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Bug 552540 - setcellvalue ( ) not working in Evolution
setcellvalue ( ) not working in Evolution
Product: evolution-data-server
Classification: Platform
Component: Calendar
2.24.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-calendar-maintainers
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-16 19:58 UTC by Kandepu Prasad
Modified: 2021-05-19 11:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Kandepu Prasad 2008-09-16 19:58:29 UTC
Please describe the problem:
setcellvalue ( ) function fails with the error: u'setcellvalue failed: Unable to set text'

Steps to reproduce:
Open Evolution Meeting window and try from python prompt:

>>> click ("frmMeeting*","btnAdd")
>>> setcellvalue ("frmMeeting*","tbl0","test@testmail.text",1,0)

Actual results:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  • File "<stdin>", line 1 in <module>
  • File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/", line 1496 in setcellvalue
    raise LdtpExecutionError ('setcellvalue failed: ' + _responseStatus [1])
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: u'setcellvalue failed: Unable to set text'

Expected results:
Cell value need to be set with the given text.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Kandepu Prasad 2008-09-16 22:08:55 UTC
As discussed with Nagappan in IRC, this could be an accessibility issue in Evolution.
Comment 2 Nagappan Alagappan 2008-09-17 05:25:08 UTC
This started happening after cairo integration was done in calendar. Even the cells in day view are unknown in at-poke.
Comment 3 André Klapper 2021-05-19 11:04:29 UTC
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of 
As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately quite limited so not every ticket can get handled).

If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent and supported software version, then please follow
and create a new ticket at

Thank you for your understanding and your help.