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Bug 553019 - Unclear string marked for translation
Unclear string marked for translation
Product: ekiga
Classification: Applications
Component: general
GIT master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 3.40
Assigned To: Ekiga maintainers
Ekiga maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-20 16:11 UTC by TLE
Modified: 2009-03-29 22:23 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description TLE 2008-09-20 16:11:35 UTC
This one is ambiguous. Could you please add a comment explaining what it means?

#: ../src/endpoints/opal-account.cpp:358 ../src/endpoints/opal-bank.cpp:114
msgid "Authentication User:"

Is it a special kind of user, a "Authentication User"? Or is it generally authentication of users as opposed to the authentication of something else or is it particularly the authentication of a particular user?

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
Comment 1 TLE 2008-09-20 16:16:23 UTC
Uhh while we are at it. Is there a particular reason why authentication is abbreviated in this string? If so you should let us know

#: ../src/endpoints/sip-endpoint.cpp:770
msgid "Proxy auth. required"
Comment 2 TLE 2008-09-20 16:18:00 UTC
The same goes for this one

#: ../src/endpoints/sip-endpoint.cpp:866
msgid "SIP version not supp."
Comment 3 TLE 2008-09-20 16:53:42 UTC
And there should definitely also be an explanation for this one

#: ../src/gui/accounts.cpp:575 ../src/gui/preferences.cpp:508
msgid "A"

Are these TX and RX fancy abbreviations for transmitted and received, because if so, you might want to explain that in a comment

#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4287
#, c-format
msgid "TX: %dx%d "

#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4290
#, c-format
msgid "RX: %dx%d "
Comment 4 Jan Schampera 2008-09-20 17:37:29 UTC
For at least one of the string ("A") I know I added a translator comment 2 weeks ago. Refresh your PO file.

For the rest: I'll commit comments as soon as I have time.

Comment 5 Jan Schampera 2008-09-23 16:29:54 UTC
This problem has been fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. Thank you for your bug report.

Thanks for your work!
Comment 6 TLE 2008-09-23 16:34:39 UTC

Does that include the other strings as well?

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
Comment 7 Jan Schampera 2008-09-23 16:59:41 UTC
Here's the checkin-log. Lines tagged with '+' and '-' mean added/removed. Please check if you miss something.

Currently it's in trunk, later I'll backport (more than this at one time) it to the branch that will feed Ekiga 3.0.1.

SVN log follows:

Author: jschamp
Date: Tue Sep 23 16:29:41 2008
New Revision: 7068

String fixes, translator comments


Modified: trunk/src/endpoints/opal-account.cpp
--- trunk/src/endpoints/opal-account.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/endpoints/opal-account.cpp	Tue Sep 23 16:29:41 2008
@@ -359,6 +359,9 @@
     request.text ("host", _("Gatekeeper:"), get_host ());
   request.text ("user", _("User:"), get_username ());
   if (get_protocol_name () == "SIP")
+    /* Translators:
+     * SIP knows two usernames: The name for the client ("User") and the name
+     * for the authentication procedure ("Authentication User") */
     request.text ("authentication_user", _("Authentication User:"), get_authentication_username ());
   request.private_text ("password", _("Password:"), get_password ());
   request.text ("timeout", _("Timeout:"), str.str ());

Modified: trunk/src/endpoints/sip-endpoint.cpp
--- trunk/src/endpoints/sip-endpoint.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/endpoints/sip-endpoint.cpp	Tue Sep 23 16:29:41 2008
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@
   case SIP_PDU::Failure_ProxyAuthenticationRequired:
-    info = _("Proxy auth. required");
+    info = _("Proxy authentication required");
   case SIP_PDU::Failure_LengthRequired:

Modified: trunk/src/gui/main.cpp
--- trunk/src/gui/main.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/gui/main.cpp	Tue Sep 23 16:29:41 2008
@@ -4462,9 +4462,13 @@
   g_return_if_fail (mw != NULL);
   if ((tr_width > 0) && (tr_height > 0))
+    /* Translators:
+     * TX is a common abbreviation for "transmit" */
     stats_msg_tr = g_strdup_printf (_("TX: %dx%d "), tr_width, tr_height);
-  if ((re_width > 0) && (re_height > 0)) 
+  if ((re_width > 0) && (re_height > 0))
+    /* Translators:
+     * RX is a common abbreviation for "receive" */
     stats_msg_re = g_strdup_printf (_("RX: %dx%d "), re_width, re_height);
   stats_msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Lost packets: %.1f %%\nLate packets: %.1f %%\nOut of order packets: %.1f %%\nJitter buffer: %d ms%s%s%s"), 

Comment 8 Damien Sandras 2008-09-23 17:26:15 UTC
Jan, did you fix in the gnome-2-24 branch AND in TRUNK ?
Comment 9 Jan Schampera 2008-09-23 19:33:49 UTC
(sorry for late answer)

Of course.

Comment 10 TLE 2008-10-16 22:03:37 UTC
Thanks for the comments. For the strings with RX, there is no good way for me to translate a abbreviation. Is space an issue in these two strings here

#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4287
#, c-format
msgid "TX: %dx%d "

#: ../src/gui/main.cpp:4290
#, c-format
msgid "RX: %dx%d "

or could I write it out in full in danish?

"Sende: %dx%d "

"Modtage: %dx%d "
Comment 11 Jan Schampera 2008-10-17 04:27:39 UTC
Personally, I don't think it makes sense to translate (I knew what RX/TX means ages before I heard something about Ekiga - it really is a *common* abbreviation).

For the format: It shows up in a tooltip on mouse move-over statusbar during a call, like:

(extracted from the code, I didn't start Ekiga to actually see, I have no running copy of it right now).

Comment 12 TLE 2008-10-21 10:04:21 UTC
Well personally, neither me, the proofreader or one of my colleagues, all of which pretty much work in English every day, knew about this abbreviation, even knowing the context. In any case whether to try and translate/explain abbreviation is a decision of the translation teams.

Anyway, if it is in a tooltip, then space is not an issue and I will simply write the full danish words.

Thanks for your answers.

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
Comment 13 Eugen Dedu 2009-03-28 15:23:13 UTC
This bug seems fixed, please comment if not.
Comment 14 TLE 2009-03-29 20:03:38 UTC
That depends. I would like to see the strings with TX and RX to have a comment explaining what it means, and whether there is any space constraint for the translated string.
Comment 15 Eugen Dedu 2009-03-29 21:40:11 UTC
They are already explained:

  if ((tr_width > 0) && (tr_height > 0))
    /* Translators:
     * TX is a common abbreviation for "transmit" */
    stats_msg_tr = g_strdup_printf (_("TX: %dx%d "), tr_width, tr_height);

  if ((re_width > 0) && (re_height > 0))
    /* Translators:
     * RX is a common abbreviation for "receive" */
    stats_msg_re = g_strdup_printf (_("RX: %dx%d "), re_width, re_height);

As for the space constraint, I can do:

  if ((tr_width > 0) && (tr_height > 0))
    /* Translators:
     * TX is a common abbreviation for "transmit".  As it is shown in a tooltip,
     * there is no space constraint. */
    stats_msg_tr = g_strdup_printf (_("TX: %dx%d "), tr_width, tr_height);

  if ((re_width > 0) && (re_height > 0))
    /* Translators:
     * RX is a common abbreviation for "receive".  As it is shown in a tooltip,
     * there is no space constraint. */
    stats_msg_re = g_strdup_printf (_("RX: %dx%d "), re_width, re_height);

Do you agree?
Comment 16 TLE 2009-03-29 22:16:17 UTC
Comment 17 Eugen Dedu 2009-03-29 22:23:16 UTC
Checked in, thanks!