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Bug 569444 - Crashed tracker delays start of gtk+ apps
Crashed tracker delays start of gtk+ apps
Product: tracker
Classification: Core
Component: General
git master
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: tracker-general
Jamie McCracken
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-01-28 11:10 UTC by Michael Monreal
Modified: 2010-03-11 15:02 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Michael Monreal 2009-01-28 11:10:07 UTC
If the trackerd process (or even the extract process I think) crashes, some GTK+ apps (Brasero, Sound-Juicer) take a long time to start. Others like GEdit start fine but opening the file chooser takes a lot of time. I suspect tracker's filechooser integration is causing this. Stracing those apps revealed them waiting for a time out after some "resource not available".

Ideally tracker would not crash but until that day, is there a way to make the GTK integration fail less painfully?
Comment 1 rizitis 2009-02-21 14:29:26 UTC
I "solved" this problem like this:

#gedit /etc/xdg/autostart/trackerd.desktop

and then I changed the value here 
X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false (it was true)
Comment 2 Michael Monreal 2009-02-21 15:17:19 UTC
Well this just disables running tracker right?
Comment 3 rizitis 2009-02-22 11:47:13 UTC
Yes it just disables tracker. 
I had this problem for 3 months (UbuntuStudio 8.04), 
I dint have the problem when I used sudo to run an application, so I though that the problem was something at my user`s settings. I made  a second user none of these problems happen again. 
But I am in Linux and I dont like to stop using my first user ;) So I 
try to see the deferents of these 2 users , I was believing that somewhere there was the problem. So I check ~$ cat $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks at both users and everything was ok, then I look gconf at both users everything ok there too.
After that I look at  $HOME/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg because I find some bugs report at Ubuntu and people there said that the problem is from trackerd. 
But also all settings was the same for both users, then I command killall trackerd and the problem fixed at the user who has had the problem but only until next reboot. 
So I decided to disables trucker when I wrote this

ps. sorry about my English I am just a farmer for Greece :)
Comment 4 rizitis 2009-02-22 11:48:08 UTC
Yes it just disables tracker. 
I had this problem for 3 months (UbuntuStudio 8.04), 
I dint have the problem when I used sudo to run an application, so I though that the problem was something at my user`s settings. I made  a second user none of these problems happen again. 
But I am in Linux and I dont like to stop using my first user ;) So I 
try to see the deferents of these 2 users , I was believing that somewhere there was the problem. So I check ~$ cat $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks at both users and everything was ok, then I look gconf at both users everything ok there too.
After that I look at  $HOME/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg because I find some bugs report at Ubuntu and people there said that the problem is from trackerd. 
But also all settings was the same for both users, then I command killall trackerd and the problem fixed at the user who has had the problem but only until next reboot. 
So I decided to disables trucker when I wrote this

ps. sorry about my English I am just a farmer for Greece :)
Comment 5 rizitis 2009-02-22 12:32:39 UTC
I aslo want to say that kde applications at my Gnome (konqueror, k3b, kaffeine, amarok etc) didnt had that problem when I used them. Only at gnome applications the problem was existed. 

thank you.   
Comment 6 Martyn Russell 2009-02-23 09:47:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> If the trackerd process (or even the extract process I think) crashes, some
> GTK+ apps (Brasero, Sound-Juicer) take a long time to start. Others like GEdit
> start fine but opening the file chooser takes a lot of time. I suspect
> tracker's filechooser integration is causing this. Stracing those apps revealed
> them waiting for a time out after some "resource not available".
> Ideally tracker would not crash but until that day, is there a way to make the
> GTK integration fail less painfully?


Do you have any real evidence that Tracker is causing you problems? GTK+ apps don't all depened on Tracker. It could be that tracker was using your system resources but there is a 25 second (or so) timeout before it starts doing anything from boot up.
Comment 7 m daoust 2009-05-03 14:24:15 UTC

I was having the same problem after upgrading to Jaunty, I removed, then reinstalled tracker and everything's working OK now. 
Comment 8 Martyn Russell 2010-03-11 15:02:17 UTC
This is fixed in 0.7