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Bug 58814 - move to current position is not idempotent
move to current position is not idempotent
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: Other
Other other
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-08-10 10:48 UTC by Matthias Clasen
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Test case for gravity and XMoveWindow (1.78 KB, text/plain)
2001-08-10 13:36 UTC, Owen Taylor
extended testcase (2.07 KB, text/plain)
2001-08-17 09:39 UTC, Matthias Clasen

Description Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 10:48:05 UTC
If I repeatedly press the "Move to current position" button in the
"window sizing" test of testgtk, the test window keeps jumping to the
northwest direction. This happens under fvwm2, enlightenment, windowmaker
and twm, so I guess your window sizing patch does some not quite
ICCCM-savy things there. It doesn't happen with kwin for some reason.
I didn't test sawfish.
Comment 1 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 11:08:40 UTC
And I just found out that you can influence the direction of the jump
with the window gravity settings. 
Comment 2 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 11:27:06 UTC
To say something positive: it works without a window manager.
Comment 3 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 11:50:36 UTC
Without looking deeper, the reason for this is that gtk_window_get_position returns the reference point for the wm 
frame window, not for the window itself. This is broken, since according to ICCCM, clients should ignore wm frames and operate
as if there were no window manager.  
Comment 4 Owen Taylor 2001-08-10 12:00:25 UTC
You need to look at:

In particular:

The ICCCM is very difficult to interpret the ICCCM in this
area, but the general consensus is that positions should
be interpreted in the same way for move as for map. 
The wm-spec tries to clarify this, and the only way we
are going to get everything working is if everybody 
conforms to this interpretation, rather than implementing
what they think the ICCCM means.

Many (perhaps most) window managers are in fact currently

I do want to write a simple X only test suite for window
positioning and moving at some point, which would make
window manager breakage unambigiously clear.

[ Despite all of the above, it is possible that GTK+ has bugs
in its currently code. But positioning the window in the
same place as the window manager frame is currently located
is the correct thing for NW gravity. ]

Comment 5 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 12:10:21 UTC
I have looked at the URLs you cite and I have also studied the relevant ICCCM sections in detail. But you seem to misinterpret
the bw that is mentioned in the WM spec note as referring to the
frame window size. In fact it is referring to the internal border 
of each X Window (which X11 inherited by design mistake from X10 
and which usually 0 these days).
I still maintain that it is very wrong to interpret the ICCCM
in a way that would force clients to know anything about the
frame windows which a possible wm may place around their toplevels. 
Comment 6 Owen Taylor 2001-08-10 12:17:52 UTC
A client that wants to position its window at a particular
location uses static gravity. Otherwise, the client is positioning
itself at a logical location on the screen - the upper left
of the screen, the lower right of the screen, etc.

This is why the ICCCM defines positioning the way it does,
both on initial map and move.If I want to position the window
at the upper left of the screen, with your interpretation, 
I would have to figure out my window frame sizes, and position
at (window_frame_left_border, window_frame_top_border).

Comment 7 Owen Taylor 2001-08-10 12:20:28 UTC
(And no, this is not interpreting bw as the frame width, which
is, after all different for each border, the algorithm 
described, with bw == 0, gives the behavior GTK+ expects

For NorthWest gravity, the reference point is at the x,y
specified, and the wm spec says:

 window frame's left top corner will be placed at (ref_x,ref_y)
Comment 8 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 12:35:01 UTC
Sorry, I missed the reference to § explaining the 
relation between gravity and the window to which the reference 
point refers. You are in fact right that this seems to indicate 
breakage throughout the twm line of the wm anchestry (twm, fvwm2, enlightenment, windowmaker(?)). 

This makes me think again that a really useful thing to write
(instead of yet another window manager) would be a ICCCM-compliance test suite) - I even have some test programs lying around somewhere
testing some arcane aspects of ICCCM2 vs ICCCM1.
Comment 9 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 12:37:46 UTC
To save the honour of the twm-anchestry: I just discovered that kwin
is just as broken if you change the gravity to anything different from northwest or static.
Comment 10 Owen Taylor 2001-08-10 13:36:21 UTC
Created attachment 874 [details]
Test case for gravity and XMoveWindow
Comment 11 Owen Taylor 2001-08-10 13:47:17 UTC
I've attached a test for all gravities other than Static that
simply maps a window with each gravity at the corresponding
location on the screen. (NorthWest to upper left), then when
that window is clicked upon, moves the window to the same
place as it originally requested mapping it.

sawfish seems to pass the test.
WindowMaker treats all gravities like StaticGravity.
fvwm2 behaves like WindowMaker.
twm is off by odd small amounts..
icewm tries to honour the initial requests with respect to
 a "workarea", so it is hard to tell if its MoveWindow 
 implementation or not.
wm2 passes.
BlackBox is buggy.

(No guarantee that any of these tests are with the latest version
of the window manager.)

Comment 12 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-10 14:34:19 UTC
Ok, I've changed the headline according to our findings, but kept
the bug open, since it might be a good idea to contact the authors
of maintainers of the offending WMs with your testcase.
Comment 13 Havoc Pennington 2001-08-10 14:43:40 UTC
Whew, now that is the fastest-growing bug report I've ever seen. ;-)

Yes, I believe most window managers are in fact broken. However since
testgtk is only guessing frame sizes, it can't be treated as a
definitive test (if a WM doesn't use reparenting into a single X
window for borders, then the testgtk test will legitimately not work

With Sawfish I get different behavior for "move to starting position"
and "move to current position," and I haven't fully figured out the
reason for it. This may be a GTK bug.

Metacity does work with testgtk, so it's at least mathematically
possible to work with it. Of course this only proves that I have
consistent delusions on both WM and client side. ;-)
Comment 14 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-17 09:37:13 UTC
Havoc, sorry to burst your bubble. I've extended Owens testcase
to include static gravity and resizing, and now metacity fails
like any other wm :-(
Comment 15 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-17 09:39:53 UTC
Created attachment 913 [details]
extended testcase
Comment 16 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-17 10:26:11 UTC
I should have mentioned that wm2, which is the only wm found to
be flawless by Owens testcase, passes the move test for all
gravities including static, but fails the resize test. 
Comment 17 Havoc Pennington 2001-08-17 14:05:37 UTC
Comment 18 Havoc Pennington 2001-08-17 23:17:10 UTC
I fixed Metacity move test for StaticGravity in CVS, it was a trivial
thing. Resize was never known to work in Metacity, I hadn't ever tried
it. ;-) I actually have a FIXME about that.
We investigated Sawfish; it appears to be broken for move, with
gravities Center/N/S/E/W.  It centers windows without accounting for
their frame. This seems to be just a failure to handle those gravities
in its switch statement that adjusts coordinates for gravity.
Comment 19 Owen Taylor 2001-08-18 05:38:04 UTC
I sent a mail to John Harper today with a patch for Sawfish which
fixes the problem. With sawfish's current lack of maintainence,
not sure if that will  appear in a released version any
time soon.
Comment 20 Matthias Clasen 2001-08-21 12:23:26 UTC
Ok CVS metacity gets the honour of being the first wm to pass
both the move and the resize tests. 

I'm going to devise more devious tests now: change gravity and 
border width on the fly - be prepared :-)
Comment 21 Owen Taylor 2001-08-27 00:06:30 UTC
Since the GTK+ test now works with CVS sawfish and with metacity,
I think we can close this bug.