GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 566949
File names needs ability to be customized, or more alternatives
Last modified: 2009-04-17 22:29:02 UTC
This relates to Preferences > General -> File System Organization I sort my albums like this: [year]_[album name] As far as I can tell, this is not easily done with Banshee. With 20 000 music files in a couple of thousand directories, I need to sort stuff *my* way, if not I need to find an app that sets this up to my liking. One way is to give more alternatives on how to sort, another would be to have an "Advanced" button, that lets me set it up excactly how I like, with codes, like: %y__%a Where %y is year, %a is album name All available tags should be usable, and add a legend table so that users will know which letters go with which tag. Hopefully this made sense. Thanks!
Banshee already allows you to set a custom pattern for the filesystem organisation, although in a non obvious way : Start gconf-editor, go to "/apps/banshee-1/library/" and edit the folder_pattern and file_pattern keys. The description and list of available pattern is in this file : The "year" pattern is not available, but there's a patch about this in bug #563403.
Still %disc_number% and maybe something like %disc_number_nz% and %disc_count% is missing. Imho they are essential for albums with more than one disc. I don't like to take the disc number into the name of the album, In some cases this can get very ugly. Think of a series of compilations with double discs. The name would be Compilation Best Of 2009 Vol. 21 Disc 1, as I said very ugly. Fans of classical music could also appreciate %conductor% and %composer%. Why not making every single mp3-tag available in this patterns?
Yes please! %conductor%, %composer% and (not mentioned before) %grouping% would be great. For classical music as well as for audio books %disc_number% is essential.
%disc_number% is exactly what I was just looking for... I still think Banshee should have a textbox in the Preferences that let users decide how their music should be sorted. A very clean and simple way to allow the users to understand what tags are available for use (which should be all) is to use the same (show/hide) button that EasyTag has for it's users when they want to choose a directory and file name for mass-file-renaming. Place the little 'Help' button to the right of the textbox, and when the user clicks the button, the preferences window will get a little but longer with a list of all the tags listed right under the textbox. Any one would be able to understand that simple of a solution.
I'm closing this as a duplicate so we can think about and address the several problems with the current file/folder organization system in one place. Thanks! *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 489861 ***