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Bug 570859 - Orca does'nt spoken entire table row when row mode is selected.
Orca does'nt spoken entire table row when row mode is selected.
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: speech
Other All
: Normal normal
: 2.26.0
Assigned To: Willie Walker
Orca Maintainers
Depends on: 571001
Reported: 2009-02-07 11:29 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2009-03-10 14:25 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.25/2.26

This is the full debug.out file, reproducing the problem. The interesting part after the where am I command. (132.95 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-07 11:31 UTC, Hammer Attila
This is a hungarian screenshot with gnome-language-selector dialog. (938.03 KB, image/png)
2009-02-07 16:41 UTC, Hammer Attila
This is the needed information (I hope). The language I setted up english. (4.00 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-07 16:44 UTC, Hammer Attila
This is the hungarian dialog informations. (2.44 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-07 16:45 UTC, Hammer Attila

Description Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 11:29:15 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Dear Developers!

I now using Ubuntu Jaunty Alpha4 release, but found this problem with Orca usage:
When I launching gnome-language-selector application and pressing eight down arrow key, Orca does'nt spoken the table rows.
Where am I is works, and Orca spoken the needed information when I pressing Capslock+Enter combination.
When I toggling table reading mode with Capslock+F11 combination, Orca spokens correct the actual cell when pressing arrow keys.

This problem present all applications with using tables (for example with keyboard shortcut application with system/settings menu).

Next comment I sending debug.out file with attachment, I found this information with this file when Orca does'nt speaks the languages (Azeri language for example):
KEYEVENT: type=1
orca.isModifierKey: returning: True
orca.isModifierKey: returning: True
KEYEVENT: type=0
orca.keyEcho: string to echo: Down
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isNavigationKey: returning: True
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:state-changed:selected
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:selection-changed
DEQUEUED EVENT object:state-changed:selected <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:selected            detail=(0,0)
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-value'gnome-language-selector' name='asszami' role='table cell' state='active enabled focusable focused selectable sensitive single line transient visible' relations=''
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:active-descendant-changed
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:selection-changed <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:selection-changed                 detail=(0,0)'gnome-language-selector' name='None' role='table' state='enabled focusable focused sensitive showing visible manages descendants' relations=''
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:property-change:accessible-value <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-value vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:property-change:accessible-value  detail=(0,0)'gnome-language-selector' name='None' role='scroll bar' state='enabled sensitive showing vertical visible' relations=''
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-value ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:active-descendant-changed <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:active-descendant-changed vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:active-descendant-changed         detail=(26,0)'gnome-language-selector' name='None' role='table' state='enabled focusable focused sensitive showing visible manages descendants' relations=''
LOCUS OF FOCUS: app='gnome-language-selector' name='azeri' role='table cell'
KEYEVENT: type=1
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
GENERATOR: _getBrailleRegionsForTable
           obj             = 
           role            = table
GENERATOR: _getDefaultBrailleRegions
           obj             = 
           role            = table
GENERATOR: _getBrailleRegionsForScrollPane
           obj             = 
           role            = scroll pane
GENERATOR: _getDefaultBrailleRegions
           obj             = 
           role            = scroll pane
GENERATOR: _getDefaultBrailleRegions
           obj             = 
           role            = filler
GENERATOR: _getBrailleRegionsForFrame
           obj             = Nyelvi támogatás
           role            = frame
Finding top-level object for támogatás
GENERATOR: _getDefaultBrailleRegions
           obj             = gnome-language-selector
           role            = application
GENERATOR: _getBrailleRegionsForTableColumnHeader
           obj             = azeri
           role            = table cell
BRAILLE LINE:  'gnome-language-selector Alkalmazás Nyelvi támogatás Keret Támogatott nyelvek Kitöltő Gördíthető ablaktábla Táblázat Nyelv Oszlopfejléc '
     VISIBLE:  'gnome-language-selector Alkalmaz', cursor=0
GENERATOR: _getSpeechForTableCellRow
           obj             = azeri
           role            = table cell
           already_focused = False
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForTableCell
           obj             = azeri
           role            = table cell
           already_focused = False
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForTableCellRow
           obj             = azeri
           role            = table cell
           already_focused = False
GENERATOR: getTutorial
           obj             = azeri
           role            = table cell
           already_focused = False


Steps to reproduce:
1. Press Alt+F1 key, and click System main menu.
2. Click administration menu, and choosing keyboard shortcuts or language-support.
3. If you using language-support application and using table reading mode with row mode, Orca don't speaks table rows after pressing five down arrow. I using hungarian language, when the cursor showing azery language, Orca does'nt speak the table row.

Actual results:
Orca does'nt speak entire table row, nothing spokening when pressing five down arrow key. In keyboard shortcuts application when the cursor showing suspend element, Orca does'nt read the table rows.

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?
Yes with Ubuntu Jaunty, oldest gnome version and Orca trunk version does'nt produce this problem.

Other information:
Comment 1 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 11:31:06 UTC
Created attachment 128149 [details]
This is the full debug.out file, reproducing the problem. The interesting part after the where am I command.
Comment 2 Willie Walker 2009-02-07 15:53:31 UTC
This is indeed strange.  I can't find the language-support application on my machine, but I tested with the System->Preferences->Keyboard_Shortcuts dialog.  On OpenSolaris, I didn't observe the behavior you get.

Looking at your debug log (thanks!), an interesting part is the handling of the active descendant changed method:

BRAILLE LINE:  'gnome-language-selector Alkalmazás Nyelvi támogatás Keret Támogatott nyelvek Kitöltő Gördíthető ablaktábla Táblázat Nyelv Oszlopfejléc '
     VISIBLE:  'gnome-language-selector Alkalmaz', cursor=0

This is indeed troublesome, and I'm not seeing any stack traces that might be causing this.  Can you take a screen shot of the dialog?  In addition, when in the language selector dialog, try pressing Orca+Ctrl+Alt+PageDown.  This will send a dump of the widget hierarchy to the console where you started Orca.  I'd be interested in taking a look at that dump.
Comment 3 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 16:01:25 UTC
Will, thanks the instructions. I doing screenshot tomorrow morning and sending widget hierarchy.
How can I save file the message when pressing try pressing Orca+Ctrl+Alt+PageDowwn?

I sending two screenshot tomorrow:
1. Hungarian, but I think this problem is not language specific problem (I hope).
2. English screen shot (easyest read).
Interesting, but for example in GNOME 2.24 not producing this problem.

Comment 4 Willie Walker 2009-02-07 16:09:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Will, thanks the instructions. I doing screenshot tomorrow morning and sending
> widget hierarchy.
> How can I save file the message when pressing try pressing
> Orca+Ctrl+Alt+PageDowwn?

If possible, run Orca from a shell using "orca > foo.out 2>&1".  This will send the output to the file foo.out.

> Interesting, but for example in GNOME 2.24 not producing this problem.

It might be a GNOME 2.25.x problem, then.  :-(  I'm updating one of my OpenSolaris systems to a recent build of GNOME 2.25.x and will try to experiment with it some more.
Comment 5 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 16:41:47 UTC
Created attachment 128170 [details]
This is a hungarian screenshot with gnome-language-selector dialog.

This is the hungarian screenshot. English image I don't sending because too large.
Comment 6 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 16:44:05 UTC
Created attachment 128172 [details]
This is the needed information (I hope). The language I setted up english.

This is the english dialog debugged important information.
Comment 7 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 16:45:42 UTC
Created attachment 128173 [details]
This is the hungarian dialog informations.

This is the needed informations (I hope).
Comment 8 Hammer Attila 2009-02-07 16:46:34 UTC
Will, I sent your address with the english screenshot.

Comment 9 Willie Walker 2009-02-08 22:54:51 UTC
The problem is that the table cells start missing their STATE_SHOWING event somewhere along the line.  As a result, Orca doesn't present them.  This is blocked against GAIL bug #571001.
Comment 10 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2009-02-25 14:06:37 UTC
Removing blocked status as the gtk+/gail bug has been fixed.

Will, is there anything else that needs to take place on this bug?
Comment 11 Willie Walker 2009-02-25 14:11:05 UTC
Yeah - we can close this now.  :-)