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Bug 563575 - Some translation suggestions for original messages
Some translation suggestions for original messages
Product: NetworkManager
Classification: Platform
Component: Translations
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Williams
NetworkManager maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-12-07 16:23 UTC by Simos Xenitellis
Modified: 2016-01-11 10:59 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Simos Xenitellis 2008-12-07 16:23:55 UTC
Several of the messages in NetworkManager are very geeky
and it would be good to change in order to make approachable
to end-users. 
I write down here those messages & terms.

Alternatively, some translation comments could be added instead.

Other information:
a. netlink
b. link-local

I think these terms are too complex for end-users.
Sample messages include 
"unable to connect to netlink for monitoring link status: %s"

c. link, as in
"unable to connect to netlink for monitoring link status: %s"

I think that here, 'link' may be replaced with 'connection'.
'link status' is lower level than 'connection status'. 
Does it make a practical difference however?
Comment 1 Dan Williams 2009-02-04 20:50:43 UTC
No practical difference, but not a bad idea either.
Comment 2 Lubomir Rintel 2016-01-11 10:59:40 UTC
Closing this.

We consistently use the term "link" with other tools and it would be confusing to replace it.

There's no need to explain this to a non-technical end user, since this is a fatal error that needs experienced system operator's action to correct.