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Bug 559371 - Evolution: spell-checker underlines even the words correctly spelled whilst language is ticked
Evolution: spell-checker underlines even the words correctly spelled whilst l...
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Mailer
2.24.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-mail-maintainers
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-11-05 03:29 UTC by Nick Jenkins
Modified: 2008-11-06 00:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.23/2.24

Description Nick Jenkins 2008-11-05 03:29:43 UTC
Please describe the problem:
In Evolution 2.24.1, all words (including correctly spelled words) can be underlined, even though the spelling for that language shows as ticked.

Steps to reproduce:
Steps to repo in Evolution 2.24.1:
* Go Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> Spell checking -> tick only "English (Australia)".
* Exit Evolution, reboot computer.
* Go Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> Spell checking -> untick every language.
* Exit Evolution.
* Restart Evolution, and get red lines under everything.
* However - and this is the wacky bit - when I go Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> Spell checking, then "English (Australia)" is still showing as ticked.

Actual results:
Red lines under correctly spelled words, whilst showing that language as being enabled.

Expected results:
Should either:
* give red lines everywhere (or nowhere) with no language ticked
* or should give red lines on misspelled words
... but preferably should not give red lines on correctly spelt words for a language, whilst also showing that language as ticked, because that's just going to cause complete confusion! ;-)

Does this happen every time?
It seems to.

Other information:
I think this is the problem being described in this thread:
(although I'm not certain).

Note: if this is the same problem being described above, then it can also happen to users who have upgraded from Evolution 2.22 to 2.24. The workaround in this case is to tick multiple variants of English, which seems to stop the problem, but it does require end-user intervention and seems likely to cause confusion and/or generate bug reports.
Comment 1 Matthew Barnes 2008-11-05 12:37:35 UTC
Okay, the first part of this I've solved already.  When no languages are selected, nothing should be marked as misspelled.  That was a one-line fix.  Committed it yesterday for both 2.24 and 2.25.

The second bug here is less severe but still confusing.

Walking through your steps with the Configuration Editor open, and watching the GConf key "/apps/evolution/mail/composer/spell_lanaguges", I see that "English (Australia)" is technically not _still_ selected but is _re-selected_ when you open Preferences in the last step.

This is Evolution picking a default language for you.  It's doing the right thing but apparently not soon enough.  It should pick a default spell checking language either when you open Preferences or when you start composing a new message, whichever happens first.  You should not be able to open a composer window with no spell checking language selected.

Shouldn't be hard to fix.
Comment 2 Matthew Barnes 2008-11-05 16:17:02 UTC
Second part fixed.  Now, opening _either_ Preferences or a new composer window with no spell checking language chosen will pick a default language for you.

Fixed in trunk (revision 36743) and gnome-2-24 (revision 36744).
Comment 3 Nick Jenkins 2008-11-06 00:30:57 UTC
Thank you, sounds great!