set to "ru". I want to start
Evolution-0.11 with English locale, so I run it in bash as following
        LANG=en evolution
(killing all user processes before it, so no active components would be
running, and then logging in to gnome and running 'killev' 5 times). But I
get evolution components running under "ru" locale (they
have interface displayed in russian) - it seems it's because bonobo
components are activated by oafd (or whatever) that was started under "ru"
 So when component is being activated, environment variables of the client
processes should be exported to the component before starting it. Probably
even if the component is on remote computer, all environment variables need
to be exported to it. Or the ones from the list of variables either hardcoded
into oaf or listed in configuration file (the later is much more preferable!).
 It's very critical bug that violates all locale concepts for bonobo-enabled
PS: Dan Winship said it's oaf problem, not an Evolution's one.
Comment 1 iShaterin 2001-10-08 20:26:20 UTC
This seems very similar to a problem that I'm having with
gnome-terminal.  If the system locale is set to a different locale
than the session locale set in gdm, when a gnome-terminal is launched
without the factory then it gets the system not the session locale.

Reproduction Path:

1. Login from gdm with a locale different than the system locale.  For
example, my system locale is en_US, and the gdm session locale is
2. Open a gnome-terminal from the gnome menu (verify that it uses the
factory, i.e. gnome-terminal --use-factory --start-factory-server) 
3. Check the Language environment variable.  
   bash# echo $LANG
   yields : ru_RU.KOI8-R
4. Set the LANG to another valid language.
   bash# LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1
5. Launch another gnome-terminal from the terminal changed in 4.
   bash# gnome-terminal &
6. Check the LANG variable in the new terminal.   bash# echo $LANG
   yields: en_US (the system wide locale).

It seems that the second gnome-terminal should inherit the locale from
it's parent.  It seems as though it is not inheriting the LANG
environment variable from the parent.  For some reason when the
factory is used (see step 2) the LANG variable in the terminal is set
correctly otherwise.

I'm not really well versed in how environment variables are managed in
gnome. Since this bug seems to address a similar issue so I'm posting
this here, however if the issues are separate, please let me know and
I'll be happy to write this up against the gnome-terminal.
Comment 2 Maciej Stachowiak 2002-01-25 07:03:57 UTC
I will make oaf pass the LANG environment variable and all the 
LC_* variables. Note that it still won't be possible to run evolution 
in two different locales at once as the same user; but it will at 
least be possible to run it in different locales serially.
Comment 3 Vlad 2002-01-25 07:24:51 UTC
 Hi, Maciej!
Thank you for paying attention to this problem!
It seems to me that all GTK_* and GDK_* variables needs to be passed
too (so user will be able to run evo with different GTK theme).
Also please pass LD_PRELOAD too - this way various special extensions
can be used. Also ESPEAKER can matter IMHO.
 Also it would be nice to pass MM_CHARSET and LESSCHARSET - these are
charset-related variables too.
 At the end you'll conclude that it will be much easier to load a
list of variables from file in /etc/ or somewhere :) I hope you'll
reach this point, seriously.
 To everybody reading this ticket's comments: may be anybody can add
some more names of variables to pass?

Comment 4 Luis Villa 2002-03-07 14:26:32 UTC
Reassigning bonobo-activation bugs to michael.
Comment 5 Michael Meeks 2002-05-27 08:28:55 UTC
*** Bug 81403 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Luis Villa 2002-05-28 18:49:21 UTC
So if one has the env. set up correctly at login, one gets a
reasonably sane environment, then, Michael?
Comment 7 Michael Meeks 2002-05-29 10:35:09 UTC
Yes; as long as you use 1 language, and you setup LANG at login time -
perhaps gdm or something - and assuming that bonobo-activation-server
has quit cleanly ( all it's components quit cleanly ) last session, it
should be fine.
Comment 8 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-17 23:26:20 UTC
In gnome2.2, applets get LC_ALL which look like:


After that point, noone can deal with this LC_ALL properly ("...not
supported by C library"...). So applet i18n is broken in 2.2:(
Comment 9 Michael Meeks 2003-03-18 08:50:18 UTC
I would be very suprised if this was the case. The applet will inherit
its LANG settings from the bonobo-activation-server's context - which
it inherits when it runs for the first time. Possibly your
activation-server is not exiting cleanly since some app that is using
it is similarly not quitting cleanly.
Comment 10 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-18 09:08:50 UTC
Just checked 2 environments (in proc): bonobo-activation-server and
gswitchit-applet. See attachments. LC_ALL is missing at all for
bonobo-activation-server (which is ok for me). There are LANG and
LC_NUMERIC (and CHARSET if it related:). For the applet, LANG and
LC_NUMERIC are ok - and there is some funny LC_ALL as well.
Comment 11 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-18 09:10:14 UTC
Created attachment 15089 [details]
Bonobo-activation env
Comment 12 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-18 09:11:33 UTC
Created attachment 15090 [details]
applet env
Comment 13 Michael Meeks 2003-03-25 11:42:22 UTC
How are you extracting these env dumps ?
AFAIK we make no effort to special case any of this - so it should be
simply inherited from the starting process that forks

This is a design feature.

The problem is that it's really not feasible to have a mixed language
desktop with out of process components - since gettext is
_fundamentally_ a single language per process translation tool.

So ... I think this is a wontfix. Sorry; why is it that you want to
run the apps in different languages anyway ?
Comment 14 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-25 12:22:35 UTC
WONTFIX? Don't you know that applets are not propertly localized - the
applet I18N is BROKEN. Try to start gnome session with any non-english
language and add any applet which is not shlib - you will see
_English_ UI, not localized. For example, try multiload applet.

The envs I got from /proc/{procid}/environ.
Comment 15 Vlad 2003-03-25 13:48:33 UTC
> The problem is that it's really not feasible to have a mixed language
> desktop with out of process components - since gettext is
> _fundamentally_ a single language per process translation tool.
I'm sorry, but how gettext affects us here? It's OK to have different
locales in different processes for gettext.

As why one may need to run programs in different locales on the same
1) a buggy program can just crash/misbehave if run in non-english locale or
 behave differently.
2) Translation may be too bad or very incomplete so poweruser may wish to
work with app with e.g. english UI rather than semi-english-semi-something.
3) User may have to work with files with names in different encoding
than desktop's one - so user have to start the app with locale for
the same language but different encoding.
4) Translator may be wishing to check how app looks in english while
translating to other language.
5) Just for studying foreign languages people try to work with
familiar apps with different language of UI.

There are a lot of reasons, in fact..
So it definitely shouldn't be WONTFIX .
Comment 16 Michael Meeks 2003-03-25 15:29:21 UTC

If you can do a killall -9 bonobo-activation-server; a bonobo-slay,
and log-in in a different locale, and repeat this localization problem
- then there is indeed a bug; and I'm interested in it.

Otherwise - there is nothing we can do. If there is a
bonobo-activation-server left running between sessions - this is due
to a badly behaved bonobo component, that has not quit cleanly. The
component needs fixing - check to see what is still running after
quitting a session.

There is _NO_ way that we can make gettext produce different
translations in different contexts. Consider that an applet /
component may be rendering text to 10 completely different apps, each
in different locales - it may then call a library method to get a
translated string _How_ does that library method know which locale to
return the string in ?

That is one half of the problem; the other half is that applications
except to get a handle to the same process irrespective of locale in
many cases; otherwise we could simply spawn a new component per
locale. Indeed - it would be nice to do this - but it requires server
extensions etc. and the server is currently pretty unmaintainable /
extensible. It's furthermore not clear that that is the right way to go.

SO I think this is a combination of some badly behaved random
component; and a rather more fundamental problem.
Comment 17 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-25 16:41:09 UTC
Just tested - logged out. Killed all process running from my account
(svu). There was no bonobo-activation-daemon there, BTW. And logged in
into Greek locale. The applets were still using English UI strings. Is
this what you asked for?
Comment 18 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-03-25 16:44:43 UTC
If I run the applet from gnome-terminal
(/usr/libexec/multiload-appplet-2) and then add it to panel - I see
normal localized strings in the applet. But if I add it from panel
menu - English only.
Comment 19 Vlad 2003-03-26 07:35:15 UTC
Back to our original problem.

I think that ideally a new process with component should be started
if values of user-defined combination of "important" env vars of the app requesting component
is different from the ones of already running components. User may
wish to declare the following vars to be important: LC_*, LANG, GTK_RC_FILES
and a lot of others.

Since it's difficult currently to implement this, I propose to
start only one instance of the component (as it's done now) BUT with
locale-related vars of the invoking process. Even this will solve a lot of
problems because most of the time the components are used by only one
process (e.g. evolution), and that mostly powerusers use locale different
from desktop's one for apps (and if needed, powerusers will be able to
kill the processes with components manually if they need to start
the app in yet another locale).
Comment 20 Kjartan Maraas 2003-05-11 10:10:05 UTC
The applet localisation problem doesn't seem to be there for me at
least. Is this problem still relevant, and can you clearly point out
what the remaining problems are? Maybe closing this bug and opening a
new one with less confusing comments would be an idea :)
Comment 21 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-11 16:37:43 UTC
Kjartan, which locale are you working with? Could you try to add any
OUT-PROC (this is essential) applet to the panel and look at its
properties. For example, try gnome-pilot applet. Is it localized? I
see English UI only:(
Comment 22 Michael Meeks 2003-05-12 10:52:42 UTC
This is a really vicious bug; if in fact it does exist.

The only bug I'm interested in fixing is: Log out / ensure that b-a-s
is dead (killall -9 bonobo-activation-server / bonobo-slay) / re-login
in a different locale; the applets should inherit the new LANG.

I can't quite see how they could not really; but I havn't tested it
Comment 23 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-12 11:09:40 UTC
The problem is that OUT-PROC applets are not localized at all (IN-PROC
are ok). So you can login and relogin under ANY locale - you'll see
only English (non-localized) UI. At least that it the way it works for
me. Could anyone please try any OUT-PROC (be sure of that!) applet and
confirm (or deny:) it is not my wrecked system.
Comment 24 Michael Meeks 2003-05-13 07:52:55 UTC
Ok; so I re-tested this, and it works fine. I was using bonobo-

Screenshot attached for the doubting Thomas' out there.
Comment 25 Michael Meeks 2003-05-13 07:53:26 UTC
Created attachment 16484 [details]
proof positive - at least for me.
Comment 26 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-13 08:16:46 UTC
Created attachment 16485 [details]
This is what I see in popup when insert applet in usual (bonobo-activation based) way
Comment 27 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-13 08:19:16 UTC
Created attachment 16486 [details]
That's what I see when I run /usr/libexec/battstat-applet-2 from console (and then add it to the panel) - you see, it is localized
Comment 28 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-13 08:22:29 UTC
I would be happy to agree with you but... my panel behaves in a
different way (see my 2 attachments). libbonobo 2.3.1 (it does not
matter, it was same with fresh RH9 installation).

Vlad, could you please check your system - do you see russian
localization properly? I don't even know where I could look for tuning
or something...
Comment 29 Vlad 2003-05-13 08:31:06 UTC
Unfortunately I don't have either RH9 or gnome2-loaded on any machines I can reach today and tomorrow..
Sergey, could you please post a cry for testing help on
gnome-cyr@ in russian wrt this - I hope a lot of people will try
to help..
(Also - did you install your RH9 from scratch or upgraded RH8 to RH9?
May be that can matter..)
Comment 30 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2003-05-13 22:30:57 UTC
I found the possible cause. In my system, I had /etc/sysconfin/i18n


And gnome session used DEFAULT language of the system.

When I cleaned up /etc/sysconfig/i18n (rebooted after that) and chosen
RUSSIAN language for the gnome session - applets are localized OK.
Now, I do not know how to interpret this info - is this still bug or
not? If system locale is RUSSIAN and gnome session is DEFAULT - should
applets be localized?
Comment 31 Vlad 2003-05-14 06:53:26 UTC
Sergey: yes, it seems applets should be localized in this case.

I'm reopening this bug (the original issue was not fixed).
Please do not make it resolved until the original issue is not dealt with.

Current proposed solution - start a single out-proc instance with
"important" env vars of the caller.
Ideally an instance should be started for every combination of
invoker's "important" environment variables.
Comment 32 Michael Meeks 2003-05-15 10:38:10 UTC
Vlad - you're smoking crack.

I'm trying to get to fixing this bug in HEAD; however the oafd
behavior is relied on by evolution-mail for it's locking, so you would
badly shaft your mail if this was 'fixed' in oaf.

It's easy to propose a solution; it's harder to do the work.
Comment 33 Oleg Sharoiko 2004-07-29 08:10:36 UTC
If I understood cerrectly I'm suffering from this problem:

brain, ~ > env | grep LC_
brain, ~ > env | grep LANG
brain, ~ > 

Everything is as I expect (english UI with ability to type russian), but
appplets do have russian UI.

If this bug is my case then are there any plans on fixing it?
Comment 34 Gustavo Carneiro 2004-08-23 22:34:42 UTC
I think the new libbonobo 2.6.x "bonobo:environment" oaf_info property takes
care of this... Of course, applications now need to make use of this property in
order to get fixed.
Comment 35 Mark McLoughlin 2005-02-03 09:22:05 UTC
Think this was just fixed in bug #164303

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 164303 ***