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Bug 553125 - Gedit does not allow manualy choose encoding
Gedit does not allow manualy choose encoding
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 342918
Product: gedit
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
Gedit maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-21 14:02 UTC by Ilya Chernykh
Modified: 2013-05-19 17:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Description Ilya Chernykh 2008-09-21 14:02:02 UTC
Please describe the problem:
I open the file from an archive located in network, so when I open it with double-clicking or 'browse' there is no encoding selection dialogue. There is auto-detection, but it does not work. I cannot open the file directly from URL because it is in the archive, so I need archive manager to unpack it. So I cannot use 'open..' dialogue to open file fom the network. Only after I opened the file with doule-clicking (with incorrect encoding), then close it and then use 'open..' dialogue which opens the same file probably from cache, but in this case the encoding chooser though exists, does not work and the file is opened in default encoding in any case.

So I have different results when file located in the cache and in my desktop: in the first case the encoding chooser does not work and opens the file with default encoding dispite what I chooise.

So there are three issues:

1. Auto-detection of encoding does not work in this case.
2. No way to open the file located in arcive in correct encoding (or choose the encoding afted opening) without downloading the whole archive.
3. When opening the file from cache, encoding chooser while exists, does not work.

I've placed the test archive on the following address:

Original location was but some say they experience troubles with this link.

Steps to reproduce:

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Pavol Šimo 2008-11-13 10:17:18 UTC
I suggest to create new menu item in the "View" menu called "Character encoding", like in the SeaMonkey or Firefox browsers...
Comment 2 rulatir 2009-05-28 13:42:49 UTC
This definitely needs an in-house solution. The plugins that are out there half-work and work half the time.

This is a classical case of an application "knowing better" what the user wants than the user themselves.

There should be a standard, simple regular way to tell gedit these two things (these are two distinct features actually):

1) Hey, gedit, I ***KNOW*** that this file is encoded in ISO-8859-2. If you have opened it assuming a different encoding and it accidentally worked (but there is gibberish instead of Polish characters), then please do reinterpret the original byte stream as ISO-8859-2 now, and let me edit the result. If I have already edited the file, and you are unable to represent *both* the gibberish and my edits as ISO-8859-2, then do the following:
    - undo my edits using the undo buffer
    - reinterpret the original byte stream as ISO-8859-2
    - redo my edits

2) Hey, gedit, I ***KNOW*** that most of the files I am currently working with are encoded in ISO-8859-2, ***even though*** my system default encoding is UTF-8. Therefore please do assume ISO-8859-2 when opening files. If a file is encoded differently, I will tell you.
Comment 3 techtonik 2009-06-01 08:14:05 UTC
Firefox autodetection/manual selection scheme is the most optimal. I.e. View -> Character Encoding menu that includes manual encoding selection just for current page/file and at the same time persistent setting for autodetection. 
Comment 4 techtonik 2009-06-01 22:17:12 UTC
Backlink from Ubuntu to make it confirmed.
Comment 5 Martin Kunev 2010-03-07 16:17:48 UTC
I find such feature to be very useful.
Comment 6 2012-09-22 07:05:01 UTC
This seems a duplicate of bug #342918 .
Comment 7 Sébastien Wilmet 2013-05-19 17:53:23 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 342918 ***