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Bug 583702 - Potential error in "Programming with gtkmm" Ch. 17, Paste section
Potential error in "Programming with gtkmm" Ch. 17, Paste section
Product: gtkmm
Classification: Bindings
Component: documentation
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtkmm-forge
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-05-24 06:38 UTC by Jason Curole
Modified: 2009-06-02 09:02 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jason Curole 2009-05-24 06:38:59 UTC
In the chapter 17 paste section example "Discovering the available
targets," the example code sets a callback to

refClipboard->request_targets( sigc::mem_fun(*this,
    &ExampleWindow::on_clipboard_received_targets) );

which is defined as:

void ExampleWindow::on_clipboard_received(
    const Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data)
  Glib::ustring clipboard_data = selection_data.get_data_as_string();
  //Do something with the pasted data.

but the request_targets slot (slotTargetsReceived) passes a
Glib::StringArrayHandle to the callback and not Gtk::SelectionData.
Comment 1 Murray Cumming 2009-06-02 09:02:15 UTC
Yes. Thanks. Corrected in git:

2009-06-02  Murray Cumming  <>

	* docs/tutorial/C/gtkmm-tut.xml: Clipboard: Paste: Discovering Available 
	Targets: Corrected the parameter types of the callback slot based on the 
	correctly-compiling code in examples/book/clipboard/ideal/
	Bug #583702 (Jason Curole)

This will be updated eventually on the web site: